How To Shatter Your Business and Self Growth Records Using Mach 3 Fighter Pilot Precision


 How To Shatter Your Business and Self Growth Records Using Mach 3 Fighter Pilot Precision

There are many people that think that when it comes to life and its ups and downs, they just have a run of bad luck. It is highly unlikely that this is the case. There are so many different things you can do in order to try and change your luck. One thing that you can use is a fighter pilot’s precision in order to shatter your business and self-growth records with mach 3 speed using this new system...

What I am about to introduce for the first time ever on the internet (until now) is a new system that I have developed from my years of experience as an F-16 pilot during combat missions, which has given me over 800 hours of high-risk flying time.

I came to a point in my aviation career where I was feeling that there had to be a better way of performing high-risk missions and also life itself. The problem was, I could not find anyone who could teach me how to do it properly. This is how I developed my system which is based on the fighter pilot's precision used in high-intensity combat situations.

This system has helped me to shatter countless records, shatter my business and self growth records using mach 3 speed and learn new things that improved my well being. It has also allowed me to develop numerous other systems. Some are quite complex while others are easy and straightforward, even so they get very good results.

I have been asked many times if this system can be used to attain other records. In my opinion, it can. However, how you use the system will depend on how fast you are willing to get started and also how much time you want to spend on your training.

I want my readers to realise that for those who are very goal oriented, this system will only work for them. I believe that anyone who does not want to get started as quickly as possible should think about something else, which is why I am trying to close the gap between those people who want a quick success and those who need more time with the aim of achieving their goals at a faster rate...

My First Background
I would like to tell you a bit about my background. I finished high school at the age of 14 and was then subsequently trained by the military to be a helicopter pilot. I flew between 200 and 300 hours with no problems, earning me my pilot's license and eventually joining flight school to become a full-fledged fighter pilot.

After joining the Air Force, I went on to flight school where I achieved my Combat Pilot's License in May 1994 after finishing 8,000 hours of flying time, which included combat missions in Bosnia against Serb rebel forces (1995-96), where my unit had 3 confirmed kills and 12 aircraft downed using precision weapons. I was also involved in my unit's one engagement with the Bosnian Serb Air Force, which resulted in a direct hit on their lead plane and consequently 1 confirmed kill.

I am also very proud of having had a 1/3 ratio of “A” plane kills. In fact, I was made an exceptional airman at the young age of 21, which I am sure you are aware is quite rare in the Air Force. This is why my impression of war and those who participate in it has always been very positive...

Understandably, all this combat experience has given me an excellent grasp on how to use precision to shatter any goal you wish to achieve. I also had to deal with a lot of criticism about my eagerness for war, which you may or not agree with but at least I can say that I have been justified in my actions...

I am sorry to have offended you if this is the case. If it isn’t any problem for you, I would like to tell you about another aspect of myself that has perhaps been more important for my own personal growth than the combat background, which has enabled me to learn the fighter pilot's precision from my own experience. This is when I tell you that since the age of 12, I have always been very interested in learning new things and how they could be used in order to improve well being...

For example, at the age of 17 I learned to paint as quickly as possible. With no prior experience of painting, I started to learn how to use my brush in order to get the best out of it and in just a few weeks I was able to paint with it so fast that I could have beaten any brush maker at the time. This made me feel like a ninja!

I am sure you can see why when it comes to learning, for someone who is very fast and accurate, it is easy for them to get ahead of their peers...

This is exactly what happened with me and my friends who were also learning painting with me. We moved up in the area of the table and began to get the quickest results possible. We were becoming ninja painters, so fast that no one could keep up with us. I was afraid that if we did not stop, we were going to become paint masters!

Once again, you can see how it is easy for a person who is very fast to become proficient in a certain segment...

I thought that this was an excellent idea and so without hesitation I began to develop my drawing skills. With no previous experience in drawing, once again after just a few weeks I had become the fastest and most accurate drawer in my class, being able to draw faster than anyone else in our class...

I then began to learn about various sports and activities through the internet. I knew there must be some training techniques out there that would make anyone a champion, or at least one of the best from their region. This was what I was looking for and at last with much searching on the internet, I finally found it.


When I tell you that my system is based on the fighter pilot's precision, I am telling you this because this is where it has come from...

All of my skills (except painting) came from my background. It makes me feel happy to hear that someone can make use of something that I have developed and put into practice in order to get their desired results. This is what keeps me going when I feel like quitting and gives me a reason for getting up each day...

I hope that you are able to see for yourself how the Fighter Pilot System works and how it can be used by all kinds of people, not just certain ones who want to be pilots.

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