It's Time to Check Your Vision


 It's Time to Check Your Vision

If you think that your eyesight is merely a matter of "not being able to read any better," it's time to check your vision. There are always ways to improve your sight, so that you can read without glasses, or even see well enough with sunglasses on.

This article discusses how you can make the most of your vision and take advantage of the simple things we often forget about. If you know how to utilize the small, but very effective things, you can greatly improve your eyesight and quality of life.

Here are a few things to do every day for clearer vision:
- Focus on letters in the distance. Although it's commonly thought that reading is an important part of improving vision, not everyone realizes that distant objects are just as important, because they have a similar effect on vision. When you focus on nearby objects (such as words in a book or television), your eyes tend to fluctuate between focusing and becoming blurry. The constant blurring and refocusing can lead to long-term damage, such as myopia (nearsightedness). When you focus on distant objects, your eyes are relaxed enough not to do this.
- Use computers for a long time. You may have heard some horror stories about how staring at a computer monitor all day may decrease your eyesight and even lead to permanent damage. While that's true for those spending hours in front of the computer every day, you can avoid these problems by taking a few breaks from the screen and focusing on distant objects every 20 minutes or so.
- Look in the distance while talking with someone. People sometimes have a habit of looking at the people they are talking to while they are talking. This is often due to not knowing any other way to focus eyesight. Although this is not a bad idea, you should also look at objects in the distance, because this will improve your vision and make it easier for you to talk with people who aren't right in front of you.
- Look at your phone while driving. Most smartphones come with an adjustable sleep mode (the "doze" setting), which will lower the screen brightness so that it doesn't distract you as much when driving. However, you should be aware of the negative effects of this setting, because it can cause the screen to become blurry and affect your vision. After all, focusing on distant objects is important for preventing myopia.
- Eat healthy foods. Although proper nutrition may not seem related to eyesight, there's a connection. Eating foods rich in vitamins (like leafy green vegetables) and omega-3 fatty acids can help to improve your eyesight and keep it healthy over a longer period of time.
- Avoid wearing sunglasses too often. While sunglasses are necessary in many situations (especially if you're going outside), you shouldn't wear them for any extended period of time (such as in a movie theater). When indoors, the light is sufficient to maintain good eyesight, but if you wear sunglasses for too long, you risk damaging your eyes.
- Take breaks from reading or using a computer monitor. If you spend hours reading or using a computer screen every day, your vision can become damaged. However, these activities are not necessarily bad for your health if you take short breaks (about 20 minutes) every hour or so. This will help to relax your eyes while still making it easy to do these things as often as needed.
- Take a walk outside. Ambient light is necessary for good vision, so it's important to get outside every once in a while. Not only will this help to prevent myopia, it's also a good way to clear your mind.
- Put your phone down and walk away. When you're on your phone, you are constantly looking at it in front of you. This can cause eyestrain when used continuously for a long period of time. If you turn the brightness down on your phone and put it away while trying to get things done, you'll refocus on objects in front of you instead of the screen.
- Switch your focus between objects in front of and behind you. If someone walks into the store, look at her (or him) with one eye and then the other for about 20 seconds (without looking at either side too much). This can help to improve your eyesight and prevent eyestrain.
- Keep reading glasses in your purse, backpack, or a pocket. You shouldn't need to take glasses out every time you want to look something up, so put them in your bag instead of taking them out every time. This will lessen the risk of leaving your glasses behind (which is one reason why people store their glasses in places like backpacks or purses).
- Use both sides of the computer screen at once. When we read something on a computer, we may have to use our right eye and not the left, because it's easier to see the words that way. However, this is not necessary, because you can easily use both eyes at the same time. So, please don't be afraid to use both eyes and even alternate between which one you're using every once in a while.
- Talk with people more frequently. One reason why people don't talk with others more often is that they are often trying to make long eye contact (which makes it difficult for them to talk in addition). However, this may not be the best strategy for improving their vision because it can lead to eyestrain or blurring of objects around them. Instead, try talking with someone without making elongated eye contact and then see if you notice any improvements over time.
- Have your eyes checked by a professional as frequently as you need to. This may sound like a no-brainer, but many people don't get their eyes checked regularly, which puts them at a higher risk of going blind. After all, nearsightedness is easier to spot when the optometrist looks at your eyes through the machine and not your smartphone. So, if you're having any problems with vision, be sure to schedule an appointment with someone who can help you out!
Conclusion There are a number of simple things that anyone can do in order to improve their vision and prevent things like myopia from affecting them in the future. Even if you don't have a hard time reading, it doesn't hurt to use your phone's built-in "doze" mode or to read books and articles online rather than books printed on paper. As long as you are making an effort and trying to improve your perspective, it's worth it. And the best way to prevent myopia is by practicing proper eye exercises and focusing on objects at a distance. So, take part in these activities every time you need to while still doing what you can on your end. As long as eyesight keeps improving, you may never have to worry about myopia or cross-eyes ever again! Source:  This article was originally published on  http://www.modernmechanix.

Conclusion: Eyesight can be easily damaged by all the bad habits of modern life. No need to worry, here are 10 tips to improve eyesight and avoid any problems: 1. Avoid squinting or beating your head against the wall. 2. Do not wear strong glasses near light bulbs or on digital devices, as these can damage your eyes. 3. Wash your face with cold water after you have been outdoors in direct sunlight or in front of a computer screen. 4. Do not keep popping supplements containing Vitamin A, such as retinol creams, into the eye area for long periods of time, as this can cause irritation and permanent eye damage 5.

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