How To Stop Blushing


 How To Stop Blushing

I think my face might be getting red! Am I blushing? Is it too obvious? Do people notice that I am blushing?  These are just some of the thoughts that can occur when you start to blush. However, many individuals suffer from this embarrassing condition on a daily basis. It is not uncommon to feel self-conscious and become anxious about how others may perceive your emotions.

How do you stop blushing though? Like most things in life, it all comes down to focusing on what you want. The process of blushing can be understood as the physical result of one's mental functioning. In this instance, a person's embarrassment comes from their desire to hide or conceal the physical effect of the emotion they are feeling. As a result, blushing seems to be an involuntary response to an involuntary emotion. It is one that happens automatically, and very quickly for that matter. The act of blushing has also been described as consisting of "quick gestures" such as "a blush caused by a sudden apprehension."

So what can you do if you are annoyed with your own behavior? If you think it is getting worse and more obvious, then consider making lifestyle changes. Here are a few tips to help you overcome your embarrassment:
1. The best way to stop blushing is to take away the physical stimulus of color and sound. If this does not work, then pay attention to the emotional stimulus and don't let that work on you!
2. In order to stop blushing there must be a change in behavior. If you feel a blush coming on (and I am betting that you do), then stop thinking about it as soon as possible so it does not go through with full force!
3. Once you feel comfortable and have become aware of your emotional state, then use your peripheral vision. Move your eyes around for a split second and then bring your attention back to the object or person.
4. Do not let the embarrassed feeling control you! When you notice that your blushing is getting worse, keep that thought in mind and make a conscious effort to disregard it.
5. Never let anyone see you being embarrassed! This can be hard since it is very typical to feel embarrassed during social interactions with others. If this is the case, then try not to think about what they are doing at all instead of focusing on them or making any eye contact with them until they are finished talking to you.
6. When you first have this feeling, think about something else. This trick works like a charm! If you catch yourself thinking about your blushing, then immediately bring your attention to another subject and think of that instead. Your mind will not know what to focus on so it will choose the less stressful option and move onto the other topic.
7. Think positive thoughts! This is important if you want to stop blushing because if you think negatively about how your face feels hot then that is how it will turn out. Instead try to relax by taking some deep breaths and imagining the cool air coming in through your nose and flowing down into your stomach.
8. Think about whether or not other people notice how red your face is getting. If they do not know that you are blushing and have decided to ignore it, then you can really relax!
9. Practice makes perfect. Do things that might make you blush every day so you are able to control your emotions in the future!
10. Find other ways to deal with your emotions rather than turning them into blushes by changing what you think about or choosing a better reaction than blushing. Blushing is easy, but it is also harmful because it does not help anything in the long run. Instead, keep the conversation going and change the subject if necessary so that the attention will be on something else!
11. If you feel yourself becoming flustered, then accept that you have no control over it. Remember that everyone gets flustered and it is okay to feel embarrassed. You can still prevent your emotion from showing by using one of the previous tips!
12. Use self-talk to make yourself feel better about your blushing. These are the thoughts that you say inside your head when you are feeling uneasy or nervous about something or someone else. It could be something like "it's okay to blush" or "it's not my fault I am red!"
13. Smile! If you are in a conversation with someone, then smiling can calm them down rather than making them uncomfortable because of your blushing. The smile can also help you feel less anxious!
14. Remember that blushing is natural and everyone does it at some point in their life.
15. Realize that when you blush it is not because of a physical problem but rather a mental one so there is no need to worry about what other people think!
16. Think about all the good things you have in your life and how blushing does not change that. Also, think about all the nice things people say to you when they do not notice your red face!
17. Talk to someone who understands what it is like to be embarrassed by blushing so they can provide support for you as well as comfort and encouragement . This can be a parent, a friend, or even a therapist!
18. Try not to worry about how you might be blushing. This will only make it worse!
19. Practice meditation to help control your inner reactions and emotions. Focus on your breathing, your posture, and what you are saying to yourself when you notice that your face is red and try to change the way you think in order to feel better about yourself!
20. Remember that blushing goes away over time so do not let that affect you too bad! By paying attention as much as possible during an episode of blushing, then the next time one comes up it will not seem as bad.
21. Tell yourself that the people you are with do not notice your blushing at all.
22. In general, new situations make you blush more so be prepared for a lot of blushing when doing something new or different!
23. When you feel yourself getting embarrassed, then keep an idea in your head about how it will not last forever and will eventually fade out! Prepare yourself for a few minutes of fluttering cheeks and burning ears and then let it pass. The feelings do subside!
24. Look away from the other person (or people) as soon as possible (while still staying polite) so that they cannot see your face anymore and therefore they cannot see you blush either!
25. If a situation starts to make you blush, then distract yourself and think of something else while waiting for the blush to go away.
26. Practice writing in a journal or just taking a notebook out with you wherever you go! This is effective because our thoughts are often very connected to our emotions and blushing is often accompanied by some sort of thought or an idea that repeats over and over in your mind! By writing down these thoughts or ideas, then they will disappear quicker than they normally would if you wrote nothing at all!
27. If your face does start to feel hot, then use one of the previous tips for coping with blushing about how to calm yourself down by pretending it is not there!

The tips above are intended to help you control your emotions rather than letting them control you. Blushing is a normal and natural part of life but it is important that we learn how to cope with it! By following these tips, then you can eliminate the negative parts of blushing and keep the positive ones! With some work and dedication, then you will know your emotions better which will help when it comes to blushing.
29. Remember that we are all unique and everyone has different behaviors when they blush so there is no right or wrong way to act if you feel yourself blushing.

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