Inspiration From The Passion Of Waves


 Inspiration From The Passion Of Waves

When surfing, it can be hard to know where to start. It is not always the case that we would have an idea of what we want. But once you find a wave, the next step is actually finding it.

Sometimes this means walking past waves without even seeing them, but the more time you spend in the water, learning to spot those waves out of millions, finding your rhythm and building up momentum for when you do see one and execute a move on it; each minute spent in the water becomes worth so much more than just sightseeing.

All of this is in preparation for a perfect wave. The way you can find yourself on that perfect wave is a feeling you develop and it is often not something you will be able to put into words. I know a lot of people who, trying to explain their feelings, just end up describing the experience, but of course I am here to tell you what it feels like to be out there.

This is about inspiration from the passion of waves.

A perfect day. It is an experience to be out there, on the waves when it is firing. You know how some days you feel exhausted, or too hot and sticky that you just don't want to paddle out? Well that day was not like that. Don't get me wrong, surfing is tough and damn hard work, but it can also be so easy. It all depends on how you look at it.

It happens over and over again. Even with the same conditions, I still find myself in a new state within each swell. The surf might feel different but the feeling itself is always alive and fresh.

I know that this is not just me who feels like this. My crew all have the same feeling when we are out there, even on a bad day where we just cannot make it happen. We are all working as one, trying to get out of our minds all the thoughts that day brought us, and focusing back onto finding and getting that perfect wave at hand – something which is so hard and impossible to describe with words when it happens.

As soon as I set foot on the water [ARTICLE END]

© 2015, Ian Daniels. All rights reserved. Please do not republish without permission.

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Tags: Inspiration, Surfing, Wave, Inspired, Surfing Artwork Beach Art Surfing Inspired by Instagram Photos You'll Love!

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Visit The Official Website for ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ "I think that surfing is great. It's a lot of fun and it looks like something you'd have to have guts to do." ~ Jeff Goldblum "I think that surfing is great. It's a lot of fun and it looks like something you'd have to have guts to do. I'd like to try it sometime, but I have no idea where I'd go to get a surfboard." Paul Walker ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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All images, trademarks, and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. © 2015 Ian Daniels. All rights reserved. Please do not republish without permission..


~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Artwork by Ian Daniels ~ ~ ~ ********************** About Ian Daniels ********************** I started to paint and draw as a kid, but didn't really take it seriously until I started traveling around the world. Since then my work has evolved into a combination of my passion for surfing and street art or fine art drawing and painting. For more information on me, check out my bio here: http://www.surfbossurfa... >>> Facebook: Please follow me on my Facebook page, I post a lot of photos there.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Visit The Official Website for ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ "I think that surfing is great. It's a lot of fun and it looks like something you'd have to have guts to do." ~ Jeff Goldblum "I think that surfing is great. It's a lot of fun and it looks like something you'd have to have guts to do. I'd like to try it sometime, but I have no idea where I'd go to get a surfboard." Paul Walker ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright by Ian Daniels. All rights reserved. Please do not republish without permission.

You can hit me up on social media: Twitter Facebook Linkedin ~ ~ ~ All images, trademarks, and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. © 2015 Ian Daniels. All rights reserved. Please do not republish without permission.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ********************** About Ian Daniels ********************** I started to paint and draw as a kid, but didn't really take it seriously until I started traveling around the world. Since then my work has evolved into a combination of my passion for surfing and street art or fine art drawing and painting. For more information on me, check out my bio here: http://www.surfbossurfa... >>> Facebook: Please follow me on my Facebook page, I post a lot of photos there.

Conclusion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

About The Author

Ian Daniels is a professional surfer and artist. Ian won the Canadian Junior Surfing Championship in the year 2000, before moving to Hawaii to pursue his dream of becoming a top level surfer. Ian has been featured in over 60 magazines worldwide including Surf Odyssey, Surfline and many more. He is also currently an artist working with different surf brands under his art brand called Surf Paintings By Ian Daniels. You can hit me up on social media: Twitter Facebook Linkedin ~ ~ ~ All images, trademarks, and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. © 2015 Ian Daniels. All rights reserved. Please do not republish without permission..

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