It Takes More than Effort to Get Results


 It Takes More than Effort to Get Results

What separates people who make a difference from those that don't? The answer may be as simple as effort, but it's not always the deciding factor. Those who get results also have something else in their arsenal: drive.

This is why I want to share with you the importance of having a drive and passion for your work. In order to achieve what you want and reach your goals, you need both an intense commitment and the willpower to see hours upon hours of work end up in success. You are able to do this because you believe in yourself, know how hard it will be, and are willing to put in all that effort while pushing forward towards whatever goal is yours.

We all have things we want to achieve but there is a level of certainty about our own potential that only comes from self belief. When you're willing to give up everything for your dream, you will find exactly what it takes to get results. Even if it means waiting and pushing yourself beyond your limits at times, you will be motivated by the idea of being able to make the ultimate difference.

Regardless of the cost, having a drive and passion for what you do will help you achieve your goals faster than someone who has no interest in their work at all.

There are plenty of people who have reached their dreams, but it's undeniable that there is a certain element that makes them special. These people have proven to be quite successful by putting forth an effort that is harder than most.

What happens if you're not full of drive? What if you don't really care about your work or what you end up doing? It sounds like living a life without passion would leave you feeling a little empty inside, but the reality is that it's possible. If passion isn't something that you'll ever find, the best thing to do will be to work towards something else. The way I see it – if it isn't worth making sacrifices for then maybe it just isn't right for you.

Take a look at the most successful people on this planet and you'll see that they all have something else in common. What they have is a drive and passion for what they do and it's because of this that they have reached their current level of success. They were willing to work harder than everyone else, but that didn't come from within themselves. It came from their will to make an impact, get results, and be the best at whatever it was that drove them for so many years.

When you're working towards something meaningful then the sacrifices don't feel like a sacrifice at all. Instead, you'll find yourself excited about the fact that you're willing to get up and work each day. You'll find yourself eager to see progress and know that it's going to lead you to something bigger.

I feel that it is a lack of focus or a lack of drive that eventually turns people off from pursuing their dreams. If you're not passionate about your goals then how can you possibly make any sort of progress towards them? It takes time and dedication, but if the things that truly matter are in line with the things you care about, then there will be nothing to stop you from quickly finding success.

Your drive and passion were something you developed as you were growing up. You know how much it's worth fighting for, so why wouldn't you give it everything that you've got? If there is one thing to take away from this article then make sure that what you want will be worth all of the hard work.

Take all of the time necessary to do all of your research, think about every possibility that could come along, and take every lesson available to make sure that your goals are achievable. Maybe it will turn out to be a struggle, but at least you'll have been prepared for everything that lays ahead. As long as your goal hasn't crossed over into impossible territory there will always be hope for success.

You have to believe that if you push hard enough, if you're willing to sacrifice everything, if you're positive about what it is that you want, then success will eventually come. You just have to work at it and never give up. That's the difference between someone who makes a difference and someone who doesn't. It's all about having drive.

Remember: everyone has the potential to make a difference in the world by using their talents in the right way. The only reason why others don't is because they aren't willing to put in all of the effort that it takes. Use your drive to push forward and get results faster than they ever could.

Title: Will Hard Work Help You Achieve Your Goals?

Author: Jonathan Todd, The Self Help Guru at (c)

Disclaimer: This blog and its content is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice or commands you to do or not do something that might be harmful to yourself or anyone else.

References: None.

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Tags: drive and passion, self belief, passion, goals

Articles by Jonathan Todd

Quotes worth memorizing on your journey towards success.

Whatever it is that you want to accomplish, you can do it. There are many ways to accomplish anything that you set your mind to. If you want to make a difference in the world, then all it will take is a little drive and commitment. You'll find yourself wanting to work hard every single day and pushing forward towards your goals without fail. You'll be willing to push past your limits and feel the excitement of being able to do something that no one else has been able to do. You won't be afraid of making sacrifices, because you know what they're worth and how they can help you get results quicker than most.


You can be successful, but it won't come easy or without sacrifice. If you want to make a difference in the world then allow yourself to work hard and do all of the things that you can with your time. Because regardless of how hard you try, nobody is capable of accomplishing their goals on their own. You will have to put in all of the effort and dedication that it takes because if there is one thing that we know for sure is that life happens quickly now.

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