If You Want To Achieve Your Goals - Then Get Motivated,


If You Want To Achieve Your Goals - Then Get Motivated,

Every single day of your life, you are faced with choices that could go one of two ways: either motivate you to live up to your full potential or cause confusion and hesitation as a result of indecision. If you want to be confident in achieving your goals, then ask yourself what it is that motivates me and encourage yourself to stay positive throughout the process.

First off, ask yourself how much time you typically spend every day contemplating what's ahead of you before moving on with your day/week. If you spend more than a few minutes before each decision, then you need to enforce positive motivation in your life. If the answer is zero to one minute, then you have the right amount of motivation to start with.

Next, ask yourself what purpose this motivation serves; do you want to own your dreams by achieving them or are you content with your current situation? It's important that you are well aware of these objectives when it comes time for decisions throughout the day/week.

For example: Suppose that as a student, your goal is to get a degree in computer science and become a professional software developer later on. You are in your final year of school and need to write a final project that will determine if you get a decent grade (70%+) or an excellent grade (80%+). Ask yourself: "Do I want to be motivated, or do I want to take the easy way out? Do I want to learn new things, or copy and paste code from online tutorials?"

Also, ask yourself if you're happy with the outcome and if you're content with what you've done. If it feels right in your heart: then go ahead with it. If it feels wrong in your heart: then reevaluate the decision and ask yourself: "Have I done my best in this situation?"

If you're content with what you have done, then you're wasting your precious time; maybe now it's time to look towards achieving your goals.

Take action to become motivated by asking yourself why it is that you want to achieve these objectives. What makes them important? How will they affect the way that you live? Do they make a significant difference in the quality of your life? Are they worth it? If no, then don't waste more time on them; get on with your life already and move forward toward something more motivated toward.

However, if they do make a significant difference: then start your journey by making a list of all the things that you need to get done every day/week. Make sure that it's realistic and contain tasks that you can actually achieve on a daily basis.

If you make an unrealistic list with too many tasks, then you're setting yourself up for failure; you'll get frustrated with yourself and get angry because you won't be able to do everything in a single day. Have patience and do the best you can with what you have.

If you make an unrealistic list with too few tasks, then it might be easy for you to convince yourself that these goals aren't worth accomplishing. Do your best for today and figure out tomorrow; don't deliberately disregard your goals until they aren't realistic anymore.

Another interesting concept is to use a daily "motivation log," as described in this video:
Furthermore, ask yourself: "What's the purpose of my life? I need to find out how my life will affect each decision I make. What purpose does this task have for me? What does it bring me?"

Try to figure out your true intentions by asking yourself these questions, because it might make a difference in the way you live your life. Make sure that you don't discover too late the consequences of an action and ask yourself: "What is my motivation for doing this?"

The purpose of your life and what defines it is your goal; don't let either one fall by the wayside because you might regret it someday. Get motivated today and be happy on a daily basis by achieving your goals and running after your dreams.

... My name is Chris Brown, born October 2000, in Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA. I am a student of Computer Science (CS), and I have been programming for about a year. My first blog post was on August 29, 2011 entitled What Do You Get for Being a Good Programmer?

I discovered the concept of motivation through reading the work of Donald A. Norman in The Psychology of Everyday Things , which is my favorite book on the subject. The first thing I'm doing after this post goes up is going to Amazon and buying this book to memorize it: The Psychology of Everyday Things .

I am also motivated to learn Python and C++ . I want to be a programmer, but at the same time, I don't want to develop for web browsers.

I wrote about why I like the NBA playoff system and the importance of studying for finals on November 30th, 2012.

Also, check out my blog on how runners should study for their next race by giving their mind a break by doing Sudoku!

Sharing my ideas of what I'm learning and how it's affecting me as a college student is shown in this post entitled If You Want To Have A Successful Time In College: How To Study For Finals On Email (And Any Other Time!) .

If you have the spare time, then check out my most recent post: What Motivates Me To Study For Finals.

Also, check out a recent post I made on December 15th entitled: Why Should I Program In C++ ?

I'm studying Computer Science at Lake Land College in Mattoon, Illinois. The college was founded in 1889 and is made up of over 1350 students and 70 full-time staff members. Their sports teams are the Eagles and their logo is the Laker. They play on the NJCAA Division II soccer team as a part of the Mid-Continental Athletic Association (MAC). The team's home games are at C.K. Krebs Field, which is a soccer stadium with a capacity of 2500 people.

... I am a computer science student from the United States, currently attending college in Mattoon, Illinois (USA).


Motivation is the foundation for any great endeavor. It can make or break your project, and it can either make you or break you. The three most important things to do when overcoming a lack of motivation are:

Figure out what your motivation is, Figure out if it's worth doing, Consider if this task will eventually lead to your goal, and Perform action toward fulfilling that goal with perseverance.

If you don't have motivation for something, then try these suggestions to jump-start yourself into action:

Figure out what your goal is trying to accomplish.

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