Humorous Thought For The Day - A Micro-Break In Our Fast-Paced Culture


 Humorous Thought For The Day - A Micro-Break In Our Fast-Paced Culture

We walk, talk and think at breakneck speeds. The pace of life is unrelenting and unforgiving. We feel obliged to constantly create, produce and consume things to remain economically relevant in a modern society where "you are either producing or being beaten". For example:

- We get frustrated when we can't find anything on Netflix because someone else just watched it then recommended it to their friends on Facebook.
- We get anxious, trying to hurry through life because we finally understand that the earth eventually dies with us when the sun's heat will scorch the earth without human intervention. 
- We worry about not having enough time for family - for love - for ourselves. 
- And so on...
Although we are under the illusion that we must keep on pushing to have time for our priorities, we fail to realize that many things that we struggle to accomplish could be accomplished in half the time if not less.
"Watching TV" is one of those things. It's not just a thing but a lifestyle. If you don't have Netflix, you probably don't have any TV at all. And now it's constantly disrupted because the content providers keep on changing it, making it harder for us to choose what we want or need to watch (e.g., fewer commercials).
But try thinking about Netflix slightly differently: "Netflixing". It's not about watching TV at all; it's about being entertained, being absorbed in a show or movie. Netflixing is an art and it doesn't come easy. A great deal of planning, strategizing and compromise is involved. It requires even more than paying the bill: you need to plan ahead and make sure you're "always on" to get the best entertainment out of your Netflix experience.
Humor can improve our lives by reducing anxiety and stress whenever we feel tired, frustrated or worn down by life. A humorous thought or an amusing quote can be a great source of humor when you least expect it.
A micro-break in our fast-paced culture would be to forget about the outside world for a few minutes and try to find humor in things that normally wouldn't come across as funny. We can learn from that "micro-break" and recreate it at home whenever it's needed. And you don't have to go far – just pull out your phone and try some apps that take the pressure off of your brain when you need a few moments of calmness:
1) Meditation. If you're into that type of thing, you can find some pretty nice guided meditations to take with you on the go. A few examples: Google's app (free and doesn't require an internet connection) or Zazen by Headspace (the subscription removes ads and allows offline play).
2) Just for fun: there are several apps that help you find moments of joy in life - try Momenti di Zen (free, doesn't require an internet connection and available on both iOS and Android).
3) Subscribe to a comedy magazine. Some examples: Cracked ($2/month), The Weekly ($2.99/month) or my favorite: The Onion ($27/year).
Life is meant to be enjoyed and appreciated. We can't keep doing the same things over and over again and expect that our lives will change. We need a change of scenery, a change of pace, a change of input. And if you can't always find it for yourself when you want it, turn to an amusing thought for the day.
4) Get a funny app like "Funny Status" (free with in-app purchases) or "Crazy Crazy Funnies" ($2).
5) Use the app "You Laugh You Lose" ($2.99). The point is to laugh at other people's horrible jokes.
6) If you're looking for humor in the news, give "HuffPost's Comedy" a try.
7) Live stream one of your favorite TV shows on Twitch (free). You can learn to play games using the app "Game Streamery" ($4.99 per month).
8) Or better yet: just go outside! There is much to enjoy in nature, from funny animals to beautiful scenery to the wonderful world around us – and those are all things that can be enjoyed if we take some time off and relax.
9) Finally, there is a simple game (single-player only), called "Nothing To Break" where you tap on a word and the next one will appear over it. That's it!
10) The app "Find Word" ($0.99) is like nothing else. Easy to learn but hard to master, you'll be amazed by the possibilities of this word game.
11) Breakout Game is a popular game that allows you to connect with your friends and have some fun. It's really easy to get started and only costs $0.99; the in-app purchases are well worth it if you enjoy playing this game.
And although we probably won't be able to overcome our busy lives, a few moments of solace can help calm our nerves and recharge our batteries before going on with the race again.
There's nothing wrong with taking a break from the madness of life and finding a few moments of calmness. We need to make the time for ourselves. If there's one thing I've learned about life, it's that it will always keep going on without us – but only if we let it.
A funny thought for the day can help us to laugh at it all and then go back to work with a new perspective: what are we doing with our lives? Are we enjoying the best that life has to offer, or are we pushing too hard through challenges and challenges until we end up dead?
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HARMONY (anxiety, stress and psychological disorders)
The art of "Netflixing" is about being absorbed in a show or movie. You don't want to be thinking about the outside world or anything else except for the entertainment at hand. There is a lot that goes into Netflixing: planning, strategizing and compromise are all necessary for this activity to reach its full potential.
This is also why it's called Harmony : it requires more than paying the bill; you need to plan ahead and make sure you're "always on" to get the best entertainment out of your Netflix experience.
Netflixing is a difficult art to master, but it can be done. To begin with, don't try to Netflix too many things at once: pick a few shows that you really enjoy, watch them as they come out and take breaks when you feel tired or overwhelmed.
If there's one thing I've learned about life, it's that it will always keep going on without us – but only if we let it.
PATIENCE (anxiety and boredom)
We all know how hectic life can get. Sometimes it's simply impossible to find time for oneself and even though most of the world would agree that taking a break is the best thing we can do for ourselves, not everyone takes the time to do so .


Life is meant to be enjoyed and appreciated. We can't keep doing the same things over and over again and expect that our lives will change. We need a change of scenery, a change of pace, a change of input. And if you can't always find it for yourself when you want it, turn to an amusing thought for the day.
One can never rest from the fatigue of solitude; one only rest from society.

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