Law of Attraction Classics: Practical Mental Influence - Affected by Thought Waves - WW Atkinson


 Law of Attraction Classics: Practical Mental Influence - Affected by Thought Waves - WW Atkinson

According to the Law of Attraction Classics: Practical Mental Influence - Affected by Thought Waves, author W.W. Atkinson was a popular author and magazine publisher who promoted the belief that our life's conditions are determined by our thoughts and by controlling these thoughts, we can control our lives. Along with Thales, he is one of these two founding fathers of philosophy. It is fair to say that W.W. Atkinson’s work has gone on to inspire many people and has had a great impact on society. 

Wondering how you can learn more about W.W. Atkinson and his works? At Thought Waves, we believe that it is important to understand the context in which authors are writing. To help you get a better understanding of W.W. Atkinson’s works, here is a quick summary of some of his beliefs and theories:

According to W.W. Atkinson, we are surrounded by waves and vibrations in all directions (astronomical, electrical, magnetic). These waves affect our minds and bodies and can have an effect on our mental states most readily through thought waves which are caused by people's nervous systems and brains. The waves can be composed of electromagnetic, spiritual and semi-spiritual vibrations which are all closely related to each other. Our minds are like receivers which are constantly picking up these vibrations.

There is a vast ocean of thought vibrations that surround us and that we are constantly exposed to. These thought waves are the result of mental actions taking place in the minds of all the people around us, who in turn were influenced by millions of other minds before them, who in turn were influenced by millions more before them. These waves continue in an endless cycle until they reach us and cause our mental state to change.
W.W. Atkinson believes that we can influence our minds by learning to control these waves of thought.

Affected by Thought Waves is a two volume collection of articles and interviews with the like of Thales, Aristotle, Bacon, and Ben Franklin. The full title would be "Law of Attraction Classics: Practical Mental Influence - Affected by Thought Waves - WW Atkinson".

These books started as The Psychology Book Club, which was published monthly from January 1910 until March 1918. W.W W Atkinson was the editor-in-chief of this magazine and he wrote many pieces under various pseudonyms such as 'Alexander," "Frederick," "Growth," "Royce," and more.

The "New Thought" literature claimed that we can control our thoughts by concentrating upon the idea that creates positive feelings. Through these feelings, we could learn to create positive influences around us and in turn, we would find our thoughts fulfilling themselves.

In the works of Thales, Aristotle, Bacon and Franklin, it is evident that their focus was more on person's actions than their thoughts. All four are seen as for good reason as great thinkers and leaders in their time. Their works seem to be a culmination of over 2200 years of thinking from what you read from with Thales through to now with great thinkers such as Aristotle and Benjamin Franklin. It is indeed inspiring to see how the Philosophy of Law of Attraction has been alive since Thales, who was an inspiration to Plato, who was an inspiration to Aristotle, who was an inspiration to Benjamin Franklin.

Affected by Thought Waves is also available for free download under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License . Under this license, you are free to copy, share and redistribute the work provided you give appropriate credit and share it without derivative work.

Here are some samples from Affected by Thought Waves:

Thought waves can affect the body by making it tense or relaxed. Thoughts that are attached to certain feelings can lead to bodily movements resulting in emotions such as sadness or happy. Thought waves also affect our thoughts and our belief about things we look for and take for granted.

It is easier to control your thoughts by controlling your thoughts than it is by trying to regulate your physical body. Physical states are not influenced by thoughts, but how you think can make you feel. This is very much like the relationship between the mind and body, where the mind influences the body.

Through practising self-control using positive thoughts, you may be able to reduce the amount of negative thought waves that reach you from other people around you. This can make you feel better, reduce stress and improve your health.

It is important to look after your physical body. You could be influenced by other people's thoughts and body movements even when you are alone. To be truly healthy, you need to look after yourself physically and mentally so that you do not have your health affected by negative thoughts and feelings of others.

Many people have the concept of 'attracting' certain things into their lives with their beliefs about what they 'need'. Some people believe in this philosophy so strongly, that they become victims of self-fulfilling prophecies. They believe that they have to do certain things in their lives like 'have lots of money' or 'start a business', simply because they have heard that as a belief. They then follow this advice and try to do these things by their beliefs, which could make them think very negatively about themselves. This affects their thoughts and feelings towards themselves, which can have an effect on their health.

This is why it is important to know what you really want from life. You should not just listen to advice from others who may not understand the situation you are in. What you want is more important than what other people tell you and what other people believe.

Here are some quotes from the books "Affected by Thought Waves" that may inspire you to think carefully about what you want in life.

Benjamin Franklin said: "I have long been satisfied that it is impossible to bring about any considerable Change, either in the Theory or Practice of any thing, without first acquiring a Clear and Solid Knowledge of the true Reasons for such Change." (Bk.1 chap.1).

Atkinson believed that one of the best ways to change people's thoughts and feelings is to change their habits first. People who do not have good habits have negative thoughts which could affect their health. If you can change the habits of other people, they will be more likely to change their thoughts.

Bacon wrote: "It is only by imagining things in our mind that we are able to bring them into existence."

This means that you could use thoughts to choose what you want and not just let things happen to you. Of course, this would require some thought on your part. But a person who does not think about what he or she could do about certain things may find that he or she would not get these things.

Aristotle wrote: "We are like actors, said Aristotle, whose art it is to remain silent and move with the greatest propriety.


The Philosophy of Law of Attraction is not a new concept; it has been with us for several thousand years. However, it is still relatively unknown to the general public and most people have never heard of it. If you believe that you can attract your own good fortune, then you may be interested in this information to assist you in understanding how the mind truly works. Be sure to read the works by Benjamin Franklin listed below which offers some positive ways of thinking and acting, which could help improve your own health and well-being.

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