Hypnosis Secrets


 Hypnosis Secrets

Hypnosis is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals, get organized, and even cure an addiction. It all sounds too good to be true—but it’s not. Hypnosis has been used for centuries by therapists and healers to help patients with physical pain and trauma.

The following blog post will show you what hypnosis is, how it works, the benefits of being hypnotized, and how to go about getting hypnotized if you decide this method of treatment might be right for you.

What Hypnosis Is

Hypnosis is a state of extreme focus and concentration. In this state, a subject is more open to suggestion than they would be while they are awake. The most common thing people associate with hypnosis is the swinging pocket watch. The idea that this hypnotic effect can be achieved by watching a swinging watch was disproven long ago, although people are still fascinated with the image of a hypnotist swinging his pocket watch in front of a patient’s face.

How It Works

You can be hypnotized by another person or by using self-hypnosis techniques. Self-hypnosis is probably more common. It’s exactly what it sounds like—using self-hypnosis to help you get the attention of your subconscious mind.

The other type of hypnosis, which uses the power of suggestion, involves a hypnotist telling you that you have a problem, and then helping you overcome this problem using hypnosis. The hypnotist will tell you what your symptoms are, what their cause is, how they can be overcome with hypnosis, and how long your symptoms will last before they leave you completely. The hypnotist will also tell you that these things are true, or are false.

You might wonder how this is possible. The hypnotist uses a number of techniques to create a trance. These techniques include:

• Hand signals – In the old days, before there were pocket watches, or even clocks with pendulums, hypnotists used gestures to help them induce hypnosis with their patients. Hand signals are still used today by some hypnotists when they want to help their patients get deep into a trance. A typical hand signal will involve the introduction of suggestion followed by two sets of hand signals—one set that is long and slow and one set that is short and fast. The idea is to create a pattern that resembles the pendulum of a pocket watch.

• Suggestions – Hypnotists will use suggestive language in their hypnotic suggestions. The hypnotist is telling your subconscious mind exactly what you should think, feel, and do. This sort of suggestion is more effective when it’s combined with firm hand signals. For example: “Your pain will lift, your headache will dissipate, and you will feel much better.”

• Post-hypnotic suggestion – This is where the hypnotist tells you how to act or behave after you wake up. The hypnotist will often use a hand signal that relates to the behavior you should exhibit. For example, the hypnotist could show a series of hand signals that are specific for when you wake up. With those hand signals, you’re able to go back into hypnosis easily and without hesitation.

How To Become Hypnotized

You can be hypnotized by another person, and also by using your own self-hypnosis techniques. In order to hypnotize yourself, you need to be willing. Some people may be more open to hypnosis than others. If you’re willing to allow yourself to be hypnotized, you need a quiet place where you can concentrate without distractions.

You can sit in a straight-backed chair or lie down on a couch if you choose. To begin the process of self-hypnosis, close your eyes and start taking deep breaths. Follow the rhythm of your breathing and imagine that each breath is going deeper into your body with each inhale.

Think about what you want from hypnosis and what positive changes you want in your life as a result of being hypnotized.

Continue to breathe deeply and follow the rhythm of your breathing until you get a feeling of lightness in your body. Keep focusing on this feeling of lightness and keep breathing deeply until you are totally relaxed.

You might be able to go into a deep state of hypnosis with this process, but don’t be concerned if you can’t. This doesn’t mean that you aren’t able to become hypnotized. It just means that it may take more practice for you to achieve self-hypnosis than it does for some other people. Don’t be discouraged if this is the case, just keep practicing with your self-hypnosis techniques until they become second nature to you.

Once you are in a deep trance, you can then begin to focus on your symptoms. Think about what is bothering you, who is responsible for it, and how you can overcome this problem.

Next, start to see the specific symptoms that are bothering you—the ones associated with your problem. Keep thinking about them until the feeling of lightness and relaxation becomes stronger and stronger. You won’t believe the power of hypnosis!

When you are able to feel this sensation in all parts of your body without any pain, nausea or anxiety occurring—you will be able to achieve a deeper state of hypnosis than most people get with self-hypnosis.

When you are able to achieve deep hypnosis, think about the issue that is bothering you and its cause. Keep thinking about this issue until you feel more relaxed and your pain is gone. Imagine that your symptoms are disappearing one by one until they are all gone.

Positively think about what happened before your symptoms began—the time period that’s responsible for your illness or injury. Keep thinking about it until your mind becomes clearer and clearer without any pain, nausea or anxiety in your body at all.

Finally, when all of this happens, thank yourself for making positive changes in the way you feel and behave. This will help you get back to your normal life more quickly and easily.

While this process of self-hypnosis might seem like it takes a long time to complete, it actually goes very quickly for many people. You will be able to feel self-hypnosis as soon as you start, and there’s no need for you to wait for an entire hour before you can see any results from hypnosis. In fact, after just five or ten minutes of practice with self-hypnosis, the pain is already beginning to subside.


You may wonder what makes hypnosis so powerful for treating your symptoms. The truth is that it’s your subconscious mind that’s responsible for your symptoms, including headaches, nausea, anxiety, and other problems. When you are able to get in touch with your subconscious mind and tell it exactly what you want—with the use of self-hypnosis or hypnosis with a professional—you’re able to overcome these symptoms quickly and easily.

When you can become hypnotized easily and thoroughly—through self-hypnosis or with the help of a professional hypnotist—the pain will be gone in minutes.

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