Keep Your Attention On What You Want


 Keep Your Attention On What You Want

We live in an attention economy. There’s more information being thrown at us than ever before, and with distractions on smartphones and social media, it’s harder than ever to focus on what we really want to do. The way we're living our lives is affecting our brain health.

This article will guide you through coping with the lack of concentration that comes from digital overload, ways to improve your focus, and help you keep your attention where it belongs: on what you want.

The Internet Is a Toy, Not a Teacher

There was a time when we had to read things and study them in order to learn. Somewhere along the way, that changed. Anyone’s who’s ever used Wikipedia knows that it’s more of a toy than an educational resource. It’s fine for starting conversations, answering minor questions, or as a joke, but it shouldn't be relied on for 100% accuracy or trusted as a primary source of information. The internet can be fun, but there is no substitute for critical thinking and reading. If you want to learn something or get better at something, don't go to the internet first—go straight to the library or bookstore.

Think Before You Click

Before you take the next action, pause and make sure you have a clear purpose. Ask yourself, "Why am I doing this?" Make it as specific as possible. If you're doing something because it's easier than trying another way, ask yourself what's more important. If you're blindly following your friends or peers on social media, ask yourself why they’re making the choices they are. Don't just listen to what everybody else is saying—use critical thinking skills and do some research so that you can make an informed decision about your own life and behavior. You don’t have to do things the same way everyone else does or think about doing them at all. You can question anything that doesn’t make sense to you, and searching for reasons behind your actions is a great way to improve yourself.

The Power of the Written Word

Keep a journal. It's great to record thoughts and feelings, but it's even better if you challenge yourself to review your journal entries and improve based on what you've written. Use it as a tool to remind yourself of how far you’ve come, how you've changed, what still needs improvement, etc. Be sure to keep track of the evolution of your thought processes over time as well as things like goals or projects. Just writing down what you're feeling can help you put things into perspective and be more in tune with why you do the things that you do.

Make a Vision Board

A vision board is all about visualizing how things will look when they happen. It's a tool to help you get the most out of your day, especially when it comes to finding and fulfilling dreams. Basically, any kind of goal-setting should involve visualizing how your life would look if you already had that goal in hand. If you’re trying to sell something, visualize yourself as a successful professional in your chosen field with your dream job. If you want to start a clothing line, imagine yourself sitting on a beach somewhere with the whole world at your feet. If you want to lose weight or build muscle, visualize exactly how you'd look and feel if it was already done.

How can visualizing your goal help? Because the more you look at what you want, the more it takes up space in your head, meaning that it's eventually going to come true.

Stay Focused

No matter what you're doing, you need to stay focused. There's no such thing as multitasking and it's highly counterproductive anyway. Multitasking is a myth, there's only one task at a time and you need to stay on that task until you've completed it successfully. Willpower is something we all have, but there are obviously limits to what we can do. That's why it's important to have tools like these so that we can keep our focus on the things in front of us.

Read More About The Power of Focus

We all want to focus on things that are going to get us closer to the things we want. That's why it's so important to read articles like these, and to learn as much as possible. We’re learning how to be better people, not just learning more about what we already know. If you want to learn more about avoiding distractions, improving your concentration and staying focused, please visit us at or follow us on Facebook and Twitter for regular updates on the latest news in education!


Article Title: Keep Your Attention On What You Want
March 1, 2018 by Admin (education blog)
Read More About The Power of Focus here..

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“It is easy to forget that education is a means to an end — the end being a fuller knowledge of the human experience so that we may use this knowledge in our dealings with other people.


The most common and important way to manage your time is to have clear priorities, and to master those priorities. Make a list of your most important projects. Complete the top three ones first, in order, every day. Use the time management triangle (planning, organizing and performing) that we discussed in this article.

What are the objectives of your life? What is it that you want to achieve? How can you measure these goals? One great tool that you can use is a vision board (see our previous article). Just write down what you want on a piece of paper or board. Imagine yourself having all of these things. You can also take a picture of yourself if you did it right.

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