Jack Canfield’s Success Principles


 Jack Canfield’s Success Principles

Jack Canfield is the founder of Success Principles, a program to help you achieve your dreams. His principles are based on real life success stories of people he has worked with.

In this article Jack Canfield shares six important principles you can apply in your daily life to generate more leads and find more success in business and life.

1. Define what success means to you.
Without a clear vision of what you want and why you want it, your efforts will be scattered and unproductive.
How do you define success?
What is the result that will make success for you?
Perhaps your definition of success is owning your own home, having the partner of your dreams, and traveling the world in style. Or maybe for you success is earning $X per month, providing a high quality lifestyle for yourself and your family, being able to spend ample time with them, and helping others as much as possible along the way. Once we have that defined we can look at how to get there.

2. Take action.
We can learn all we can about success, but our knowledge will not make us succeed until we apply it. We must stop talking and thinking about achieving our goals and start doing something about achieving them. We have to take action and do something if we want to be successful. When you take this step, you will begin a momentum that will keep going until you achieve your goal.
Jack Canfield gives an example of a man who set his goal of earning $1 million dollars from his investments by the age of 40 years old. He followed a disciplined plan and had excellent results by the time his milestone birthday arrived. He then got a new goal to retire at age 45 and retired at age 45 after making $1.5 million dollars!
"Your work is merely a catalyst for making the changes you want in your life." [ARTICLE END]
by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Ray Schrock (Author).
This book will show you how to gain more control over your life. It will help you find more success in all areas of your life. The 7 principles presented in this book are:

1) Vision 2) Action 3) Positive Mental Attitude 4) Plan to Prosper 5) Be Persistent 6) Overcome Fear 7) Doing More Than Expected

I read this book just a few years ago and I found it very useful. It was a quick read, but the amount of information was substantial. The ideas that were taught on the abundance mindset were new to me and have since had a lasting impact on my thoughts. Overall this is a great book that I would recommend to anyone looking to improve their life.
This article is published at Suite101.com . Click here to view the original article .
by Jack Canfield (Author), Janet Switzer (Author), Mark Victor Hansen (Foreword)
This book sold over 4 million copies and quickly became a bestseller. It is filled with methods and techniques to help you achieve your goals and make your dreams come true.
The book starts with affirmations, which are direct statements we can use to program our minds. They are powerful statements that can help remove any obstacles that might get in our way. For example, many times we will set goals but soon after the initial excitement dies down we stop working towards them because of obstacles or critiques from others or ourselves.


"We have to work to get what we want, but it isn't necessary to struggle endlessly just to reach an end goal." [ARTICLE END]
by Jack Canfield (Author) and Dan Kennedy (Foreword)

This book outlines the eight-step plan of how you can quickly and easily transform your life. It is a simple guide on how anyone can put their successes formula into action. The steps are as follows: 1) Discover your own unique success formula. 2) Identify what is working for you right now.

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