Law of Attraction Classics: Suggestion is Power (Part 1)


 Law of Attraction Classics: Suggestion is Power (Part 1)

Famed American psychologist William James thought that the change in the power of a mental image depends mainly on two things: how frequently you think about your goal and how long you can maintain the thought. The more you think and the longer you can keep thinking, then, the greater your chances are for success.

This is just one of many examples of why it is so important to learn to hold onto mental images as if they were as real as they seem - in order to make them come true.

To introduce the Law of Attraction to a young student, for example, its teachers have suggested practicing the following exercise:

Choose an object or person you want to attract into your life. Think about this person whenever you can. And then, as often as possible in your daydreams and during your thoughts, verbalize this thought: "I am reaching out to attract so-called 'X' into my life." In other words, you are literally saying "I am attracting 'X.'

Most people who try this exercise find it very difficult and disturbing because they don't like the idea of "attracting" someone or something into their lives. It makes them feel as if they are being "manipulative" or "forceful." However, those who repeat the exercise will invariably begin to experience things happening in their life that were not happening prior to the practice.

This is one of many examples whereby well-known teachers have suggested a simple way to practice the Law of Attraction. In this instance, the goal is to attract a new car, a new relationship or any other change you wish to bring into your life.

If you begin such an exercise and find yourself feeling uncomfortable with it then ask yourself why you feel this way. And then, ask yourself what you can do to overcome this feeling of discomfort. When you find an answer to this question, you will know that it is time to keep practicing the exercise until it no longer feels uncomfortable.

The Law of Attraction is a lot like a muscle; if you keep working on it, you will eventually gain strength and become more powerful. And when the powers that be are used as an analogy for an object or person, then it means that you have started to change your outer world with your inner world. As time passes and your "attract" mental image becomes more powerful in your mind then this results in the real object or person being attracted into your life. You see a new car, for example, and then you begin to feel a desire to buy one. And after you have attracted it into your life then naturally the money will appear and the car will no longer be a fantasy but be your own.

The Law of Attraction being a law of nature cannot be repealed. It is well known that all of the physical aspects about us that we can see with our eyes and hear with our ears are not actually part of us. They were created by nature out of nothingness, but how they were created or what they are made from is not exactly known. However, the power they are created with is known as Emerson's Law which states: "Like always attracts like".

The Law of Attraction, therefore, states that your conscious thought patterns (or the ideas you have about yourself or the world) have an effect on your outer realities. What we think about is what we create. What we think about is what we attract. If you are trying to attract a new car but you are not able to buy one because no one in your life has any money, then this is because a certain thought pattern has been created in your mind - and understandably so - that no one can afford to buy a car.

If you are able to change this thought pattern just by thinking about it, then you will find that in no time at all your car will be a reality. This is because the power of your inner world is the same as the power of nature and it cannot be repealed, altered or undone by us humans.

The Law of Attraction can also be seen as a self-fulfilling prophesy - where what you want to happen happens and where you don't want it to happen doesn't happen. We see this in many different areas of life every day. The Law of Attraction, for example, can be seen in the way several lottery winners believe that their winning a million dollars is only the beginning. Although it may be. The power of your mind runs deep and manifests itself often in many different ways.

We are creatures of habit and nature seeks to keep us that way by making sure that our natural beliefs are not too disturbing or disturbing to us. So if you begin to think about saying no to someone who offers you something you don't want or need then your mind will enforce this behaviour. Your mind will take care of it without you having to give any thought at all. This is a good thing, of course, because we don't want to be going around saying no when we can't afford it or just because we don't like what is being given.

The law of Attraction should be seen not as a means to control nature or other people but as a way of living in harmony with the natural principles that govern our lives. In other words, the best way to attract something into your life is by being yourself and by allowing your inner thoughts and desires to emerge and come forth into the physical world.

This eBook describes the basics steps involved in applying The Law Of Attraction to improve all areas of your life. You may also wish to read The Secret: The Law of Attraction.

About The Author Avril Kelly is a lifelong learner, explorer and adventurer. Avril has traveled extensively including Mexico, Canada, Europe and the UK. She also considers herself a student of life and loves to have new experiences, meet new people and hear their fascinating stories.

She invites you to join her on the journey "Through The Eyes Of A Child" where you can share in this spiritual journey by reading her inspirational stories including the one about The Law Of Attraction contained in this article; as well as many other inspiring articles.

You can find out more about Avril Kelly at or join here

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The Law of Attraction is much more than just a dynamic thought you have on something you desire. The Law of Attraction is about how your thoughts literally create reality. And what are the most powerful and effective ways to attract something into our lives? They are through the use of affirmations, visualization and the creation of our own reality which is derived from how we think about things, feel about things and how we respond to various situations in life.

While many people say that the law of attraction states that if you want it bad enough then it will come into your life, this is not correct. In fact, this belief stems from a misunderstanding as to what the law actually means.

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