I Am "At Cause" For Everything That Happens In My Life


 I Am "At Cause" For Everything That Happens In My Life

The idea of 'at cause' is that you are the only one in control of your destiny. You are responsible for everything that happens to you in every situation, regardless of what it might be. This is an empowering idea, but not without its own negativity in some cases.
There are many benefits to being at cause for everything that happens in your life, with perhaps the best being responsibility and empowerment. You will have never endured a single unfair circumstance or wound up doing anything silly because all those things were your fault! The downside to be at cause for everything may come from other people's perspective: they may find it hard to take responsibility for their actions if they know you're always at blame too.
I'll tell you exactly why I've always had a hard time accepting this way of thinking. I've always found it difficult to find the room and opportunity to take responsibility for my actions or my circumstances in life. That's not to say that I act rashly or anything like that, but a large part of me wants to blame and shame other people instead of accepting responsibility myself.
You see, I'm a really passive person with little self-control when it comes to coming up with excuses for others' actions and things they have done wrong. I'm almost always the person who takes the blame for other people's mistakes and shortcomings. I see it as a way of avoiding responsibility and acceptance of blame. This is one reason why I'm always at cause for everything that happens in my life. It's easier to blame someone else for everything that has gone wrong in my life than it is to take responsibility for myself.
On the other hand, I've met some people who are so at cause for everything that happens in their lives, but it seems like they can almost transcend the problems and challenges they face through sheer willpower alone. I know this because whenever I meet these people, they don't seem to be bothered by anything that happens to them. It's almost like they are immune to anything negative in their lives. I've always thought that it would be more rewarding to be more at cause for my own life rather than for other people's misfortune, but I'm finding this more and more difficult to do.
Please don't get the impression that I don't want to be at cause for everything that happens in my life. I'm just not comfortable with it, especially when there are so many difficulties in the world for me personally. So why do I still believe this?
Just today, a friend told me about how he has been able to overcome some obstacles in his life over the last few years without taking responsibility for anything. He said that he has always believed that if he is ever faced with a particularly difficult obstacle, it will be his fault. In other words, he has always blamed himself for everything that has gone wrong in his life.
This is very different from saying you're at cause for everything, isn't it? It seems like resignation is more appropriate, although I'm not sure how I feel about this at all. I've never thought of myself as someone who would completely resign myself to another person's shortcomings however, so maybe this is a positive alternative to what I've been putting in my mind lately.
I guess it really comes down to the fact that I want to accept responsibility for my actions and decisions as much as possible. I don't want to be someone who always blames others, but I also don't want to see myself as a victim either.
I really do love the idea of being at cause for everything that happens in my life, but I'm not too comfortable with the idea of being at the mercy of my circumstances. Overall, it's a fine balance to figure out. On one hand it seems like an empowering thought, but on the other it's already crippling myself and creating problems for myself.
Life is a challenge, but I welcome and invite the challenges that come my way. You see, I'm always looking forward to challenges and problems in my life. Those are what motivate me and keep me achieving new heights.
I've always looked at life as a challenge in some way or another. As someone who has so many challenges and difficulties in their life, I don't think I'll ever be able to fully stop challenging myself just because everything is going well for me.
The truth is that I have a lot of challenges and difficulties in my life on top of any other challenges that might arise, so it's not like the challenges are all going away if I stop feeling challenged by them. I'll never be able to stop challenging myself, as that is my nature.
The point is, I accept challenges and obstacles in my life, so long as they are seen as things to overcome rather than barriers to overcome.
If I thought that the challenges in my life were going to get in the way of me achieving my dreams and aspirations, then I might feel somewhat intimidated by them. But I don't think that's the case at all.
The challenge of trying new things, meeting new people and experiencing new things is really one of the most rewarding aspects for me about life itself. I know that I'm going to have to accommodate any challenges that come my way, but I'm always looking forward to the challenge.
With the new year fast approaching, there's a lot of excitement in the air as we all start a new chapter in our lives - myself included.
I've always loved the start of a new year because it creates an impetus for change that otherwise may not have been there. However, I've found this change more and more difficult to come by lately because everything seems pretty much status quo at home and at work. Those are things I need to keep working on, but so do many other things in life outside of work and home.
The biggest change that has happened in my life over the last month is a change of mindset, which I fully intend to carry into the new year. This change of mindset has been a long time coming and I've had it in my mind for quite some time now.
I've written about it before on this blog, but I'm just going to briefly sum it up here because this is important to me.
You see, until recently, I had always looked at life through rose-colored glasses. That isn't completely negative either because someone needs to keep a positive perspective on things as well. This can be difficult to do even when there is no negativity in one's life, which is the case for me right now.
I've been seeing the glass half full much more recently, and that has influenced my outlook on life somewhat. However, I still wasn't able to separate the positive aspects of life from other less positive aspects.
I realized that I need to be able to separate my positive perceptions of things from all the other things in my life because when all these other things get mixed up with the positivity, it becomes harder for me to accept all these changes in my life.


So overall, I'm really looking forward to the New Year and I hope it brings me a lot of happiness and success. As always, I'm going to approach this new year with a positive mind-set and focus on the things that make me happy.
I think it's going to be an even more awesome year than last year was, without a doubt. It's just so hard for me to believe that because I've loved each one of my last two years. How can all this change?
Okay, maybe not quite as hard as all that. But still, it would be great if we could change together and have another awesome year full of excitement and happiness for everybody there...

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