Law of Attraction Classics: Dynamic Thought - The Law that Holds All Matter Together - H.T. Hamblin


 Law of Attraction Classics: Dynamic Thought - The Law  that Holds All Matter Together - H.T. Hamblin

A fascinating article from 1915 that would make a great read on the subject of "The Law of Attraction Classics" written by H.T. Hamblin about the "law that holds all matter together." 

It was an ancient Hebrew tradition to have a story told at the close of each Sabbath, and this practice has been handed down to us in our Saturday evening services. The Talmud records that, if it is not possible for a person to go out and search out some object with which to fill his mind on Saturday evening; then he should occupy his thoughts with the law that holds all matter together. He should say over and over again: "The law which governs all things is Love. I am one with the whole universe; therefore I have a right to expect that the laws of harmony and love shall be extended to my neighbor."

In the Talmud it is stated: "God-Love is still higher than God's knowledge, for it includes all things - all phenomena, physical, mental and spiritual; all history and all evolution. It can understand every system of religion interpreting every thing in harmony with itself. It can understand Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism and Mohammedanism. This Universal Law encompasses all law.

This is the real meaning of the "Golden Rule," which is found in all religions. It is not a rule formulated by man; but it is a natural law engraved on the heart of man, and he cannot escape from it. It is impossible for anyone to live exactly up to this rule, but it does not require that man should do so in order for him to receive its benefits. When we strive to live according to these great principles and rules, we are receiving their benefit just as surely as if we were living up to them.

The principle of love is the most important thing in building up the life and character. The more one loves, the greater will be his power to overcome all difficulties, to remove all obstacles, and to attain all that he seeks. Love must beget love. Hatred and malice create hatred and malice in return. Love begets love in everyone with whom we come in contact, thus making our lives a blessing instead of as a curse."

This old Talmudic teaching is true today as it was then; it is only necessary to apply it. If man will live up to this law of love, he will experience the joys of heaven on earth here and now , not merely in some far off hereafter....

A great deal of time and money has been spent by reformers in endeavoring to elevate the standard of living, but nothing seems to be accomplished. The great secret of material progress is the Law of Attraction. There is only one law, and it operates alike in all directions. Every individual can magnify his life and make it a blessing so long as he knows how to use the power that God has given him. To those who are looking for a home, some form of employment or means of acquisition to assist them in reaching their goal, we want to testify that everyone can attract all that he needs without first having an education or anything else for that matter.

The real secret of happiness is to live up to the teaching of the law. If you will do this, you will be able to harmonize your thoughts with the universe, and you will realize that you are not your own master. You will know that all things exist for your good and not against it, that there is a great law which governs all things, and when you understand this law and act in harmony with it, then whatsoever things you need or desires may be yours in as abundant measure as the needs or desires can be expressed."

Law of Attraction Classics: Dynamic Thought - The Law that Holds All Matter Together - H.T. Hamblin | The Law of Attraction Classics | Pinterest

The Law of Attraction Classics: Dynamic Thought - The Law that Holds All Matter Together - H.T. Hamblin

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Posted by The Law of Attraction Classics at 5:42 PM
The Law of Attraction Classics: Dynamic Thought - The Law that Holds All Matter Together - H.T. Hamblin
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Posted by The Law of Attraction Classics at 5:42 PM
The Law of Attraction Classics: Dynamic Thought - The Law that Holds All Matter Together - H.T. Hamblin
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It is not necessary for an individual to become financially independent to receive the benefits of the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is a Universal law and can fit into every occupation. Every person can attract exactly what he needs, as long as he is working in harmony with the Universal law of attraction. There are many ways in which this law is manifesting in our lives today and it would be appropriate to spend a few minutes studying the underlying principles and applying them for our own benefit.
Posted by JLkort at 12:07 PM
The Law of Attraction Classics: Dynamic Thought - The Law that Holds All Matter Together - H.T. Hamblin https://www.pinterest.

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