Law of Attraction Classics: Practical Mental Influence - Attraction Between Minds - WW Atkinson


 Law of Attraction Classics: Practical Mental Influence - Attraction Between Minds - WW Atkinson

One of the most effective and earliest forms of what we now know as "mind power" in the field of self-improvement is Law of Attraction. Most notably, the work of author Abraham or "father" Jacob mentioned in 1858 that 'mental influence operates in accordance with a law, just as any other natural phenomenon.' 

Mental influence (or attracting something to our mind) is a vital concept for anyone looking to learn about how their thoughts can shape and control their reality. This present article highlights some key links for further research into this widely influential field with an eye towards practical mental influence — one that focuses on attraction between minds.

To find out more about this field, look here:

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, the author William Walker Atkinson gave us a wealth of material with regard to this area of study such as his 1901 book titled The Human Atmosphere . He was President of the New Thought Text Publishing Company, which distributed hundreds of popular books for self-improvement and enlightenment during the early 1900s. In fact, he published a total of 165 books in 27 years — from 1888 to 1915 alone — on topics related to philosophy, psychology, metaphysics, and spirituality.

William Walker Atkinson was a 19th century author of numerous books on self-improvement and enlightenment. He was also the founder and President of the New Thought Text Publishing Company, who distributed hundreds of popular books for self-improvement and enlightenment during the early 1900s.

One of his more interesting books is called Mental Influence — A Practical Application of Mental Power (1904). I have mentioned this book in the past which highlighted that 'mental influence operates in accordance with a law, just as any other natural phenomenon.' 

The book contains a wealth of practical mental influence principles, perfect for someone seeking to learn how to use this particular skillful ability. In the following list, I provide links to a few select chapters from the book that are very helpful in this regard.

Chapter 1: The Law of Attraction and Mental Influence; Exterior Affinities and Interior Affinities
In this chapter, we look at what Atkinson describes as 'the law of attraction and mental influence.' He introduces his readers to the idea that 'mental influence is a phenomenon which operates in accordance with a law, just as any other natural phenomenon.' 

This concept is best known through the research of the late 19th century author William Walker Atkinson — but it has been practiced for quite some time by some very powerful people.

The chapter then points out that there are two kinds of attraction: 'exterior affinities' and interior affinities.' The first relates to what we generally see in physical form. These are usually different types of people which can also be referred to as "objective" relationships. In contrast, the second kind relates to what happens on an inner level — within certain subjective or "interior" dynamics between multiple individuals. This is often referred to as a more "subjective" relationship.

Chapter 2: Attraction Between Minds; Individual Relationships; Group Relationship
Here we learn about the 'attraction between minds. Atkinson comments that 'the principle of attraction exists between minds.' He then continues by saying that 'there are individual relationships, and also group relationship.' The rest of the chapter goes on to cover a number of key factors related to how to improve these types of relationships.

Chapter 3: Attraction Between Minds — True Friendships and Beneficial Associations
The chapter begins by pointing out that there are two kinds of attraction — external and internal: 'there is an affinity which causes us to seek that which is like ourselves, for the reason that we feel more at home with those who are like ourselves; but there is also an interior affinity which has no outward manifestation. It is the attraction between minds.'

He then goes on to talk about the three different types of 'true friendship: physical, mental and spiritual.' He also suggests that 'there is a greater or less amount of sympathy in their thought or actions, which is called contagiousness of thought and action.' In other words, the more often we think in certain ways, we naturally want to act accordingly.

Chapter 4: Attraction Between Minds — The Rules of Success
Atkinson next takes on the idea of attracting between-minds relationships and focuses on three key principles related to how to maintain successful relationships. This chapter also talks about two types of attraction: physical and mental. [These are the same concepts that were covered in the previous chapter.]

The chapter then goes on to talk about 'the three rules of success,' which are: 1) 'Attraction is reciprocal; 2) It is self-developing; and 3) The principle of reciprocity is not confined to external relationships.' 

Chapter 5: Attraction Between Minds — Personal Growth and Mental Influence
In this chapter, we learn about some of Atkinson's most 'concentrated' ideas related to mental influence. He highlights one key point he made in his previous work entitled The Human Atmosphere : 'mental influence operates in accordance with a law, just as any other natural phenomenon. It is a very simple law that has never been more clearly defined, and it is to be found in the most elementary elements of life. The law of mental influence may be expressed as follows: "Always have a sincere desire to help your friends — to benefit or please them."

Chapter 6: Attraction Among Men, Women and Children; Emotional Influence
This chapter focuses on how we can help bring about better relationships between people and also how we can use the power of mental influence for our own personal benefit. Atkinson talks about the way we can improve the dynamic between men and women. He also highlights how we can help bring about better relationships among children and also how we can use emotional influence over people to better our own personal lives.

Chapter 7: Attraction Among Men, Women and Children — How to Influence OthersSo far, we have just discussed a few of various ways to attract between minds and some ways in which they relate to each other (also referred to as interpersonal dynamics). Here Atkinson introduces us to some of the more practical ideas that he has presented in previous works. He says: 'the point is this, that a person who attracts others by mental means is not necessarily interested in the minor details of their lives one way or another. Only the person who is mentally influenced is interested in them in this way, because that person would only attract others to you if he wanted them to be interested in you.' 

Chapter 8: Attraction Among Men, Women and Children — How to Influence Others
This chapter focuses on some of Atkinson's more practical mental influence ideas on how we can influence others. Atkinson starts off by saying that: 'to succeed in attracting others, it is necessary to understand the law of attraction and then to act accordingly.' He then goes on to say that 'as far as men are concerned, the first point for men is "to get a good reputation." This is why men always have a certain amount of success with women.


The book closes with a summary of the previous chapters which includes an overview of some key ideas presented in the book. First, we learn that: 'there is one over-ruling law of attraction, and it is this—the law of love. If you really mean what you say and say what you mean to others, then you can have no difficulty in attracting to yourself whoever and whatever you want.' Next comes a short recap of the three principles or rules for successful relationships: (1) Attraction is reciprocal; (2) It is self-developing; (3). The principle of reciprocity is not confined to external relationships.

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