Law of Attraction – 5 Reason Why Money is So Hard to Attract


 Law of Attraction – 5 Reason Why  Money is So Hard to Attract

Money is one of those things that people tell them they can't have. They are constantly told to work for it, save for it, and wait for it. Although this does help some people, there are a lot of other people who find themselves laid off or struggling financially during tough economic times. It's not the lack of money that's the problem; the problem is what you do with your money when you have it. What I'm going to show you next will put your life on a new path once and for all!

Before we get into 5 reasons why money isn't working out in your favor right now, let's review the law of attraction so we're all on the same page. The law of attraction is a huge favorite and is one of the most talked about topics in the world of personal development. Basically, the law states that like attracts like. You have to ask yourself if you have been attracting a lot of negative things and people into your life.

Now, let's get into those 5 reasons why money is so hard to attract:

1.) You don't see money as a good thing or you see it as the root of all evil. If you want more money, then you need to change your attitude towards it. Money is a good thing and it's something that everyone wants. When you start seeing money as something bad, the law of attraction will not work for you and you won't be able to attract any more money.

2.) You have been making all kinds of excuses for why you can't get more money. If you use too many reasons to not attract more money, then the law will not work well for you. You have to be able to say "I'm going to do this" because that's what the law says works when it comes into play.

3.) You aren't being specific enough. The law of attraction is going to move towards that which is most specific and clear. If you want to attract money, then you have to make this your intention without any doubt or hesitation.

4.) You're not being grateful enough for the money that you already have. There are people who are so focused on the amount of money they don't have that they miss out on all the wonderful things about money and what it can do for them. If you want more, then you have to be grateful for what you do have first!

5.) You're not using the right tools or methods to get your desire. Like anything else, you need to use the right tools for money. If you're using the same old methods that don't work at all, then there's no way that you're going to attract it. This is especially true if you are sticking with doing things in a very old way.

Now, let's get into the 5 reasons why money is so hard to attract:

1.) You have been focusing too heavily on your financial situation and not enough on your inner resources like passion or purpose. You might be saying that you aren't interested in money right now and yet there are times when this seems like such a struggle because you aren't focusing on what motivates you. You need to learn to listen to your inner motivation and truly know what you're looking for out of life before you can attract it.

2.) You aren't creating the right environment. If you want more money, then you have to create the right kinds of conditions in place so that it will attract it. There are a lot of people who don't create the right kind of environment for attracting money, but that doesn't mean that they don't want any more money at all! When you create these great circumstances for yourself, then the law will work well for you because there is nothing wrong with its intentions.

3.) You aren't being proactive enough. You have to realize that there are things you can do and you have to get busy with doing more of them. It's not enough to say "I want more money." If you aren't going to take charge of your life and take action, then you're never going to attract more money. The law of attraction isn't going to work if there are so many things that are holding you back when it comes to this.

4.) You aren't recognizing the signs that the universe is telling you about having more money. Whenever you're not attracting money, trying to find ways to attract it, or frustrated when it doesn't happen, then you have to know that there are some things happening that are telling you money is coming. When the universe is telling you something like this, then don't ignore it! If you ignore signs of what's coming for you, then you can't be surprised when these signs come true.

5.) You aren't being content with your life. There is always more; there is always someone who wants more and someone who has too much of something.


People never cease to amaze me when it comes to money. You have to ask yourself what it is you truly want. You also have to figure out what you're doing now to create more of it. It's not enough to just dream about something happening; you have to take these dreams and put them into a plan! If your dreams aren't working, then they really aren't dreams because they won't come true.

One thing I've always admired about the law of attraction is that it can work even if you don't believe 100% in the things that are happening – as long as your intention is set on attracting more money.

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