Know What You Want and Make It Happen!


 Know What You Want and Make It Happen!

It's time to stop making lame excuses and continue making excuses. It's time to stop daydreaming and start living in the reality that you have the power within yourself to make anything happen.

Imagine that you're on stage. You don't know what you're doing or how, but somehow you are able to do whatever it is that you want with ease as soon as you imagine what it is because your fear of failure disappears. You can do this for anything! And when I say "anything," I mean any goal, dream, or ambition that is in your heart desires.

Every person who has a dream and works hard towards making that dream a reality eventually achieves what they set out to do. Why? Because they focused on multiple things that would bring them closer to achieving their goals, they made every and any attempt possible to reach their goal, and they had the will power, determination, drive and ambition to not allow anything or anyone stop them from accomplishing what they set out to do.

I've seen people accomplish some of the most amazing feats by just putting their minds to it. Some of my friend's mothers have overcome cancer while still raising children at home! My own mother struggled with AIDS for many years before she unfortunately passed away (God rest her soul).

It is just so important to realize that when you set a goal, or dreams and aspirations in your mind, it will be your responsibility to make sure that goal or dream becomes a reality. And I mean it; no one else can make it happen for you. You can only do what you are willing to do. For example, if you don't like working out, don't do it! If you're afraid of heights and can't go up the stairs without using the railing, then don't work on becoming better at climbing stairs! If you're afraid of public speaking, then don't do an interview with the CEO of your company!

"No one cares about your goals but you. The only one that can makes your dreams of a better life happen is you."
- Arnold Schwarzenegger

I'm saying this for a reason: If you don't set goals and make them happen, then why would anyone do it? It's like something I've been hearing my entire life that I've never really thought about until recently: "If it doesn't matter, does it matter if you work hard at what matters?"

When someone asks me how to get over fear of failure, I tell them about the power within each person to turn negative thoughts into positive ones by just making like a little more. If you want something bad enough, the only way to make it happen is to try everything you can to make your goal a reality. The more you try, the closer and closer you'll get until one day your goal is accomplished, in which case there will be no excuses!

If it's your dream to become famous, then don't just sit around wishing and waiting for the moment when people are going to notice how great and wonderful of a person that you are. Put in the work to become a person people want to be around. Become the type of person who believes in yourself and your abilities, and then you will attract opportunities, resources, and opportunities that will make it possible for you to achieve exactly what you set out to do. I'm telling you right now that if it's your dream, then you're going to have make it happen. If it's your dream to become important and influential in the entertainment industry, then don't sit around wishing that you get a chance at performing at an audition or an open mic. The only way to get that opportunity is by showing up, going the extra mile, and being more than what the director is looking for.

Don't just go to an audition or open mic and say "I'm here to get a chance at getting famous or performing in front of people." Go there believing that you have what it takes to make it happen! You have to believe in yourself enough to show up and do whatever it takes to get that opportunity. You have to believe in yourself enough so that when you leave the audition with an "in" or a successful performance, you won't be afraid of failure. You have to believe in yourself so you don't have any excuses. Always remember this: The only thing that can get in your way of achieving what you want to achieve is yourself!

If you're planning on moving in with your boyfriend or girlfriend, then don't just sit around and think "Maybe I'll move in with him/her." If you want something bad enough, then go for it! Don't sit around making lame excuses about why you shouldn't move in with them because you might not be able to afford it or something else. Don't sit around and make a lame excuse that you're too young to live on your own! If you want it bad enough, then go and make it happen!

"If you want something bad enough, the only way to make it happen is to try everything you can to make your goal a reality."
- Mike Murdock

I remember when I started my YouTube Channel in 2008. I was so afraid of failure that I didn't even imagine what would happen when the first video went viral. It was frightening thinking about how far my channel would go, but if I didn't set that unattainable goal for myself, then nothing would ever get done. So I set that goal, and then I became obsessed with making sure that goal became a reality no matter what. So even when it came down to the smallest details of what I needed to do, my thought was always "I'm going to make it happen no matter what."

The same thing applies here: Anything worth doing is worth doing right! If you want something bad enough, then you're going to make it happen no matter what! The fastest way to make it happen is by just putting everything and anything into your own hands. This is why so many people have amazing successes when they just do whatever they want because they have their minds focused on the most important step: Making their desired goals a reality.

I'm not saying that your birthday party or whatever else you want the most will be a failure, but at the same time, if you don't put all your mind games and all your heart into it then literally no one will give a damn about what you've done! You won't even care as much yourself because you're so busy making excuses for why you couldn't do something that no one cared about.

I hope this message reaches and inspires many people's hearts.


So, now what are you going to do? Will you let those fears you have stop you from moving forward, or will you keep pushing forward no matter what? The choice is yours. It's up to you. If that is your goal, then go for it!

I want to say thank-you for taking the time out of your day to read this book. I hope my story and message was able to help inspire and motivate people who struggle with the same problems I had in my life. I hope I can motivate people's hearts through words by sharing this story with others so they can become better versions of their old selves.

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