Hypnosis Guide


 Hypnosis Guide

The word “hypnosis” has a stigma associated with it. Many people think of actors in beards, girls secretly giving them roses, and for some reason the phrase “put you to sleep.” But hypnosis is much more than just putting someone to sleep – it allows the user of hypnosis to enter a state of mind that is both deeply relaxed and highly focused at the same time. This article will show you how hypnosis can help you achieve better mental clarity, relieve stress, take charge of your anxiety or depression, and make changes happen in your life that are uncomfortable or difficult to access with traditional methods.* *This article does not teach stage-level hypnotism. It is meant for the average person with no knowledge or training in the field of hypnosis.

Hypnosis offers you this and much more, but what is it, really? We all know the phrase “sleep like a baby” – that’s true hypnosis. Hypnosis allows you to access a powerful state of mind that borders on sleep – but instead of going into deep slumber, your subconscious mind is awakened with new possibilities! With hypnosis as your guide, you are able to go deep into this mental state to achieve success in many areas – and get over fears, stress, anxiety and depression.

Hypnosis, simply put, is a way to access your subconscious mind and allow your higher self – the part of you that already knows what is best for you – to direct your life. By accessing this part of you, and allowing the positive thoughts from it to flood your mind, you will be able to break free from the bonds of anxiety and depression and make those positive changes in your life. You will be able to follow through on goals that you have set for yourself – whether they are physical goals such as studying a foreign language or an internal goal such as reaching peace or inner calm in the face of stressful times.

Hypnosis is no joke – it’s a serious method of accessing the soul and using the power of its knowledge to achieve success. In the paragraphs below, we will outline exactly how hypnosis is able to release you from tension and trauma, make changes possible in your life, and free you from fears that you have been carrying for years. You can use hypnosis to: Remove fears or phobias; let go of worries about things in the past; feel at peace with yourself and your life; improve your mental focus, acuity and memory; improve athletic performance; be more assertive in your day-to-day life; lose weight.

This Is Only The Beginning . . .

Hypnosis is also able to transform your life in other ways. You can take control of your actions and behaviors, have more confidence, and even improve your self-image by removing any negative thoughts you have about yourself so that you can love yourself for who you are! By using hypnosis as a tool, you can accomplish your goals on an emotional level, which is just as important as accomplishing them on a physical level.

If any of these things sound interesting to you, then the first step for you is to learn hypnosis. It’s easy – all it takes is a few minutes of reading this article and practicing the exercises below (called inductions). Are you ready to begin?

The benefits of hypnosis are immense, but no one is born with the ability to access his/her subconscious mind. Most people get stuck in their conscious mind and never unlock the secrets that lie within. The key to hypnosis is unlocking your subconscious mind – it’s as simple as that! Once you can access that part of your brain, many exciting things become possible for you. The first thing that you need to do is learn hypnosis, which will allow you to begin accessing this powerful state of relaxation. As we mentioned above, there are four steps involved in learning hypnosis: Relaxation, Meditation, Visualization and Suggestion. Each one will be discussed below in detail.

Learning Hypnosis


It’s important to keep your mind relaxed before you dive into hypnosis. Hypnosis is a conscious alteration of your state of consciousness, and in order to be properly altered, you have to have no distractions or mental stress. Therefore, it’s important that you begin learning hypnosis by relaxing first.* *You will learn more about relaxation later in this article when we discuss visualization. To practice relaxation, try lying down on the floor or a bed with eyes closed. Try to clear your mind of all thoughts – if your mind begins to wander, just tell yourself “I will relax” and then focus back on whatever you are doing. Once you feel yourself being relaxed, it’s time to begin learning hypnosis.


Meditation is the next step in learning hypnosis. Instead of just relaxing, allow your mind to become more open and receptive to positive suggestions. This is accomplished by meditating – you simply need to sit quietly while focusing on your breath and allowing the energy in your body to flow freely. Don’t try too hard at first; focus on the simplest things – counting your breaths, listening to the sound of a fan, or simply humming a tune.


You can practice visualization by picturing a beautiful place in your mind. Maybe you have a favorite spot in the mountains – maybe you picture yourself on a beach with blue water and sand as far as the eye can see. Either way, try to immerse yourself in this location and let every cell in your body feel relaxed and peaceful. Once you have felt yourself beginning to relax, it’s time to move on to the next step – suggestion.


Now, it’s time to add the final ingredient to the mix. Suggestion is how you will be able to change your life using hypnosis. Once you are fully relaxed and meditating, start to imagine yourself in a situation that you would want to change. Picture yourself getting married, having a beautiful home, or whatever it is that you would like in your life. (You can also visualize this “good” life happening for someone else instead of yourself – many people find doing this helpful.) Now start “talking” to your subconscious as if it were another person – start making suggestions about the changes that you want in your life. Example: “I want to live a happy, healthy life.”

“I want to be successful.”

“I want to make lots of money.”

If you are performing the visualization technique for someone else, just think of something that you would like to see that person achieve – you can either focus in on their image or just imagine yourself talking to them about the life changes that you see for them. Repeat these suggestions over and over again until you feel it sinking in enough for you to feel good about it and ready to move on from this exercise.


So what’s the final step? The final step is to take the remaining suggestions and begin to make them a reality. You can start by visualizing yourself in the situation that you have just imagined, or you can actually just make your “suggestions” a reality by saying them out loud. For example: “I want to live a happy, healthy life.” Once you have said it out loud, imagine that it has become real – see yourself in your dream place or in the place of your patient.

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