Huna Is The Secret!


 Huna Is The Secret!

Huna is the secret to your inner peace and happiness.

There are many sources on the internet that provide information, but not too many that provide real-world applications and a roadmap for actually living them in modern society. That’s what we’re here for! In this article, we outline our vision and mission so you can understand exactly what we do at Huna Is The Secret! We hope it helps you find the answers you seek!

"Huna is the secret to your inner peace and happiness." There are many sources on the internet that provide information, but not too many that provide real-world applications and a roadmap for actually living them in modern society. That’s what we’re here for! In this article, we outline our vision and mission so you can understand exactly what we do at Huna Is The Secret! We hope it helps you find the answers you seek!

In the fundamental sense of life, there are three goals. These goals are interconnected and immutable to each other. The fundamental goal of life is to find happiness, peace, and contentment within in order to thrive as individuals, in a group/community/society, and sustainably within nature.

Huna is one path that leads to these goals. It can be described as a holistic framework for living that incorporates Hawaiian spirituality with ancient philosophy from across the globe.

Why is Huna the Secret?

It's not. It is because you are the secret! Huna is our way of life and philosophy, but it is only more important that you find its secrets and apply them in your own life. We're all on a journey, our individual stories may be different, but we all share one thing - our human spirit! Let's end the confusion and get on with it! In time, everything will come full circle. Let's just start new journeys together!

Huna Is The Secret!

Huna Is The Secret...

An Introduction To Huna Is The Secret...

What is it?

Huna is a form of Hawaiian Polynesian spirituality. The word itself was created by Earl A. Lutu, a Hawaiian who was inspired by the ancient knowledge from Hawaii's sacred history and teachings.

Huna focuses on the attainment of balance within oneself, but also within nature and between humans and nature. It is the way of life that enables us to live in harmony with ourselves and with each other through conscious decisions, actions and words we use to bring about positive change. Historically, Huna sought to teach its knowledge to the Hawaiian people about living in harmony with their environment and the Hawaiian spiritual traditions.

What is Hawaiian Polynesian Spirituality?

Polynesian spirituality is a form of ancient Hawaiian religion which was practiced by traditional Hawaiians before the arrival of Christianity. Polynesian spirituality teaches us how to live more in harmony with nature through a combination of traditional beliefs, mythological legends, and scientific principles that developed into our modern worldviews. It has been part of the indigenous culture since ancient times, being influenced by both geography and cosmology (study of the universe).

A Brief History Of Polynesian Spirituality...

Polynesian spirituality as a spiritual system is recorded in the oral histories of ancient Hawaiians and was continued in the form of voyaging traditions by Hawaiian chiefs. It existed in different forms that can be described as meteorological, ceremonial and religious. Polynesian spirituality developed from the culture that was rooted in Hawaiian mythology and legends, but with its own cosmology, the Māui tradition which was the result of knowledge from many different traditions from across Polynesia.

Polynesian spirituality is made up of both scientific principles (similar to scientific theory) and traditional beliefs about who we are as humans on a cosmic level. Polynesian spirituality is both a philosophy and a way of life.

What Do We Mean When We Say "Polynesian Spirituality"?

The word “spiritual” is used several times in this article because, in the context of Polynesian spirituality, it means more than one thing. On a scientific level (following the scientific method), it means that all matter is made up of energy or consciousness which we are able to perceive through matter. The universe as we know it on a macroscopic level (on earth and beyond) was conceived by ancient Polynesians long before Western scientists discovered the atom and its structure.

On a more traditional and spiritual level, the word “spiritual” can be understood as our essence and inner-selves. Those who wish to apply Huna to their lives must understand that they are the secret. It is each individual's duty to discover what they want and how they want to live their life.

Huna Is The Secret...

A Brief History Of Huna...

How Does it Work?

Huna is an ancient holistic spiritual philosophy which teaches us how to find balance with in ourselves, but also with nature and other humans. Huna focuses on peace through harmony in the relationship between nature and all living things.

Ancient Hawaiians believed in the existence of universal forces and that they were intimately connected to the natural world. As well as being separated from the universe and nature, there are certain concepts that are taught by modern science. For example, the scientific theory of geocentrism is based on various ancient Hawaiian cosmologies.

What Do We Mean By "Universal Forces"?

The concept of universal forces are those things that exist in all forms of matter, energy, or consciousness throughout all things created by God or Nature. These forces are also called universal laws because they govern behavior and form patterns in our Universe as well as other universes and dimensions.

What is a Māui?

A māui, also known as a spirit, god, godess, demon or trickster is an entity that lives within all of us. A māui can be seen as a spirit within a particular person (a guardian angel), or for those who believe in the existence of evil among humans (the devil). A māui is the entity that guides and protects its leader or people. The ancient Hawaiian word "māui" means "spirit", or in other words the unknown aspect of life.

Māui is a trickster god that some say was the first in the family of gods. His greatest feat is that he discovered fire, and this gave him the name Māui-tikitiki-a-taranga (Māui, who stole the fire.)

There are many stories regarding Māui's adventures as a hero, his arrogance and mischievousness. These were combined with Hawaiian mythology when translating via English to create Hawaiian Polynesian theology.

What is Huna in Modern Times?

Modern Huna philosophy can be seen as one way to practice ancient Hawaiian spiritual traditions, but it has its own unique cosmology.


Disclaimer: This article is for information only. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice or care. If you are anxious or concerned about the health of yourself or a loved one, please seek professional help.

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