In the End, the One Thing That Matters


 In the End, the One Thing That Matters

A little over a year ago, I decided to start taking care of my health. I started running and eating better, and even began powerlifting to improve my strength. This was the beginning of an incredible journey that made me stronger than I could have ever imagined.

One thing that has been hard for me to accept is that as much as this journey has helped me grow into a better person, it will be ending soon no matter how hard or long it goes on. While this may be discouraging at first, it’s turned out to be the best thing that could have happened to me because it forced me not only change but excel in ways I never thought possible before.

When I started this journey, I was in a place of constant negativity. When I was asked what I wanted to be, my honest answer was “Dead”. It seemed like everything in my life wasn’t going my way and every time I tried to fix it it just got worse.

At the same time, this put me in a very unique position of having nothing left to lose from doing whatever I wanted to do. However, not having this mindset also made me feel like nothing mattered as much as it once did before.

Getting started on this path did not come naturally or even easily at first. In fact, I had a very hard time even deciding to get started.

Most of you who know me are probably shocked to learn that the first thing I did after deciding to start this journey was cry. Crying was the only thing I could think of doing to take care of my health, and it seemed easier than doing anything else. There was no way for me to know what kind of consequences this decision would have in my life because it was so far from where I thought my life would be at that point in time.

I have come a long way since that first day, and I can tell you that the struggle is over once you start taking care of yourself regularly.

When you start taking care of yourself, you become a different person. You actually start to like yourself, and that’s not an exaggeration. You begin to see how much better you can be if given the opportunity to excel in ways that you never had before. You can actually see how much happier and better off your life will be once this journey is over.

My favorite way of thinking about this is that when you start taking care of yourself regularly, it will eventually become the most important thing in your life, even including your relationships with others. Not only that, but once you change your life to focus on taking care of yourself, you will see how much better YOU become as a result.

I am often asked what I would tell someone who wants to start taking care of themselves. My answer is simple: just do it. Whatever it is for you, whatever it takes for you. Get up and take steps toward your health and wellbeing every single day.

Don’t try to make excuses for why you shouldn’t or can’t start doing this now. Don’t let the fear of change make you turn away from your health and wellbeing completely because you are afraid that once this thing changes things will never be the same again.

The truth is that your life will never be the same again. Once you start taking care of yourself and make changes to improve your health, you will see it firsthand. Once you start improving your health and wellbeing, it will change how others perceive you. The changes will be so incredible that they will actually make things even better than they were before.

There are many things in life that we feel we can’t control, but this is not one of them. You have total control over what happens to your health and wellbeing for the rest of your life by simply making these simple changes to improve it. This does not mean that everything will always go perfectly smoothly when changing habits in order to get healthier or stronger. It means that the struggle will be over and you will become a person that is worth being around.

That’s all I have to say today. Take care of yourself, and good luck on your journey!

P.S.: My goal is to start posting once a week on Wednesdays, but I may be slow in getting out posts in the next few weeks while traveling out of town. Thanks for your support!

UPDATE: And here is my next post as promised! ( ) If you like this one, please share it with others who could use the message too. Thank you very much for reading!


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Posted in Uncategorized, Videos, Workout. Tags: dieting, fitness. Tagged: abs and core, abs workout, dieting workout. 1 Comment » P.S.: My goal is to start posting once a week on Wednesdays, but I may be slow in getting out posts in the next few weeks while traveling out of town. Thanks for your support! UPDATE: And here is my next post as promised! ( ) If you like this one, please share it with others who could use the message too. Thank you very much for reading!

Filed under: Uncategorized | Tagged: abs and core, abs workout, dieting workout.

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Tags: abs and core, abs workout, dieting workout.

Friday, May 20th, 2012 at 2:49AM You can also click here to view all posts by this author... P.S.: My goal is to start posting once a week on Wednesdays, but I may be slow in getting out posts in the next few weeks while traveling out of town. Thanks for your support! Comments will be approved before showing up.

You can send this story to a friend via email or facebook by clicking on the appropriate button below: I thought you might like this story Best Of Luck On Your Journey by Tina Phillips (3050 words) This is my first blog post and video.

Conclusion: Do whatever it takes to take care of yourself

Good luck on your journey!

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Posted in Uncategorized. Tags: body image, dieting workout, exercise, fitness. Tagged: abs & core exercises. No Comments » Monday, May 14th, 2012 at 1:05AMYou can send this story to a friend via email or facebook by clicking on the appropriate button below: Caring for Your Health - The End Of The Struggle by Tina Phillips (2080 words) I thought you might like this story Best Of Luck On Your Journey by Tina Phillips (3050 words) This is my first blog post and video.

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