Is Failing Bad?


 Is Failing Bad?

Is failing bad? More importantly, does it really matter if you fail or not? There are many people who believe that having a set of failures in your past is essential to the development of any individual. For example, if someone wants to learn how to play a harp but has never played one before, they might have trouble finding their way around the instrument. But after months of practice and getting feedback on their progress, they're finally able to play a few songs! This process of failure and perseverance allows them to learn quickly and eventually master the instrument.
It is because of this belief that some teachers will actually allow their students to fail so they can learn new concepts. According to a recent study done by the Harvard Business Review, failure is "a necessary antecedent to success" and that those who have the best chance at success are those who are able to pick themselves up after a failure.
Another significant reason why many people believe that failing is important for an individual's development is because of their own personal experiences. If someone has been able to accomplish something like becoming a successful student, great leader or anything along those lines, there is no doubt in their mind that it was because of all the failures they went through before achieving that status. In fact, one could argue that failure is a most critical aspect of life and should not be avoided at all costs.
Yet, there are so many times when we fail because we lack the proper knowledge or skill to achieve something. This happens because our previous experiences did not allow us to learn properly on how to do things. There are also times we get frustrated by the things around us but fail to change them in order for a better situation. Inevitably, we grow up during our lives making various mistakes and learning from those experiences as well as creating new habits and viewpoints to replace those mistakes.
This is why it's so important for us to learn from our mistakes in order for us to learn the proper things we need to learn. Of course, this process might still result in a failure but these failures can either leave you with better knowledge and skills or they can just help you improve on what you lacked before.
This is because without failing, we would be unable to evolve as individuals. We would get too comfortable and wouldn't want to try anything new anymore. One could argue that this is why many people choose not to try new things or take on a challenge because they fear that they might fail again. Though this is understandable, we need to allow ourselves to fall and make mistakes in order for us to learn more about ourselves.
We also need to realize that failure is only a part of life. It does not matter how good or bad you are, everyone fails at some point. The important thing is to understand why we fail, how we can prevent it from happening and what we need to do when it does happen. This way, people will be more open towards breaking the status quo and opening up themselves for change, which might lead them into becoming a better individual in the long run.
However, many people choose not to see failure as something positive but rather something negative. In other words, they will categorize failing as a mistake and its solution as something to be avoided. But this couldn't be further from the truth. The key to the success is in learning how to receive feedback on our mistakes and how to use it to our advantage in our future endeavors. For example, if someone fails at something, he should learn how their failure can benefit them in the long run. Maybe they'll be able to improve their skill or technique by changing their way of doing things.
If you're still not sure about this concept and what it truly means, then you should read other people's stories . You might discover another perspective that might change your outlook towards failure altogether. Of course this is only my opinion of failure and you are welcome to disagree with me. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.
Alice : Well, I think it's important to learn from your failures because you can use them as a way to improve yourself in the future. Sam : I don't agree with you. You should try and avoid making mistakes at all cost because they might fail you again. Alice : I'm not a failure because my ideas succeeded this time around so i can try some other things and see how it goes if i won't be afraid of failing it again! -Sam
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EDITOR'S NOTE: This writing process was influenced by a story written by Kookie . She wrote this piece reflecting on her own experience, adding a new aspect towards her life as well as giving a more profound meaning to "Failing". Her piece can be found here . -DJ What do you think about this article? Would you share it with others or keep it to yourself? -DJ Also, feel free to discuss this article in the comments section below. Leave your thoughts and reactions on whether you agree or disagree with what the writer has said. -DJ Want to read more articles? Check out the Writers' Hub! Click here!
Want to be part of the community? Join our awesome Facebook fan page. Click here for the link! ~ ~ ~ Contributors: Paveena, Tereza, Chakib, Daniela, Sam Clark, Leena Jumah-Djafari, Rachid Hassan , Waheedah Khan , Kookie , DJ . Thank you all for the great contributions!
Do you want to learn more about sources? Here are my recommended reading: Daniel Kahneman's Thinking, Fast and Slow - Josh Kurz --------------- Contributors : Tereza , Kookie , DJ . Thank you all for your great contributions! Love this article? Share it using the buttons below. Want to read more articles? Check out the Writers' Hub for more awesome articles. Click here!
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I hope that one could get some value from this article. Please make sure to comment below if you have any questions or suggestions. Thank you for reading this article!


4/4/2009 10:52:00 PM

Failing is not a bad thing, it's an important part of the learning process. It's what will make us better as individuals, no one can say that they have not failed ,everyone fails at some point in their life. I think everyone has experienced failure in their life but they try not to see it as a good thing.

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