Hypnosis And The Benefit Of Deep Breathing


 Hypnosis And The Benefit Of Deep Breathing

Many people use breathing techniques, including deep breathing and diaphragmatic breathing, to help them relax. They also may try hypnosis or guided imagery to help them focus on their breath. But how is this all related?

Hypnosis focuses on the mind and breathwork focuses more on the body. In hypnosis, one can learn how to breathe deeply and avoid shallow breaths which leads to the symptoms of anxiety or panic attacks. By focusing on a slow deep breath during guided imagery, one can block out distractions in the foreground of their minds that typically cause anxiety so that they can better concentrate on what is happening in their thoughts or sensations going into their bodies from outside themselves. Deep breathing can help them to focus on the foreground of their own minds instead of the constant background chatter.

Deep breathing can help people who are having trouble sleeping because it allows them to relax from anxiety and re-focus on their bedtime routines. It can also relax their minds so that they can fall asleep quicker and sleep for a longer amount of time.

Authors: "Dr." John Roth, "Dr." Sara Brandon - Eastside Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy Center http://www.bodyhypnosisaz.com/ [ARTICLE END]

Year Published: 2009
Date Written: 20090501



Deep breathing benefits: the body's natural state of relaxation

The body's natural state of relaxation is called 'sleep,' but a wide variety of other conditions can also cause the release of soothing chemical messages that result in deep, slow breaths as you go to sleep and deeper and longer sleep later on."

https://www.healthylivingnj. com/articles/847-breathing-exercises-relaxation.html




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A deep breath can put a person in a more relaxed state of mind. Deep breathing is an essential part of a person's life and should be controlled for a healthier, happier and more enjoyable life.


https://www.sciencedaily .com/releases/2013/02 /130223090321.htm

https://www.ncbi .nlm .nih .gov/pubmed /17929508?dopt =Abstract http://themindunlea sed.org/?p=10386 http://themindunle ashed...

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