How’s Your Luck?


 How’s Your Luck?

A recent study found that most of us would be better off in a casino than we are at the office. Regardless of what you think about your luck, this is worth reading to find out more information.

Some say you are born with it while others argue it is the luck of preparation meeting opportunity. Whatever your outlook may be, there's no denying that luck plays an important role in our lives. And when it comes to what we call "good" and "bad" luck, two schools of thought exist: either you have some control over it or not at all.

But before we get into the details of luck and its role in our lives, let's first define what luck is and establish some basic distinctions.

Luck, of course, can mean different things to different people. You might consider it an event that occurs randomly or an activity that you do for a chance at a favorable outcome. Sometimes it can be both. Some would say luck can be temporary or permanent. Others believe luck is simply what we make of it and therefore always temporary (as long as you stay positive).

So what drives luck? Is there a concrete way to increase it? Is luck really just preparation meeting opportunity?

Research from the field of behavioral psychology suggests that luck is not just a random event but rather, it's partially controllable. For example, in her book entitled "The Luck Factor," psychologist Dr. FELICIA MARSCHALL explains that chance events are "really our own doing." The reason for this is that everyday reality is built on probabilities and odds (for example, the chance you will meet someone you know at the mall) which determine the likelihood of specific events occurring.

However, how we perceive and respond to these events will significantly affect our own level of luck. Factors such as beliefs and attitudes, uniqueness and spontaneity, open-mindedness and self-confidence, can all contribute to your level of luck. It's also important to understand that the more you expect good things to happen, the more likely they are to happen. For example, if you believe that things will work out for you, then they usually will or if you believe in yourself then they usually do.

As far as adjusting your expectations so that you always get what you want is concerned – it may not be quite so easy when it comes to personal relationships or career success. As mentioned above, show people you have faith in them and they'll usually be more receptive to your ideas and desires. But if you tell them they have no chances of succeeding, they tend to doubt every step they take.

So, it's not so much about trying to control luck but rather, to stay open-minded and believe that things could always get better if you accept the idea of a positive thinking or "championship mind-set" – something that martial arts has taught me for ages. In the physical realm we call this "mind over matter" or having confidence that puts us ahead of our opponent(s) because we are prepared for anything on the mat. You will win before you even enter the ring and that is why 90 percent of most matches are won before they are ever fought.

Let's go back to the idea of probability. If we think back to our youth and the games we often played – such as scratch tickets, dice and board games – it is easy to recall how important odds were when it came to our personal enjoyment or level of aggression. I remember playing blackjack as a kid and being sure I had a winning hand. Of course, I was wrong. But if I had known how probabilities worked then I would have been more equipped to handle my loss with ease and more quickly move on to the next game.

In the same way, I don't think that playing the stock market and investing in a portfolio is gambling. It is more like being one step ahead of the odds. And while it may not be easy to understand this concept all at once, I believe luck, like life itself, can be learned. You can control your luck with better decisions (such as what you believe to be true or the way you do something).

Of course, who we are makes a big difference when it comes to how much control we have over our luck. Some people are open-minded and spontaneous in nature while others are not. Some are naturally optimistic and self-confident. Others are more pessimistic and doubtful. Lisa Stolarski, a writer for The Balance explains it best: "People who believe that luck plays a major part in their lives are more likely to rely on superstitions to bring about positive change, whereas those who believe in negative methods such as voodoo or black magic are also likely to be fatalists."

So, is luck really just preparation meeting opportunity or is there a little bit more to it? I say yes.

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A recent study found that most of us would be better off in a casino than we are at the office. Regardless of what you think about your luck, this is worth reading to find out more information. Some say you are born with it while others argue it is the luck of preparation meeting opportunity. Whatever your outlook may be, there's no denying that luck plays an important role in our lives. We make our own luck by being open-minded, spontaneous and optimistic. Others are fatalistic about their lives, relying on superstitions to bring about positive change or believing in black magic or voodoo.

Whatever your outlook may be, there's no denying that luck plays an important role in our lives. We make our own luck by being open-minded, spontaneous and optimistic. Others are fatalistic about their lives, relying on superstitions to bring about positive change or believing in black magic or voodoo. A recent study found that most of us would be better off in a casino than we are at the office. Regardless of what you think about your luck, this is worth reading to find out more information. Some say you are born with it while others argue it is the luck of preparation meeting opportunity. Whatever your outlook may be, there's no denying that luck plays an important role in our lives. We make our own luck by being open-minded, spontaneous and optimistic. Others are fatalistic about their lives, relying on superstitions to bring about positive change or believing in black magic or voodoo.

A recent study by Dr.


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