Julie Didn't Understand Her Own Power - To Begin With!


 Julie Didn't Understand Her Own Power - To Begin With!

The day before her 17th birthday, Julie was bitten by a radioactive spider and found that she could shoot web-like strands of webbing from her fingertips.

Julie never expected the consequences to be anything other than friendly fun. But days later, after many unfortunate events with some super villains, something happened that changed everything – Julie gained incredible powers and became Spiderman!

It wasn’t until much later that she began understanding what being Spiderman really meant for her: responsibility. Responsibility to protect innocents at all costs even when it could lead to so many sacrifices.

Julie’s life wasn’t the same after that. No one trusted her, and what was worse, she couldn’t even trust herself. But it wasn't until she met someone that everything changed. Julie found a friend, a teacher and her destiny in the form of an old mentor who helped her discover things about herself...her identity and her purpose; someone who helped realize that being Spiderman didn't mean giving up on herself. In fact, it was actually the opposite...it meant embracing Julie and all that she could be.

"Julie didn't understand her own power - to begin with!"

First and foremost, the quote is a reflection of us. We (the whole team) didn't understand our own power initially – to begin with! And we have learned a ton since then. We have grown in so many ways, which we now realize is just the beginning for us because this industry is continuously changing and growing at such a rapid pace. It is something that we are very excited about as well as humbled by! But it's also been a lot of hard work and perseverance for us, especially when faced with uncertainty about where the journey would take us next.

Also, it's a reflection of Julie (Spiderman) herself! She has had to learn so much in her journey as well. We have a lot of wisdom and insight to share regarding what we have learned – the ups and the downs, not to mention the joys and heartaches. The quote is also very relevant in terms how we feel about our own identity and purpose. Our advice for those who are questioning their own, would be to find someone (or something) that you can deeply learn from and grow with. That is the beginning, and that's the beginning of all of us – we are truly Spidermen in a real way.

And we thank you for being so supportive and for believing in this project to begin with! We will be able to share more with you soon, but in the meantime, we are really grateful that you're here with us.

Love & Respect,
Team Spiderwebz
Here is a recent interview I did on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.8540581534984929.1073741836.1658573825195243&type=3

Now its time to put in the hard work. We have been building this company a lot on our own, with lots of help from close friends and family, but we need your help. Please share with friends, family, and social networks. Any help would be greatly appreciated to get us going. This is where our strength lies...in our community support.

Thank you for your time. Have a great day!

Daniel, (co-creator of Spiderwebz) and the whole team.
After all the hard work, it's time to get away, relax and enjoy the kind of vacation that I can only think of when I look out the window at a place like Hawaii. We will be on Oahu in Hawai'i from July 18th-30th doing one last round of development, which will be very productive for us. We hope to see the sights and get inspired to take it all back home with us.

Here is a link of what we will be seeing while we are there: http://www.visit-oahu.com/oahu-attractions/biggest-attractions/waikiki-beach

Also, I would like to point out that you have one more week to help us reach our Kickstarter goal of $76,000. We are about $1000 short, but we have faith that if you tell your friends about us or share us on social networking, that we can get there.

We are so thankful for all your support.

Love and Aloha,

Daniel (co-creator of Spiderwebz) & the whole team.
Just a few updates: We have bordered off our second section of content. That means we have moved it off the main map and in to a new one where it will be more detailed and specific to the area. That also means that we are about to start on our third section! Yay! Here is an image of what we will be doing for the next month before school starts again: http://i62.tinypic.com/1z6qm4w.jpg The first section of the game will be a small town area with a lot of detail and dialogue, but it won't be too long.

When we are done with the third section, we will have about 10 hours of gameplay in our first game!

We have updated our main website as well. Here is the link: http://spiderwebz.com/ We created this site for you to get an inside look at what we've been doing, what we are working on, and even some exclusive content that you can't find anywhere else! Please check it out.

Also, one last thing...we are having a special thing where you can get a free copy of the game if you help with our Kickstarter campaign. It's a super cool perk, but unfortunately it will only be available for those who help during the last few days. We hope to see you at the end of this project and at the beginning of our next one! Thank You!

Love & Aloha,
Daniel (co-creator) & Team Spiderwebz ○○○○ ○ ○ ○
This is just another update on where we are in our development process. For those who followed us on kickstarter and know what we've been up to, this won't be much to catch up on...


You can see that we've invested a lot of time and effort into this project. We wanted to make sure that we got the graphics right and that we were fully realizing our goals so that every penny we spend was properly spent. It took two-and-a-half years of work before we could actually release the first version of the game, but we did it! In our minds, this is proof that you can do anything you set your mind to, if you put in the hours (or days) to get there.

We hope to hear from some of you out there soon.

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