Law of Attraction – An Ancient Money Getting Secret


 Law of Attraction – An Ancient Money Getting Secret

Law of Attraction is an ancient spiritual concept and a cornerstone of many religions. It is the belief that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about desirable or undesirable outcomes.

This might be true to a certain degree, but in reality, our brains are wired to bring us good things even when we are not focused solely on them. I have also read of countless people who say that they have had only positive things happen to them while they were being focused on negative thoughts.

Law of Attraction is a term used by Abraham-Hicks in their book, "Ask and it is Given". It was first mentioned in the book in 1969 and refers to the idea that we attract whatever we focus on. The law of attraction relies on our beliefs, feelings, intentions, and emotions to create positive experiences.

The law of attraction states that if you imagine something enough times with strong belief or focus of thought or feeling, it will go into your experience. This law also works for health, wealth and love.

The law of attraction says that in order to attract what you want in your life, you must become a vibrational match to it, you must love it and accept it as already yours.

This is one of the reasons why I like the law of attraction. It correlates with the idea that we attract things into our experience based on our emotional state. The important thing is to be aware of our thoughts; we need to ensure that we are only thinking positive thoughts and not negative ones because negative beliefs are a major cause for unhappiness.

What we regularly focus our thoughts on shapes our reality. The concept of gratitude is also an ancient one, dating back to the Greeks and Romans, who called it the  "Gratia Dei". Gratitude is a key ingredient for attracting what you want into your life. If you are grateful for everything that happens to you, your life will be filled with abundance and joy. It will work in exactly the same way as attraction does, you attract things into your experience based on your feeling of gratitude or gratefulness.

Here are some tips for cultivating a positive mindset:

Write down three things that you are grateful for every day.

Underline your gratefulness with a blue pen.

List the three things on 3x5 cards and carry them around with you everywhere you go. I carry mine in my wallet. This helps me to be more conscious of my thoughts, especially when I am interacting with others. I can also read what thoughts are circulating in my head during conversations if I need to, by looking at the 3x5 cards.

Write down every thought that you have about yourself or your life in a journal for 30 minutes each day for three weeks. This is where I start my gratitude journal routine, and it helps me to get in touch with my thought patterns.

Listen to inspirational, uplifting music in the morning. This will help you gain a positive mindset for the day, because it sets your mood for the day.

Get a dog! They are really cute! They can often be better company than your family members and friends, who tend to be negative by nature.

Read books that inspire you and uplift you, such as "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho or "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. Both of these books will help you to change your mindset if you let them.

Make a list of positive things about yourself. This can be difficult at first, but stay focused on the task and keep going.

Celebrate your successes. When you have accomplished something in your life that you wanted to do, write it down in your journal or give yourself a little pat on the back.

Practice gratitude by thinking of 5 things that you are grateful for each morning. When you place some focus on what is going right in life, it generates feelings of gratitude, which help to build confidence and trust. It also helps to raise your vibration and prepares you to attract wonderful things into your life with ease. Being grateful is the fastest way to change your feelings about anything and bring happiness into any situation.

Practice gratitude by thinking of 5 things that you are grateful for each morning. When you place some focus on what is going right in life, it generates feelings of gratitude, which help to build confidence and trust. It also helps to raise your vibration and prepares you to attract wonderful things into your life with ease. Being grateful is the fastest way to change your feelings about anything and bring happiness into any situation.

Take a gratitude challenge for 21 days if you feel like it. I started this last year during Thanksgiving/Christmas time after reading an article by Sean Ogle at The Peaceful Ninja . I will start again tomorrow (and at the end of every week) until the New Year starts on January 1st 2013. It was great, I got so much out of it. I will be posting a few before and after photos here on the blog in the coming weeks.

Make it your goal to create more gratitude and appreciation for all the things in your life that you take for granted. Being grateful means that you are sending out good vibrations towards all that you have, which attracts more into your life. If you have something that you are grateful for, think about what it is specifically, such as a cat or dog, or some new clothes or something else. It is an attunement to gratitude and it will help to raise your vibration so that good things come into your life. This is one of the best ways to increase your luck. It is not magic, it is simply understanding the law of attraction.

Work on being grateful and appreciative of the people in your life that you love and care about. These people are amazing and they do so much for you without you even knowing it. Gratitude means that they are manifesting themselves into your life to help you in many different aspects: physically, mentally, financially and even spiritually. Gratitude allows them to be there for you when you need them most, which is a wonderful feeling!

Implement these ideas into your life to improve your state of mind and to raise your vibration so that we attract more good things into our lives.

Photo by: liz west via Compfight cc.

About the Author

Luke Salerno is an aspiring blogger and writer from San Diego, California. He is currently working on a blog about life, self-awareness and spirituality called "Your Self Awakened". You can follow him on Twitter or Google+. This article originally appeared on Republished with permission from the author.

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This is not an article about how to be a pessimist. I want to help you to see that the problem is not in being negative, because many of the issues and difficulties that we come across on a daily basis could be seen as challenges in disguise, if they are looked at with the right eye. If we look at them more positively, which means putting energy into something that makes us happy and feel good about ourselves, then we will attract positive things into our lives very easily as well as more abundance. The more time that you spend focusing on all the things that you have instead of all the things that you don't have, the better off you will be in life.

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