How to Set Effective Goals,


How to Set Effective Goals,

Setting goals is a powerful way to motivate and direct your life, but too many people are setting the wrong type of goals. To make sure that you’re setting effective goals, we've scoured the research for advice from professional psychologists and goal consultants who have helped their clients reach their full potential.

You'll want to read this post if you are interested in:
- How to set a personal long-term goal?
- How to set a short-term goal?
- Why setting goals can be so helpful? 
And much more!

#Overview#  *Blog Post Title* Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "How to Overcome Writer's Block".
*Article Main Point* *Main Body* *Conclusion*

#Overview#  *Blog Post Title* Write an introductory post to a series of articles titled "Best Sites to Get Free Ebooks".
*Article Main Point* *Main Body* *Conclusion (optional)*

#Overview#  *Blog Post Title: How to Choose the Best Community College for Me? - [Blog Post] How to Choose the Best Community College for Me? - [Blog Post]  originally posted on
*Article Main Point: * *Main Body* *Conclusion: *

A well organized website is a good indicator of credibility and quality. Make sure your blog is easy to use by including these popular features.

Use paragraphs and sub-headings to organize content logically.

<nowiki><h1></h1></nowiki> <h2></h2><h3></h3><h4></h4><h5></h5><h6></h6> 
All headlines are hyperlinked permalinked to sections of the article. You should also use these to navigate your blog.

<nowiki><ul></nowiki> <li></li> <ul></ul>
Lists create a better sense of order and are a helpful navigational aid for visitors.

<nowiki><dl></nowiki> <dt></dt> <dd></dd> 
Definition lists help define complex ideas and can be used to easily create FAQs.

This article is part of the "Blogging 101" series, which provides basic advice on blogging before delving into more advanced tactics. The introductory post is here: Blogging 101: How to Start a Blog .

You should have a clear idea of who you’re writing for. It’s easy to write for the “general public,” but you’ll get better results if you write with your audience in mind.

<nowiki><p></nowiki> <ul></ul><br>
Lists and paragraphs are clear ways to organize information and make your blog easier to read.

<nowiki><a href="/article/">Read Article</a></nowiki> 
Hyperlinks make it easy for people to find other relevant content on your blog and elsewhere online.

<nowiki><img src="/article/emoticons/smiling-face.gif" width="16" height="16"></nowiki> <br>
When you include a quote, make sure it contains a short, relevant message that your readers will want to read.

<nowiki><img src="/article/images/body_media_icon.png"></nowiki> 
You should include images that are relevant and helpful, so that people can get an idea of what your blog looks like by seeing how you present it.

<nowiki><img src="/article/images/bullets_blue.gif" width="33" height="16"></nowiki> <br>
Bullets and numbered lists are useful ways to structure text.

<nowiki><a href="/article/">Blogging Articles</a></nowiki> 

<nowiki><img src="/article/images/bullets_blue.gif" width="40" height="21"></nowiki> <br>
Bullet lists and numbered lists should be used sparingly, but can make it much easier to find information quickly when you need it.

<nowiki><img src="/article/images/icons/angle-double.gif" width="16" height="16"></nowiki> 
Angled quotes are often used to make a quote stand out and to break up the text.

<nowiki><img src="/article/images/icons/angle-double.gif" width="16" height="16"></nowiki> <br>

<nowiki><img src="/article/images/icons/headphone_blue.gif" width="22" height="22"></nowiki><br> 

This icon is used to denote sound or voice clips that users can listen to on your site.

<nowiki><img src="/article/images/icons/headphone_blue.gif" width="22" height="22"></nowiki><br> 

This icon is used in conjunction with the previous one--it denotes sound or voice clips that can be downloaded.

<nowiki><img src="/article/images/icons/headphone_blue.gif" width="22" height="22"></nowiki><br>

<nowiki><img src="/article/images/icons/index.gif" width="24" height="24"></nowiki> 
Use this to denote a listing of content on a page.

<nowiki><img src="/article/images/icons/index.gif" width="24" height="24"></nowiki> <br>

<nowiki><img src="/article/images/icons/user_icon.png"></nowiki><br> 
This icon is used to denote which user wrote a particular post.

<nowiki><img src="/article/images/icons/user_icon.png"></nowiki><br> 
This icon is used in conjunction with the previous one--it denotes the author of a particular post is logged in and writing on their own account.

<nowiki><img src="/article/images/headphone_blue.gif" width="33" height="16"></nowiki> <br>
This icon is used to denote audio or sound clips that can be played on your site.

<nowiki><img src="/article/images/icons/bullets_blue.gif" width="40" height="21"></nowiki><br> 

Bullet lists should be used for non-essential information and numbers can be used for titles or subtitles.

<nowiki><img src="/article/images/icons/bullets_blue.


<nowiki><img src="/article/images/icons/angle-double.gif" width="16" height="16"></nowiki> 
Make sure to choose a title that will resonate with your target audience, not just for the search engines, but for the users. You want to make it easy for people to find your story in their feed or search results and an interesting title that provides value is the way to do this.

<nowiki><p></nowiki>  <br> <br> <br> <br></p></nowiki><br>
Paragraphs are used to help organize and break up text into easily consumable chunks of information.

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