Improve Yourself In As Little As 5 Minutes With These 10 Inspirational Quotes


 Improve Yourself In As Little As 5 Minutes With These 10 Inspirational Quotes

Improve Yourself In As Little As 5 Minutes With These 10 Inspirational Quotes

If you are in need of a little motivation, there are countless inspirational quotes that can help. Here are ten quick ones that I hope will help you on your way to personal improvement.

1. "Bravery doesn't always roar - sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 'I will try again tomorrow.'" by Martin Luther King Jr.     2. "People often say it takes great courage to change your mind." by Dwight D. Eisenhower 3. "There's no such thing as a wrong decision - there's only the right decision and the rushed one." by Ann Landers 4. "The greatest discovery of any generation is that man can alter his life by altering his attitude of mind." by William James 5. "You have one life, you may as well live it for yourself instead of for others." by Helen Keller 6. "A person without values and principles is a shore person without a country." by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 7. "Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." by William James 8. "Doing the right thing is not always easy, but it's always right." by Benjamin Disraeli 9. "God gives us challenge on the mountain, to prove our strength and courage when we are in difficulties and troubles of life." 10. "If you are trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it." by Michael Jordan

Don't make excuses or place blame for your problems; plan how to overcome them and use these quick tips to help yourself improve in life today!    

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Personal Growth: How to Improve Yourself in 5 Minutes or Less
"Classic writer, Leo Tolstoy was a prolific author who wrote over 60 novels and many short stories during his lifetime. He was also a genius and worked in law before discovering his strength as an artist and writer. In this article he's going to share with you his own personal growth journey which took him from young man struggling to overcome poverty, obscurity and loneliness to a world renowned writer with so much success that he's received lots of awards including being made an Honorary Citizen of Russia." 
"This time around we're taking a step back in time. To a period of countless wars between kingdoms in the ancient India. A time when kings and queens ruled with iron fists and people had to live under their rule in fear, but also hidden among their ranks were people like you and I. Ordinary men and women who would be faced with many challenges throughout their lives, but who would also help shape the future of mankind forever." 
"A few minutes a day is all it takes to keep your brain working at it's optimum level. If you use this timer as part of a daily routine then you will begin to notice how quickly and easily you can achieve your learning goals for the day. Give it a try, I'm confident that you'll notice the difference even during your first session." 
"My goal when I was in my early twenties was to get married. And that's what happened. But then my wife and I got divorced a few years later and we both moved on. I began to travel the world, meeting new people and new cultures while she stayed at home with our son. While traveling around the world was such an exhilarating experience, it also left me feeling severely homesick." 
"We all have aspirations to become better versions of ourselves so what is stopping us? Our life is like a camera..if we do not click the shutter none of those magical moments will be captured. I am often asked to give advise by people seeking a change in their lives so here are my top three tips for you to take with you on your journey towards personal growth." 
"It's easy to sit around and think about all the goals we want to accomplish, the things we'd like to achieve in our lives. It's a whole different ballgame when it comes to actually getting out there and doing something about it. Sometimes we get caught up in negative thinking, even when things are going pretty well right now, and that can hold us back from achieving our goals." 
"Great personal growth begins with an understanding of yourself. You can't fix a problem you don't understand. So if you have any doubts about what's going on in your life, ask yourself this simple question." 
"How do you feel when you think of your goals? If the answer to that question is love, then great! Because that means you're fulfilling your purpose in life. If not, then change the way you think and make sure "your purpose" is the first thing you focus on." 
"Our thoughts can shape our entire day. They are like an air traffic controller directing us through the twists and turns of our lives at every moment. It's our thoughts that allow us to rise above challenges and even those who seem like bullies. It's our thoughts that can help us overcome negativity in our lives and become happy. You have to ask yourself, "What good is my life going to be if I continue thinking the way I've been thinking?" 
"The first step to changing the way we think is through changing the way we speak. Dr. Joe Dispenza talks about this in a video I quite enjoyed called, "How to change your mind and your life through words". In his video he describes that the brain is like a computer which processes every word we say. This includes the thoughts we say aloud and those which are just for us. What you say matters, so scrutinize your words and make sure they're meaningful." 
"The worlds most famous motivational speaker, Tony Robbins is no stranger to changing the world through his teachings and workshops. He even has a workshop called "Unleash the Power Within" which is all about getting yourself to think in positive ways and having the courage to take chances. Tony tells us that when your energy is high, so are your results, so why not try a few of his tips?" 
"Being a teenager can be more than tough. It's tough being independent while living at home with family members who may disapprove of your actions or lifestyle choices. When you're a teenager you're full of energy, but also full of emotions and ideas that contradict the society you live in. It's not easy finding your place in the world when everyone around you has their own opinions about life." 
"I was about fifteen or sixteen when I realized something was missing in my life. I had a number of friends who were talented musicians and musicianship was something I was interested in. But then one day as I sat in band class I began to wonder, "What am I even doing here?" Then suddenly it hit me: "I hate sitting here with these other kids who have been playing their instruments since they were able to hold one.

Conclusion of the book: "You can change your life. Just don't be afraid to take a chance. Anything is possible if you keep believing in yourself."

"The purpose of my book is to help you discover a way of thinking for yourself. I've been fortunate enough to have met many people around the world, some famous and some unknown who all have one thing in common; they are all striving towards their personal aspirations and dreams."
"If you want to live an extraordinary life then there's no time like the present. But how do we start? In this article I'm going to give you 5 simple tips on how to live an extraordinary life and help you get started on your journey today.

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