Law of Attraction Classics: Suggestion Is Power - Sports


 Law of Attraction Classics: Suggestion Is Power - Sports

Suggestion is power.
We are what we think, and what we think decides our results. With the right suggestion, a sports team can win a game.
I'm sure that you've seen the movie "Thirteen". One of the girls in it was an incredible gymnast who had a coach that knew how to properly use suggestion to get her to move and perform - she even won competitions with this technique before she was old enough for them!
No matter how old you are or what your circumstances, suggestions can be made for each person who wants more from life because everyone has this ability within them.
So what are these suggestions, and how can they be used?
To begin with, a suggestion is something that you want to be true in your life. It's a thought, so it is not an action.
Suggestions require that you first stop the negative thinking that decides a lot of our lives - as negative thinking tends to bring more of what we think about into our lives.
The key is to start smaller and work your way up to the bigger things you want. You don't have to go after the big goals right away - go after something toward which you are able to achieve.
A suggestion is not always verbal. It can be an internal thought, a picture, an emotion or even something that you do.
So how do you create a suggestion?
You create suggestions by associating something with a positive thought about the future result that you want to have.
For example: "I am going to win the game". Or "I'm going to get called up to play". Or "I'm going to get my dream job."
You think of the outcome and then associate that outcome with those feelings of positivity and good energy.
Even when things don't go right, think of the positive outcome and feel these emotions.
For example: "I'm not going to win the game but I'll feel good about that." Or "They'll call me up but I know that it won't be until after the season starts." Or "I'm going to get a job, but maybe not the one I want".
You can use a picture or something you do to associate with your thoughts as well. For example: you can pick out your gear for playing in a game, meditate on your stick or ball, whatever it is that you need for what you want to do.
Look at it, see it and feel it; associate the actions with your thoughts.
If you were to win, how would you feel? If you did well in a game, how would that make you feel? Happy? Confident? If so, then think of those things and stay in that good feeling as much as possible.
Think about the people and places that are good for what you want to achieve. For example: if I wanted to get called up to play with the NHL team I'd have to be serious about my play now and continue my improvements so that I can get noticed for my abilities among many other things (merely an example).
Think of the people who will support you and understand that their support is what moves you forward. You might want to think of a family member or friend who will be at the game or a sports psychologist or coach that can help you through rough times - some things are better with other people than alone.
Examples of this are: "I know my grandma is always there for me no matter what I need." Or "My friend gave me great advice today on my play and it changed the way I thought about stuff."
You can also use various emotions to accompany your thoughts. For example: If I wanted to get called up to play, I would feel happy, confident and excited because it's what I want at this moment in time.
The whole idea is to simply feel the positive feelings and think about the positive things that happen in life and how they improve our lives.
Once you realize what it is that you want and associate them with the good feelings, your suggestions will become better and better.
If you want to change your life - do not wait. Start now!
As I said, it doesn't take much to make a suggestion - just a thought, picture or emotion will do. Once you start creating more of these, then all that's left is for you to decide whether to act upon them or not based on what you feel in your thoughts, dreams and reality.
You'll find that with a little practice you will be creating more and more suggestions for yourself every day, and that you'll want to create more as your life gets better and better. You're doing this because the power of suggestion is indeed very powerful!
Law of Attraction by Louise Hay, Copyright ©1975 by Louise Hay; Reprinted by permission of Hay House Publishers
"How To Develop Your Own Mind Power... Use Suggestion" Time Magazine, May 21, 1938; Copyright ©Time Inc. 1960
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Submitted By: Tobi @ SFI (Stephanie @ SFI)
We prepare our body by eating what we need - it's much the same way with our mind.
What we put there is what gets recognized by our subconscious.
We can suggest to ourselves that we are what we want to be and if we don't believe it, then we won't obtain it.
Suggestion is a big part of making the things that we want in our lives happen - and the best part is that it's up to us!
But how do you suggest to yourself something that you want?
This is easier than you think. You just think about the situation - in your mind - and how good it would feel when you get what you want. You associate those good feelings with thoughts and pictures of what you want in your life by doing this enough so that they become habits.
For example:  Thinking about how it would feel when you get the job and how your life will be better because of it. And seeing yourself at that job imagining what you'll be doing, the people you meet and how they'll react to you - even going as far as having conversations with people as well as what your responsibilities are.
Lastly, you have to feel the emotions that you want to feel while you are thinking of these things - if you don't believe it, then think of a time and place where you felt similar emotions in your mind.
The idea is to be able to do this all at once so that it can become a habit; by doing this more and more, your mind will start the process of suggestion for you and the more that it does this - the easier it'll be for your subconscious mind to relax into what your positive thoughts are telling it.
You should notice that as time goes on, that there will be less conscious thoughts about getting what's wanted.

Suggestion is the key to making the things that you want in your life happen. All that's left is for you to work towards getting those things. You do this by thinking about them, feeling the emotions and forming habits out of this habit so that it becomes easier and easier as time goes on - and believe me; as your life improves, you'll want to suggest more good things into it!
If you're serious about changing your life - start now!
"The Law of Attraction" by Jerry Gillies, Copyright ©2011 by Jerry Gillies; Published by Hay House, Inc., Feb 3, 2011; pp.

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