How To Triple Your Productivity In 1 Week From Now


 How To Triple Your Productivity In 1 Week From Now

In the age of an ever-increasing workload, most people struggle to cope with whatever time they've got. Like you, I get overwhelmed if I don't have viable solutions. So I created a list of the 5 best ways to increase productivity in just one week.

1) Set realistic expectations and prioritize your projects:
- If you make a promise that you can't keep then don't hold yourself to it (since there doesn't exist any possible point where your promises will come true).
- You'll be able to complete twice as many tasks per day without breaking your promise if you focus on the first three core tasks of each day (8 hours).
- And if you do have time to spare on something else, then go ahead and do it.
- A few quick tips on prioritizing your work: (i) As a rule of thumb, always keep the things that are easier for you to do in your "Inbox" and with each new email that comes in, move the easiest task to top priority; (ii) Always place the most important tasks at the beginning of your day; (iii) Try not to take on more than three tasks per day because after four hours of work, our brain reaches its limit.
2) Reduce the time you spend thinking about starting a task:
- Take decision-making out of the equation as much as possible.
- If you're thinking about it, you'll find yourself procrastinating.
- The best way to reduce the amount of time you spend thinking is to create a to-do list and then set a timer for 15 minutes.
- So every 15 minutes, go through your list and start working on one or two tasks that are most important to you.
3) Create a scheduling system:
- Don't let yourself be distracted by work that doesn't matter – use time blocking instead.
- When I'm working on something really important, I block the whole day for it and when I've finished it, I take the rest of my day off.
4) Analyze your email:
- Always answer important emails first.
- Set a policy of always replying to messages in 24 hours (or less).
- Delete junk, unsubscribe from mailinglists and clear out all the unimportant stuff in your inbox – you'll have 2 or 3 emails left.
5) Prioritize your tasks based on their most urgent deadlines:
- If there's a deadline coming up, then it means that you will have to do this task in the near future and if you're not prepared for when that moment comes, then it's time to get moving on it.
- Don't do nothing, if something's urgent, then do it right away.
- Always give yourself enough time to complete a task in one sitting.
Those are the 5 best ways to increase productivity in just 1 week.
To be continued…
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Best Regards,
Danny Donovan Pydannyw Blog [USA] More Great Articles: Productivity Part 1 & Part 2 - Boosting Your Effort For Hours At A Time Article: How To Go From A $1000 Life To A $5000 Life In 1 Year Article: Google Search Optimization (SEO) - What You Need to Know About SEO OpenTable Review - Is It Worth It? Article: How To Increase Your Workday Efficiency and Productivity Article Credit:  How To Triple Your Productivity In 1 Week From Now All content on this site is copyrighted, please do not re.use text or images without permission . © Danny Donovan, 2013. All rights reserved.
This article is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. If you need legal assistance in your business, consult with a lawyer  in your area of interest or contact the Business Law Section at 212-657-8100 .
Thanks for reading!  If you liked this post and want to read more awesome articles about productivity, click here to check out Part 1 of my extensive list of advice on productivity. Also make sure to join us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on the latest tips and tricks around productivity. :)
Thanks for reading! - Check out my list of the top 5 tips to triple your productivity in 1 week from now . If you like what you've read and want to read more, click here  to watch my video titled "5 Best Ways To Triple Your Productivity In 1 Week From Now". Also make sure to subscribe to the Pydanny website so you'll never miss a new article and check out my YouTube channel for more great videos. Thank You!
- Danny Donovan Pydannyw Blog [USA]
    This article is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. If you need legal assistance in your business, consult with a lawyer in your area of interest or contact the Business Law Section at 212-657-8100 .
Thanks for reading! - Check out my list of the top 5 tips to triple your productivity in 1 week from now . If you like what you've read and want to read more, click here  to watch my video titled "5 Best Ways To Triple Your Productivity In 1 Week From Now". Thanks for reading!
- Danny Donovan Pydannyw Blog [USA]   Thanks for reading! Sign up for our FREE newsletter and get more great articles, infographics and tips like this one. Thanks for reading! Sign up now... We Delete Your Information. No BS. No Spam. We Promise .
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I have one question. You said "The idea is to eliminate distractions, to get all the 'to do' stuff done and keep your best work for the last two hours of the day."
How do you stop yourself from working on a task that started earlier in the day? (I had this problem yesterday and I finished early, but I didn't want to stop working on my project.) Thank you very much :)
That's a great question. The idea is to eliminate distractions, to get all the 'to do' stuff done and keep your best work for the last two hours of the day. In my experience, I'm able to get a lot accomplished in the beginning of the day and then close out with a lot more, so I would recommend giving it all that you can during the first part of your day.
Thank you for your question. You are not alone when you feel like stopping after awhile on the same task. You can do this by putting a timer somewhere where you can see it (for example at your desk) or putting some sort of reminder in place that tells you when to move on to new things. When I used to do that, I would put something as simple as a post-it note beside my computer screen with something like "STOP WORKING ON THIS TASK IN 20 MINUTES.

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