Law of Attraction Classics: Dynamic Thought - Visualizing Exercise - HT Hamblin


 Law of Attraction Classics: Dynamic Thought - Visualizing Exercise - HT Hamblin

The law of attraction is one of the most powerful forces in the universe. It shapes your moods and thoughts, guides you towards your goals, and helps you manifest your dreams.

However, this law has a lot to learn from its predecessors! This article will show you how to practice a basic visualization using The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz as well as how to visualize with specific intentions for love or abundance by Kent Halyburton. You'll find that these exercises can tap into your subconscious mind better than ever before.

If you'd like to read the book we're using (The Four Agreements), you can get it here:–1&keywords=the+four+agreements


First, try this exercise alone and with your eyes closed: Imagine yourself in a circle of light with everything that bothers you inside the circle. You will be standing in the center of the circle and you'll know that nothing can disturb you.

Look at it for a little while and focus your mind on how easy it is to be in that circle. Anytime you're ready, step out of the circle, but do not become part of anything that bothers you right now.

After doing this visualization several times at home, take it with you into a social gathering (such as a party or family get-together), and every time someone says something or does something that bothers you, just tell yourself: "I'm not going to let this bother me." And repeat to yourself: "Everything is perfect just the way it is. I'm not going to let this bother me." Practicing this visualization will train your mind to focus on your goals more than on things that don't support your success.


This time we'll do the exact same visualization as above, but with a twist. First, do it again and practice in front of a mirror so you can watch how powerful you become as you visualize this scenario. Then, when you're ready, close your eyes and take out an imaginary piece of paper (this will help your subconscious remember it). Imagine that you're drawing a circle in front of you in the air, and then imagine everything that bothers you being inside the circle. But this time, when you visualize going into your safe space, before stepping out of the circle, ask yourself:

"What do I need to remember from this visualization to guide me toward my goals?"

And then answer yourself: "I need to remember that I'm centered and powerful. I choose peace over conflict. I am firm about what I want and flexible about everything else." And then add a few more sentences or concepts that are relevant to your life.

Next, step out of the circle and think about how easy it is to be a part of that now-centered and powerful place. There's no way you'll let anything inside that space bother you!

In summary, when you visualize with "The Four Agreements," you prevent your mind from focusing on things that aren't important to you. When you visualize with your subconscious, you guide your subconscious to find meaning in everything - even if that meaning helps or harms your life.

When you combine the two visualizations, you get something powerful! Your conscious mind will make it easier for you to be in a good mood and your subconscious mind will always remember that everything is perfect just the way it is.


In this exercise, we'll look at how you can visualize for love using "The Four Agreements." You'll do this by first closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths. Once you've done this, imagine being in a dark room with no doors or windows. There are just two chairs in the middle of the room and an open space where you're standing.

First, focus on the fact that there are no doors or windows. (It's better to imagine yourself in a room with no windows than in a place where anything or anyone can come in.) Now focus on the two chairs. Notice how you've taken one of the chairs and removed it from the room, leaving only one chair and an open space between them. You are now standing in the center of that open space - completely alone but completely safe.

Now close your eyes again and notice how easy it is to be by yourself in this room. Notice how peaceful and safe you are, and how supportive your surroundings are. Then take out the paper where you're writing your thoughts and try to visualize yourself in the same room with someone.

You're standing in the middle of the open space, but now there's someone standing right next to you. You can see them, but they can't see you, so they think that you've vanished! Now focus on every detail of this person, who is beautiful. Muster all of your creative power and build this person up into a gorgeous being. It doesn't matter what they look like or how big they are - it's irrelevant right now. You're just trying to imagine them!

Focus on how you are standing next to this person. Feel how your heart is beating and how your body responds to being in their presence. Think about how easy it is for you to be in their company, even though they're not talking (or anything else), and then focus on the reactions that are arising in your mind and body.

Now, you don't have to visualize anything else - just notice the reactions that take place now that you've imagined yourself next to this beautiful person. Imagine what it would be like if this beautiful person were with you every day and even kissed you a few times.


To help you learn the process of visualization, we've used some very powerful imagery here. However, it's critical to remember that visualization is not about creating something out of nothing - in fact, it's essential that you don't do that. When you visualize for something important to your future (such as love), always begin by visualizing your perfect situation. Visualize how easy it is for you to be in this situation, how smoothly everything works and how good it feels when you're there.

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