Inspired For Women


 Inspired For Women

As a man who has always been attracted to strong, confident women, I’ve come to realize how rare it is for us to find each other. It’s not that we want the same things in life. We don't share the same struggles and our pressures are very different. And yet, here you are. You're smart, accomplished and all together real dope. You're radically centering your strength in this world and we need more of you - on every level of society.

I created Inspired For Women as a resource for women who are looking to do something they love while also making an impactful change in their community. I want women to know that they don’t have to choose between the two. They can do both. In fact, doing both is the only way that they can become the people they dream of being.

I realized many years ago that I had the power to impact a lot of women and it was time to use it. That's why I'm sharing this model with you today. It's simple, but powerful, and it will totally get you focused on your vision for yourself and for your world around you. It's not about becoming a saint or putting up a façade and pretending like everything is perfect when in fact everything is not. It's about recognizing that you have a higher purpose in this world and then allowing yourself to accept and embrace it.

The same goes for your friends, your family members, your peers and even your coworkers. There are no short cuts to any of this and there will be days where you feel like you're stuck. But the truth is that the small steps along the way are always going to lead to big rewards in the end. Choose wisely and choose well when it comes to everything you do from now until eternity.

Together we can make a difference in this world, one woman at a time...


Drema Thurston, Co-Founder of Inspired For Women.










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Why This Article is Awesome? - Drema Thurston, Co-Founder of Inspired For Women had an article featured on Huffington Post titled 'Inspired For Women'. An inspiring article on how women can achieve more in their lives by changing their perspective. The article is full of inspirational and motivational words to raise awareness of the opportunities women have in today's society.

Simple 4-Step Model - Drema Thurston, Co-Founder of Inspired For Women has developed a simple 4 step model for women in the article 'Inspired For Women'. The model contains four steps to be taken during her article that will help women to accomplish more in their lives by being better prepared for their future.

How To Use These Steps - Drema Thurston, Co-Founder of Inspired For Women gives her readers and followers a description on how they can start using these four steps and that what each step can help them achieve and achieve more with.

Inspirational Quotes - Drema Thurston, Co-Founder of Inspired For Women has included some inspirational quotes in the article titled 'Inspired For Women'.

The first being: "The world breaks everyone and afterward, some are strong at the broken places." by Ernest Hemingway. This quote is included in her article to show her readers and followers that they can break past their current circumstances. The key is to not be afraid of breaking apart but to realize that at the end of it, you will be strong and better than before.

The second being: "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.


This article was full of inspirational quotes, motivation and tips for women to be better prepared for the future. This helps women, who have a positive attitude towards life, to have all the tools required to make them better, more educated and happier persons in their lives.

Women's Pathways

"I Love My Freedom, And So Will You"

This is everything you need to know about starting your own business or making a change in your current position. You'll find practical advice, stories and inspiring examples to show you exactly how it's done.

By: Anthony Haynes

Published by: Haynes Media Group LLC 2016 22nd Edition - Updated Summer 2017. All rights reserved.

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