Law of Attraction Classics: Dynamic Thought - Greatest Power of All Powers - HT Hamblin


 Law of Attraction Classics: Dynamic Thought - Greatest Power of All Powers - HT Hamblin

The law of attraction is the greatest power of all. It will attract to you those things, people, and situations that you want in your life. The worst thing I can do is deny it or negate its influence in my life.

Let's talk about something else now: Those things, people and situations in your life that you don't want—in particular those powerful negative forces from outside yourself. This article is about how to move past these negative influences by realizing that they are what they are—they are powerless over us!

There's a website called "SuperBetter" by Jane McGonigal I would like to recommend, which has some great information on overcoming the worst that happens and focusing on the positive instead. It is about how to be your "best self" in the face of the worst that happens. It is an interesting site if you want to check it out, and I would recommend this site in particular if one of those situations happens in your life.

Imagine right now that something terrible has happened to you. That something terrible must have been caused by someone or something outside yourself—you may have been victimized by someone, a force of nature or a random occurrence, but whatever it was it was meant to happen and you could do nothing about it.

One of the most important things that I have learned about the law of attraction is that there is little I can do in order to change my circumstances; indeed, there are very few things I could do to avoid a trauma if it does happen to me. This realization has really forced me to stop fighting against "the way things are" and has helped me begin to accept them for the way they are. I have begun to realize that by creating a very different reality, a mystical reality, we can make all our wishes come true, but happy thoughts can't create happy circumstances. The secret is to really be thankful for what we have, to accept that things just are.

So I would like you to write down what it is that you think caused your trauma, whether something outside of yourself or something within yourself. Concentrate on the causes of your trauma and write the cause down in as much detail as possible. It doesn't have to be specific, just show how this particular trauma came about. For example: "I don't understand what happened" or "I don't know why my car got towed" or "I don't know who did this" or "I feel scared and alone. I just don't understand. I didn't do anything."

Now I would like you to write down why this trauma happened to you. In other words, show personal responsibility for the cause of your trauma: "I left my car in the wrong place" or "I was drinking and driving" or "I answered back when he told me off" or "My parents had a divorce when I was a little kid" or "My ex cheated on me." Just write down as many reasons as you can for what caused your trauma.

So you have two lists now:

1. How your trauma happened to you

2. Why your trauma happened to you.

So that's it; those are the only causes of your trauma or negative situation. The law of attraction can't change these things, but it can help us get out of the way and make way for good things to come in our lives, if we but accept this truth and stop fighting against it. This can't stop a negative situation from happening, but it certainly will allow us to look at our situation differently, accept that there is nothing we could have done about it and move forward with a new way of thinking.

So: Write your list of causes and reasons in your three-by-five card as best you can. Now I'm going to ask you to think about a time when something terrible happened to you and write down the causes of the trauma. Give it some thought, especially that one moment when what was happening seemed so awful. What were the causes of this trauma? Why did this happen to me? Write these down on your bag.

Now that you have these lists of causes and reasons, let's look at how we can turn them into positive things in our lives, so they become a powerful force instead of a destructive one. This is the key to the law of attraction: We must think of the worst things that can happen to us as "the way things are" and then take deep breaths and focus that way.

Now look at your three-by-five card. Let's say that you're a single woman and you're dateless on this Saturday night. Let's say you're upset about it, but you know that there is nothing you can do about it. So here are your lists of causes and reasons. Now follow this example:

How your datelessness happened to you:

I am not pretty enough. I'm too heavy. I don't have a lot of money. I don't drive a cool car. I'll never find anyone that wants me or loves me!

Why your datelessness happened to you:

I didn't apply makeup at all today. I ate a bowl of ice cream earlier. I guess I'm not going to the movies. I didn't have time to buy new clothes when I got a promotion at work. My hair is too long and I don't have time to wash it more often. I'm just not very good at my job.

Now stop right there, take a deep breath, and focus on taking back what you wrote down as your last cause of that negative state: "I am not pretty enough." This was one of the things that caused your datelessness. Now focus on that phrase again: "I am not pretty enough. I'm too heavy." Now let this phrase spin around in your mind, and notice how you can get power out of it. Notice how you can make a choice, a choice that you control, of what to think in this moment: "I am beautiful just the way I am right now," "I am safe right now," or something like that.

So focus on what happened in your life just before your datelessness and then think back to the causes of datelessness itself. Write down the causes that were on your three-by-five card: "I didn't apply enough makeup," "I knew I shouldn't eat ice cream before going out," or "My hair got tangled up again.

Conclusion: You see, from the list of things that caused datelessness, there is nothing we can do about it. We can't change other people or the circumstances of our lives. But what we can do is think about what caused this negative situation and then change our thoughts about it. We can think about the causes of situation and focus on what we have done to contribute to this negative situation and then turn this around into a positive situation.

And so right now you need to find ten more things that are happening in your life that you would like to turn around into a positive thing using your imagination, and then focus really hard on dealing with these causes by thinking positively instead of negatively.

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