It’s Better to Make Mistakes Than To Be a Perfectionist


 It’s Better to Make Mistakes Than To Be a Perfectionist

Because of their tendency to give up and avoid things as soon as they might not achieve perfection, many people are often mistakenly called "perfectionists." But what's the difference between a perfectionist and someone who is trying to do the very best that they can? The answer: there is no difference.
In this blog post, we'll explore why it's better to be a perfectionist than have your mistakes define you, and how to stop being afraid of taking the first step.
It's better to be a perfectionist than to be a perfectionist.
Perfectionism is seen as a negative trait that is only destructive. But in reality, it doesn't have to be. Because we see perfectionism as something negative, people try to avoid being perfectionists because they feel it will destroy them. No one wants their mistakes to define them and make their lives miserable.
But what's the difference between trying your very best and being a perfectionist? Quite simply, the difference is that there is no difference. You can't get better at something that you're not trying your very best at.
The only way to improve your skills at something is to do it, and the only way that something gets done is if you try. Whether or not you manage to get 100% of your tasks done, or 99% of your tasks done, or 98% of your tasks done is irrelevant. The point is that you are getting on with trying.
It's better to make mistakes than not to try at all.
If someone feels the need to avoid mistakes, they'll never get anywhere. The best person isn't always the one who avoids mistakes – sometimes it's the person who makes mistakes and keeps trying again and again until they finally achieve their goal.
If you feel the need to avoid mistakes, you're going to miss out on so much…
The hardest thing about overcoming perfectionism is that most people don't want to acknowledge that they can change. That they can take action towards improving themselves and learning how to overcome obstacles. They simply do not want to deal with the mistakes that come along with it. It's easier just to hide away from them, convinced that they are wasting their time in the first place.
But facing up to your mistakes is by far the best way of getting better at something, especially if you're trying something new. There's no point in simply avoiding mistakes. If you attempt something and fail, you'll learn to do it better next time. It doesn't matter how many times you do so if doing it again will suddenly make your problem go away – which it won't.
If there's one thing that we're all capable of, it's change. We have the ability to learn a new skill or relearn an old one completely. All we need to do it try our best and then make room for further improvement. And that's true whether we're talking about learning a new language or overcoming perfectionism. The only difference is that we each see our own problems and challenges differently.
It doesn't matter whether you're trying to improve your language skills or overcome perfectionism, it's better to make mistakes than to be what you're afraid of becoming. Your real self is the one who will eventually stand out and become more than what others are afraid of. (Read more on how to cure perfectionism .)
When it comes to overcoming perfectionism, no matter what your situation, there is always someone who has been there before you and has succeeded in overcoming their challenges. You just need to grab those moments when they are right in front of you and take them as your own.
What are you afraid of? It's easy to be in denial about the possibility of change. But if you're not prepared to face up to your mistakes, then you'll never get anywhere and never achieve your goal. The only way that change and improvement can happen is by taking action.
You can take action towards overcoming perfectionism – and all of the other problems in life – by reading more great blogs like this one. ~~~~~~~~~
Guest post by Joanna Baker: * Is your perfectionism causing problems in your life? * Are you afraid of making mistakes? * Do you think that it's better to make mistakes than to be a perfectionist (or think this might sound too similar to being a perfectionist)? * Has taking action on your tasks proven difficult in the past? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then do something about it. Take action and overcome your fears. You'll be glad you did. * Get more great blog posts and articles… * Or just don't forget to share what you've learned here with everyone who matters to you.
About the Author:
Joanna Baker works as a freelance copywriter, writing both fiction and non-fiction. She blogs about overcoming perfectionism , writing tips , finding motivation and overcoming life's obstacles at A Feeling of Frustration . All of the blog post scripts that she writes are original, 100% honest and inspirationally written. Check them out today! Let me know your thoughts in the comments below! Joanna Baker is a freelance copywriter, working as a writer on short stories for various publishers and fortune 500 companies as well as for personal use. She enjoys writing about fiction as well as about her personal experiences. You can find all of her publications on her Google plus page .
Let's Connect ! You can also find me on Twitter , Facebook , Pinterest , and Google+ . ~~~~~~~~~~~ I invite you to visit my other websites that cover a wide range of topics :
The Perfectionism Problem: We all have perfectionism issues, but when it Read More .. comes to perfectionism problems and the inability to deal with them in our lives, it's cause for concern. The Perfectionism Problem is a guide written by Joanna Baker to help you with overcoming perfectionism issues. Perfectionism can have a big impact on our lives and it's important to deal with it before it becomes a bigger problem. If you're tired of being controlled by perfectionism and the need to always be in control, then this book will help you with overcoming perfectionism. Perfectionism is nothing to be ashamed about - but living with perfectionism problems is! This book will help you learn how to overcome your perfectionism issues so that you can live a life that's as close to perfect as possible.
Read More ..... Overcoming Fear: How To Overcome Fear And Grow Confident: Overcoming fear is something that we all face at different points in our lives.

Conclusion: I'll say it again for the people in the back: The quote above is my final conclusion and upon this you can base your own conclusions about this article. Remember, the people who live with perfectionism problems feel like they've been cursed. The curse of perfectionism can change your life in many ways, but mostly it makes you unhappy and stuck with an impossible goal that you can't achieve. You don't want to be that person - because they're not only afraid of making mistakes, they would rather be a perfectionist than do anything to improve themselves! This isn't something we need or want. We don't want to live a life where we're afraid of making mistakes or doing anything new or different.

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