Hustle While You Wait,


Hustle While You Wait,

It’s no secret that the world of freelancing is competitive. You have to constantly look for new opportunities, maintain your portfolio, and stay on top of your email inbox. And while you do all this, you also need to take care of yourself and make sure you’re well rounded enough to offer a variety of skills at any given time. It can be tough sometimes not knowing where the next opportunity will come from or how long it will last. It can feel like one giant hustle!

But don't worry — we've got some tips that should help make this whole freelancing gig easier on everyone involved. Keep reading to learn how to stay sane while you pursue your freelance career.

Have Your Business Cards on Hand

Get yourself a cute little box with a big enough compartment to hold all your business cards. After all, it’s no use knowing somebody’s phone number if you’ve already lost their business card! (It happens!) Print off a large stack of business cards, and keep them in an easily accessible place — like your purse or backpack — so you can whip them out whenever necessary. Remember that when you meet someone new, hand over your business card right away. It’s a simple gesture that will leave a lasting impression (and probably get you some more work in the future).

Stay Up To Date On New Opportunities

Whether you prefer Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn, it’s important to stay up to date on your industry. If you use social media for networking purposes (or for fun), make sure you don’t just keep up with your own feeds. Try following some of your competitors and colleagues in order to stay on top of new opportunities and trends. It’s never a bad idea to stay competitive.

Go On An Information Diet

There’s a lot of noise out there — blogs to read, podcasts to listen to, and videos you could watch — and it can be overwhelming trying to keep up with it all. Here are some ideas on how you can create your own information diet:

Remember that you don't have to consume everything in your industry right away. By focusing on the key issues affecting your field, you'll be able to learn what's most relevant and maximize your time and energy accordingly. Stay focused on the goals that matter most, and don't worry about everything else until later.

Be realistic with your time. Diving straight into a huge amount of information at once isn’t going to get you anywhere (except maybe information overload). Hone in on resources that are important to you, and make a special note of the ones that help you stay productive.

Stay Up To Date On Where You Can Find Work

Whether you want to or not, it’s pretty much impossible to avoid LinkedIn these days. It seems like everyone has an account and uses the network for new opportunities and connections. LinkedIn can be a great way to find new gigs since you can browse projects by category and location.

However, if LinkedIn is your go-to for finding new opportunities, then make sure you’re also submitting your portfolio to other places that might be relevant to you. Look for sites that let creatives display their work without being bound to strict guidelines. So, keep an eye out for relevant communities or forums where you can promote yourself and get in front of people who might need your freelance services.

Stay Healthy & Well Rounded

It’s all too easy to get caught up in the hustle and forget about the needs of your body. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself so you don’t burn out before you even get started. Here are some ways to stay healthy and refreshed:

Get enough sleep. If you’re feeling constantly tired and don't know why, hop onto and see what might be going on with your sleep schedule. You should feel invigorated when you wake up in the morning, not groggy — so make sure you're getting enough rest at night! Also, make time for naps during the day if possible.

Eat well. It's really important that you take care of yourself in every way possible. Make sure you're getting enough sleep, eating the proper amount of fruits and vegetables, and drinking plenty of water. This will give your body the energy it needs to get things done so you don’t crash mid-task!

Take time for yourself! Learning to be self-reliant can be hard at first, but trust us — it's worth it in the end. You'll get more work done in less time if you don't spend every moment of your day working — so take a few minutes each day to relax with a book or a podcast.

Practice good hygiene. What goes into your body affects your health, so it's important to make sure you're taking care of yourself. It doesn't matter if you're going for a jog or getting a massage — just make sure you're doing whatever it takes to keep your body well-rested and happy!

Staying on top of your freelancing career is no easy feat. It can be tough keeping up with everything that’s going on, but if you take the time to prioritize all of the tasks on your plate and focus on remaining healthy, then the hustle should be worth it in the end!! Alright? Alright. :)

Photo by Heather Hessler on Unsplash

About Veronica Kwiatkowski Veronica Kwiatkowski is a freelance writer and the editor of the blog A Freelance Writer's Life. She loves to write about all things creative, and she's especially passionate about helping other people design effective strategies for freelancing success. Follow her on Twitter. You can also find her at Facebook’s Help Center.

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