Knowing What You Want In Life


 Knowing What You Want In Life

Many of us know what we want, but learning how to obtain that demand can be difficult. Here are 10 steps you should take in order to not only know your dream job and start on it, but also set yourself up for success in the long term.

#1: Know What You're Tired Of Doing
There are all kinds of jobs out there, and it can be difficult to identify what you’re truly passionate about if you don’t stop trying something new. So before ever looking at a job posting or even hunting around, take some time (a week might do) to think back on your experiences so far and figure out what kinds of work make you feel fulfilled as an individual.
Step #2: Know What You Appreciate Doing
The next step is to note what you like to do. For example, if you enjoy working with people then maybe sales might be something worth considering. Or if it’s problem-solving that tickles your fancy then engineering or law enforcement might be the way to go.
Let’s say you love socializing and helping others. If this is true, then you should consider a career in counseling, education or perhaps politics as a community advocate for an elected office. You may also want to consider careers in medicine or dentistry because they are all about helping people as well.
Step #3: Know What You Are Passionate About
Most people really enjoy their jobs. They may not necessarily be aware of why they like it, but most do. So figure out what’s really important to you and take note of your passions. For example, if you love animals then maybe a career path that would put you in contact with those furry creatures for your entire life would be the right thing for you. This could mean becoming a veterinarian or zoologist, or it could mean working with animals in another capacity such as a livestock wrangler or opera stage manager.
Step #4: Know What You Love
Once you’ve started thinking about your passions and what you enjoy, now is the time to start thinking about what you love. Write down everything that comes to mind in a word document or some other form that will make looking back easier. It could be something as simple as "Singing" or "Hiking." For me, it would be "Music."
Step #5: Know What You Aren't Tired of Doing
This task can take a little longer to accomplish because it involves a bit of reflection on yourself. Remember all those things that make you feel tired? Write them down and circle them if needed. Then, write down everything you’re not tired of doing.
Step #6: Know What You Aren't Appreciating Doing
Write down everything that you don’t like. Circle them, too.
Step #7: Know What You Aren't Passionate About
Write down everything that you aren’t passionate about. Circle them, too. Step #8: Decide On A Career Path
Now that you know what makes you feel good and what makes you feel bad, as well as what excites and bores you, it’s time to decide on a career path. If you aren’t quite sure then take some time to think about your passions and what you love doing. Then, look at your printed list of things that make you tired and what else excites you. Also, think about what makes you feel bad and circle those. Write all this on a sheet of paper and put it in a file folder or journal.
#9: Choose A Career Path
Nowadays there are so many options when it comes to careers that it can be difficult to even begin doing something that interests you. This task will help narrow down your decision process and give you the opportunity to make at least some level of educated guesswork before deciding on anything specific.
Step #10: Take The Next Step
Whatever you decide, take the next step. Go for it, even if it’s just writing down your decision and seeing how the rest of that day goes. Then, let go of the rest and make it happen by acting on your new plan.
#11: Do What's Hard
Many people hear about what it takes to be successful at life and immediately think about making their dreams a reality. If you are one of these people then you're already on your way to achieving success, aren't you? You can get started right away as well... the hard way.
The first thing you must do is to recognize that success requires sacrifice. You will have to give up a lot of things in order to see your goal achieved. As a wise man once told me, "Anyone who wants results should stop doing what they are doing and start doing the exact opposite." Don't get comfortable with your current situation, because it can only lead you to more of what you don't like about that situation.
Step #12: Think About The Future
If you aren't sure where you're going or what the future holds for you then make it happen the best way possible: by planning for it . You must plan your next steps, or else you could end up having the same experience over and over. But what if you aren't sure of the future?
In preparation for the future, make a list of all the things you want to do in that time period. Write down everything - even little desires like "I really want to learn how to play guitar." Once you have this list then think about each item and what it would take to make that desire a reality.
Step #13: Prepare Yourself For Success
I have friends who are very successful at life but still don't know how they got there or where they're going because they never utilized any of their time wisely. Sometimes, preparation is the most important factor in any endeavor.
Step #14: Use The Right Resources
Learn how to efficiently use resources like books, magazines and the Internet to help you prepare for what's ahead. If you aren't sure where to start then check out my recently released book, "How To Prepare For Success" , which will get you well on your way to becoming successful at life. You can purchase a copy of this book by clicking here or by going through the link on this page . Step #15: Learn From Your Mistakes
You will make mistakes along the way. It's impossible not to when you're learning something new that you don't know about yet.

So, these are the steps to achieving your goals and becoming successful at life. If you take these steps, then you should be able to achieve what you want in life and have no regrets.
Good luck!
I believe that success is a choice and when a person chooses to achieve success, it becomes more real than if a person simply accepts it. To achieve success in any aspect of one's life, one must first be successful in their mindset . I find that there are two main ways to attain a mindset that will help us in our journey towards success – the written word and the spoken word.

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