Law of Attraction – 5 Things Preventing You from Attracting What You Want


 Law of Attraction – 5 Things Preventing You from Attracting What You Want

Do you step into your day with a sense of joy and wonder, feeling like anything is possible? Or do you wake up tired and listless, filled with dread because of what today might bring? One of the best-kept secrets in the Self-Help world is that our thoughts have a profound effect on how we feel. By changing what you're thinking about, it's easier to attract the desired outcomes in life.

Here are five common thoughts that keep us from attracting abundance: 

1) I am unworthy. 
2) I don't deserve it. 
3) It'll never happen for me anyway. 
4) Nothing good ever happens to me. 
5) It's just not my time. 

Just as thoughts are contagious, feelings are also contagious. If you feel sad and think that no one will ever love you, you will attract people who make you feel bad about yourself. This is like walking into a room and immediately taking on the vibes of someone who is filled with negativity and anger. If we spend our lives feeling negative or unhappy, we will attract people who drain us of our energy and then leave us feeling more unhappy than before they arrived. The Law of Attraction says that our thoughts will attract like-minded people and situations. Those who are walking around with a sense of purpose and joy will attract people and opportunities that fill them up. They will also help others to smell the roses, instead of imagining how bad things are.

The Law of Attraction is about being positive, which can be hard when the world is filled with bad news on every channel. But by using the Law of Attraction, you can be a magnet for abundance, instead of the victim of your own thoughts. As you let go of negative self-talk that says things like "I'm not good enough," and instead start to see yourself as worthy, capable, and incredible, your subconscious mind will begin to send out positive vibrations that will attract quality relationships and opportunities into your life. If your thoughts are filled with doubt or fear, then it's hard to let go and tap into what's already available.

One way to become more positive is by looking at the bright side of situations. Instead of letting life throw you a wet blanket, imagine something that's better instead. The key here is to start with positive affirmations and put them out into the world. For example, someone might say, "I'm so grateful that my boss called me in today. It's a sign of his appreciation for how hard I work." You can say the same thing at home by saying, "I'm so lucky that my kids are healthy and fun. They keep me so busy that I hardly have time to think about myself."

A great exercise is to take a piece of paper and an eraser and list 10 things you're grateful for every day. If you're stuck at five or less, then you may need to work on your gratitude muscle. As you become more aware of the abundance all around you, you will attract even more into your life.

And if you need help getting started or would just like a reminder to be positive, try putting up a few posters around your house that say things like "I love the person that I am becoming" and "Life is an adventure." If it makes you feel better to have a daily affirmation, then download a free app on your phone or write one on an index card and post it in multiple places. The main thing is that if you're having trouble being grateful because of the world's condition, stop for a moment and focus on something good instead. With a little effort, you can find many reasons to be grateful. The freedom of choosing how to feel should be empowering.

The key is to choose how you want to feel and then make a choice based on that. You're always in control of your thoughts, whatever they might be. Attract abundance into your life by changing your focus and replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. Your thoughts are what you are focusing on, so it makes sense that the results of those thoughts will follow. When you're giving thanks for the gifts that life brings into your life rather than focusing on what you don't have anymore, then it's easy to attract more of everything into your life in balance with your desires. You'll also start to see that there are many things that you can feel grateful for, and so much more that you can feel grateful for.

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR: ~~~ Will ~~~ is the author of several books, including The Law of Attraction Bible and The Secret Teachings in the Yoga Sutra. He has appeared on such talk shows as Larry King Live, Oprah, Dr. Phil, and Montel Williams. He presents workshops all over the country and teaches everything from personal transformation to corporate sales all over the world. He shares his passion for helping people find their purpose through his radio show and website,

He is also the author of The Law of Inspiration, about how to manifest anything you want by aligning your beliefs with your intentions and being in a state of "flow" where you are fully present in your thoughts and actions. His most recent book is The Secret Teachings in the Yoga Sutra , which reveals the ancient secrets of yoga as they relate to modern spiritual seekers. Will's new book, The Law of Attraction Bible , will be out soon. For more information, click HERE!

The Law of Attraction Bible

• The Law of Attraction Bible gives you an easy way to divinely discover what God wants you to know. Based on the Bible, the Law of Attraction Bible shows you how your thoughts and actions affect your life and the lives of those around you. It helps you release past hurts and find inner peace so that you can attract all that God has planned for your life. This easy-to-use book will guide you step by step through the process of divine manifestation—or "getting what you want." Your need for this book is based on your ability to believe in something. Showing up with an open mind is the first step toward manifesting anything you want. This direct approach will help you learn how to tap into the inner strength that you already possess—and inspire you to believe in yourself.

• Based on the Bible, this simple-to-read book teaches that your thoughts and actions affect your life, and those of those around you. It helps you release past hurts and find inner peace so that you can attract everything God has planned for your life. You'll master the art of divine manifestation using the Law of Attraction Bible as a guide—and begin attracting all that God has for your life by believing in His Word.


As you can see, being positive and optimistic are keys to success in all areas of life. Sometimes it's easier to say "I don't want this" but that's not what God wants. He wants you to have what you want and the good news is He promises that if you'll trust Him and let Him work through your life-changing experiences, then all things are possible for those who believe!

AUTHOR'S NOTE: As mentioned, this book is based on actual experiences from my own life and other people I've met. I also do my best to give as many examples as possible so that you can use this information as a tool in your own life.

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