Is There Such a Thing as Christian Goal Setting?


 Is There Such a Thing as Christian Goal Setting?

There are many studies on the effectiveness of goals and goal setting. Unfortunately, I was unable to find any studies that took into account whether or not these goals were set in a Christian way.

The Bible does say that "the righteous man looks out for his own interests, but the wicked man looks out for only himself," so I would hope that a Christian goal setting would be more selfless than other methods.

However, there is no mention of goal setting in the scriptures at all. Without any direct instructions given to Christians on how they should set goals or make their plans, it is impossible to determine if this method will work better or worse than others.

In addition, it seems that the Bible is a much better guide for living your life than it is for achieving success in your career. Some people need to have very specific goals and methods of reaching them to be motivated. Others may prefer a much more free form method of planning their lives that doesn't involve writing down goals and schedules.

Goal setting requires some level of self-centeredness, particularly when you use goal setting as a way to determine how much time you are going to spend on each activity or how much energy you will put towards getting what you want. This is especially true with higher level goals like being fired from your job or getting a promotion; these are things that God does not want us to do for ourselves.

Many people in the corporate world take a pretty relaxed position towards the amount of time that they spend on business.  This is pointed out in an article called "The Secret of Corporate Success". According to the article, most successful executives claim that they spend only about half of their time doing work related to their jobs, while they spend the other half simply enjoying their lives and spending time with their families.

The reason why this works so well is because there are very few people who would be willing or able to do it otherwise. If you are a corporate executive, then there is probably no way that you could find time to spend on yourself. You have a family to take care of and responsibilities at every job. Therefore, the only way that any true success could come from your efforts is if you managed to find ways of working less and enjoying your life more!

In my opinion, the overall goal setting approach that I use has much better results for those who are trying for specific long term results than those who want to work hard in their careers and not bother with other things that would be more important or enjoyable.

In this article, I want to discuss the method that I use to teach my goals and set my plans. I call this method: "an optimal planning process". This is actually a trademarked term; I spent nearly two years developing it.  It's different from other goal setting strategies because it encourages people to make plans that are in their best interest (based on what they know about their goals, skills and abilities) rather than making plans based on what they think they should or should not do.

This approach includes most of the principles presented in the book "Creating Your Destiny" by Wayne Dyer, which can be obtained through this website. This includes the idea that you need to form a plan that includes many things besides your goals. The plan should also include responsibility areas and activities for you to do throughout the day.

In order to accomplish this, we need to understand what an optimal plan would look like in your opinion. You may have heard a lot of talk about "finding your passion" and "developing a purpose". What all of these ideas are trying to get at, is that the best way for you to find success is by doing what you love.

It's been said that if what you are doing each day isn't something that you enjoy, then it will make life miserable for you every day. If you can find a way to make money doing things that you enjoy, then you will be a lot happier. However, it's not always that easy to do all of the things that you love and make enough money at the same time.

You need to think about this for yourself and determine what your passions are.  You should keep in mind that your passions might change over time as well. What are the activities or things that you truly enjoy? You don't have to do those things all of the time, but they should be involved in some way or another with your life.

For example, I love writing and speaking, so my business is built around using these skills professionally. However, I also enjoy manual labor. I spend several hours each week doing landscaping and helping to maintain the church building and property. This is my way of getting exercise, which I need to do in order to be healthy.

When you have determined what your passions are or have discovered a new passion that may be interesting to pursue, the next step is to determine what your skills are. What can you do? What do you know how to do? What are your abilities? Since these things will help determine how well you can perform at any task or project that you pursue, it's important for you to consider them first before moving on to other decisions about your life.

For example, if you love to dance and want to become a professional dancer, then you need to be realistic about whether or not you have the skills needed. You can't just think that this is what you want to do and expect it will miraculously happen. If you live in a small town with no opportunities for dance lessons, finding good performances and starting your own dance company will be nearly impossible.

The same is true for any other major project that you might want to take on. For example, if you decide that becoming a best selling author would make you happy, then the first thing that you need to do is learn how to write well enough to make your books successful. If you can't do the necessary research and write the books, then no one will ever buy them.

Once you have determined what your passions are and what your skills are, then the next step is to determine what kind of skills that you need in order to accomplish your goals. This will usually be a combination of many different skills. For example, you might need to become very good at learning the latest information about the field you want to enter. If you can do this well enough, then you can make your life easier by doing the research and putting together a book full of wisdom for others to follow.

After you complete this step, it's time to build plans for all of these things that you need in order to pursue your goals successfully.


The goal setting approach that I presented in this article builds on the idea of finding your passion and developing a purpose. Therefore, I include all of those goals and more in this approach. My method is designed to help you form an optimal plan that gives you the greatest opportunity to accomplish the goals that are important to you. If you are serious about pursuing a career or other goal, then it is important to have a plan that lets you succeed. The best way for you to do this is by going after your passions, knowing your skills and developing plans of action for every part of your life.

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