Hypnosis Helps Cure Your Jealousy


 Hypnosis Helps Cure Your Jealousy

It’s a common misconception that jealousy is a healthy emotion. Jealousy is often accompanied by feelings of anger, hostility, resentment and competitiveness which can lead to unhealthy behaviors.

In this post we hope to help you understand the root of your jealousy and work through it in a healthy manner. We’ll also help you identify what triggers your jealous feelings so that you can minimize these object triggers and find ways to manage your emotions better during these moments.

Lastly, we'll also provide some practical tips to get rid of jealousy for once and for all.

What is Jealousy?

Jealousy is defined as a feeling of resentment of another's advantages, success or possessions, especially in regard to a loved one.

Generally speaking, jealousy occurs when you feel threatened by the way your significant other interacts with other people. You may feel that you no longer have their full attention and love. Even worse, it could be an indicator that they might not love you anymore.

You might find yourself getting angry at your significant other for paying too much attention to their co-worker or friend and not giving enough attention to you – even though the same thing happens in reverse. Moreover, knowing that your jealous feelings aren't rational will only make things worse for you.

Think of jealousy as a legitimate concern. It's something which you should pay attention to and work on. However, it shouldn't trigger an irrational reaction like getting angry at your partner for not giving you enough attention.

Now that we have a better concept of jealousy, let us first address the root cause of it so that we can reduce the chances of feeling jealous in future.

What Causes Jealousy?

This question is easy to answer – it's all about your mind! In almost all cases, jealousy arises from our thoughts and feelings about another person. The content of these thoughts is mostly related to our own objectives and expectations from someone else (e.g. your partner). When these expectations are not met, we will get jealous.

The most common cause of jealousy is that we don't feel good enough as it is and want to be better than someone else which is a good comparison. Other possible triggers include feeling neglected or ignored, spending too much time with someone else, and so on. These are all simple reasons but they can also lead to more complex thoughts and irrational emotions. This is the main reason why jealousy can be harmful in the long run.

How exactly does your mind react when you feel jealous? The way you've been focusing on your relationship so far has driven your mind to focus on this one aspect of it at all times – in a negative way. And it doesn't take much to bring back all your past negative emotions into the surface again.

To understand your jealousy better, you first need to understand how our subconscious mind works. We use our subconscious mind almost 90% of the time, so it's a good idea to get familiar with how it works.

The Mind – The Ultimate Jealousy Trigger

What is Subconscious Mind?

Our subconscious mind is an area of our brain where information processing occurs without us being aware of it. It acts as a sort of storage center for all the information we've gathered over a lifetime from the world around us. It's like a huge library with a lot of books, each book describing some event from our past.

In other words, we store all our memories in the subconscious mind. When triggered by an event, smell, walkway or any other object, it will make us start recalling all these memories associated with that object and produce thoughts and emotions related to it. We'll talk about this later on.

Simplifying the Mind's Subconscious Connections

Although understanding how your subconscious mind works is not necessary for everyone, we hope that this section will help you grasp the concepts of imprints and triggers better which are essential for understanding how to get rid of jealousy.

The subconscious mind consists of a neural network or a set of connected neurons. You can think of it in terms of the connections between your brain neurons. Every time you do an activity which is related to imprinting, this connection becomes stronger. Any time you remember an event, the connection between your neurons will fire up again and strengthen itself with even more energy. That's how your neuro-pathways are formed – as a result of these connections between neurons.

Every imprint on your mind comes together with specific feelings, thoughts and emotions – anything related to that particular event. For example, you might remember a time when you were a child and someone yelled at you in front of everyone in your neighborhood.

Your brain is really smart. It can easily combine both imprints together to make them more vivid and happen on a conscious level. You can ask yourself, “Did I do that?” and the answer will be yes because of the associations between your brain's neurons. The same is true for negative feelings like jealousy which are produced by the association of two imprints – your jealousy related to another person, and some bad event related to them as well.

The thing about imprints is that you can't get rid of them. They are there in your mind forever to stay. So, let's say that you're extremely jealous when you see your partner talking with someone else. This jealousy will last until the person leaves or until you calm down.

On the other hand, if this person happens to be the same one who yelled at you in front of everyone when you were a child, your brain will combine these two imprints together and make them feel more real. The end result is that you get even more jealous of this person.

How Does Subconscious Mind Affect Our Relationships?

The subconscious mind doesn't exist in isolation. It connects to our consciousness, the part of ourselves we are aware of. It's a connection between both parts which is not as strong as in other areas of the brain. In particular, when it comes to emotional connections to our thoughts, it's very weak. You can say that unlike the emotional connections in our limbic cortex, the emotional connections between the subconscious mind and consciousness are not strong at all. They are like a stream – slow and light so that we can focus on information processing from both sides simultaneously.


The mind is the basis of all your feelings, emotions, and thoughts. It is the one that triggers jealousy through the subconscious mind and its neuro-pathways. The older experiences you have, the stronger they are – including your ideas about relationships and other people's behaviors.

In order to prevent these imprints from influencing you negatively in future, it's important that you already know how your mind works. There are many ways to train your subconscious mind to make it a source of positivity and support for you when dealing with other people's behaviors in future.

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