If Wishes Were Horses Then Beggars Would Ride


 If Wishes Were Horses Then Beggars Would Ride

If wishes were horses then beggars would ride. -Noah Webster, 1783
This old saying was the first thing that popped into my mind when I woke up this morning and wished many things without making any plans to actually achieve them. The sad truth is that no matter how much we wish for something, realistically we won't see it come true unless we work hard in order to achieve it. There is a lot of luck involved in what you end up with, and you have to be prepared for twists and turns along the way. It's not fair or realistic but life doesn't always treat us the best way possible so be prepared for hard times and leave your dreams at home where they belong.
What is a dream? A dream is something that's unattainable in the present, but could be easily be achieved if we put our minds to it. They're impossible schemes that can never happen unless you take action. That's why dreams are only suitable for nights - because in the light of day, these things will seem impossible .
I can think back to when I was dreaming of becoming famous and rich but when I woke up and realized that the only way to achieve that was through hard work and dedication, I decided to pursue other avenues. It wasn't easy, but it was the right thing to do.
It's easy to sit back and dream about becoming a millionaire, but it's so much harder to actually start working towards it. If you want something in life then you have to work for it. No one is going to hand it to you on a silver platter.
I realized that I was dreaming too big and needed to come up with a smaller target that I could reach for. If I wanted money, then why not start small? Nothing wrong with keeping your dreams alive in the future, but don't let them get in the way of what you need to do today .
I was an idealist before I became an adult . When I was a child and everything was new, the world stretched out before me like a never-ending flat sheet of land. Anything I wanted was within reach because anything was possible. When I was a teenager, my imagination grew and I started to realize the real ways in which the world worked. When you get older, life doesn't get any easier but you begin to realize that most dreams will have to stay dreams forever.
So what's the solution? If you want something in life then work for it! Set goals that are achievable instead of setting yourself up for failure by trying to meet them all at once .
Take baby steps instead of running off towards your dream with reckless abandon . Don't let your mind race ahead of you and start thinking of dozens of other things that you'll need to do once you are successful at what you're doing. Just think about how to get them done. If there's one thing that I've learned, it's that if you rush your plans then they will fail.
You have to be realistic too! What makes a dream a dream is the fact that they're unattainable in the present because they are so far away from reality . A dream is something that we wish for but aren't expecting to see any time soon. This is why no one works towards their dreams - because it's not realistic . Dreams are only good for wishing and hoping, not working hard to achieve them.
I used to think that I could be rich and famous. I was dreaming too big and setting myself up for failure instead of planning out my goals one at a time . The problem is that it's so easy to get caught up in your dreams that you forget all about reality. When you're dreaming, everything is possible and the sky is the limit. The more you dream, the bigger your expectations become until you've lost sight of what's real and what's not .
What about all those other things that we want but know are impossible? We wish for perfectly healthy bodies and lives filled with love , but yet we do nothing about it because we're too busy dreaming .
It's hard to see past all the things that you have and wish for. We have too many ideals and expectations in our lives that we end up setting ourselves up for failure .
Our dreams can be something real for a short time but if you don't set specific goals and keep them in check then you'll miss or ignore the little things that are most important .
If you have a dream, then make it realistic so that you can achieve it. Set smart goals, figure out how to reach them, and start working towards them one step at a time. Then when your goal is reached, take those first steps towards the next goal. Keep working hard and progress will be realized.
If you want to achieve something, then you have to work hard. If you don't set any specific goals and keep your expectations low then you'll be disappointed if they are not met. After all, what's the point of working hard if it won't produce anything good ?
There is no point in dreaming too big and being unrealistic about what's possible. Just define goals and work hard towards them one step at a time . Don't forget that it's okay to dream as long as you don't forget about reality .
No matter how hard we try to achieve our dreams, in the end we are who we are. It's up to us to make ourselves happy by doing what we love and working hard for what we need .
Be where you feel like you belong. Do what you wish to do. Stop thinking about how it'll change your life and start focusing on how it will make your life better. If you want something then work for it, but if you can't achieve it then don't worry about it because you've spent time working towards something that never existed in the first place .
Dreaming makes us happy and sometimes we think that dreams are too big to achieve or that they never would come true. In reality, the things that we call aspirations are probably only dreams in disguise.
You can't let those lofty aspirations control your life . You have to be realistic about what you can achieve. Set sensible goals, figure out how to reach them, and work hard towards them one step at a time .
If you have a dream, then make it realistic so that you can achieve it. That's the only way to keep your dreams alive and realistic. Set smart goals, figure out how to reach them, and start working towards them one step at a time .
Dreaming is fun but don't let it consume all of your life because nothing is going to change if that happens. You have to be realistic about what you can achieve. Set sensible goals, figure out how to reach them, and work hard towards them one step at a time .
It's easy to dream of being rich, but we should be working towards being happy no matter how much money we have. If you want something then work for it. If you're not going to help yourself, who will?
Be realistic about your dreams when they're big! Work smart and set realistic goals so that you'll know how far away they are from becoming reality . If you don't know how close they are to becoming reality then stop dreaming so big! You'll become discouraged and your goal will lose its meaning before it even begins .


Dream big, but don't forget to stay realistic about what you can achieve. Work hard towards your goals one step at a time. Don't believe everything that you read and don't listen to those who tell you that it's impossible. If you keep these tips in mind then you will be able to achieve any dream!
If you have a dream then make sure that it's realistic and keep doing what works for now . When your dreams are grounded in reality, they'll become attainable for no matter how long it takes!
Thank you for reading! I hope this information was helpful to you.

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