Law of Attraction Classics: Your Invisible Power - How to Attract the Things You Desire - Genevieve Behrend


 Law of Attraction Classics: Your Invisible Power - How to Attract the Things You Desire - Genevieve Behrend

Are you tired of feeling so hopeless? Tired of feeling like the people in your life are a burden rather than an asset? Do you want to know how to attract anything you desire into your life, including money and health and love? In this classic article by Genevieve Behrend from 1938, you'll learn the Law of Attraction - that is, how like attracts likes. It may sound too simplistic for some - but it holds true for every single person who understands it. The Law of Attraction is real, and understanding it will completely change the way you look at everything in your life.
To learn how to apply the Law of Attraction, Genevieve explains the process in this seven-step model:
Steps 1-4 are fairly self-explanatory, but there is a lot of value in learning this and other laws so that you can become more conscious of them. You'll also see what happens when you apply them to your daily life. For example, if you can experience abundance by finding a way to manifest health and happiness into your life, then it becomes easier to see the opportunities that are available when you need money or romance. This will help you to tune into the powerful energy that exists all around us.
Step 5 is also very important, as it will show you how to begin using the Law of Attraction in your own life. You'll see why this process is only as good as you are trying to do it. There is an art and a science behind applying this law, and you'll learn what exercises you need to do at various points in your life. That way, the law can become a part of your action plan - not something that just "happens" on its own.
Step 6 is also important. You may not be able to manifest everything you desire - but you can find out why in this step. Why can't we always attract the things we want? Basically, it boils down to your attitude and the way you are using your energy. The universe doesn't really care what you want as much as it cares about how well you tune into it. So, if you try to materialize everything immediately, rather than taking your time to understand what's happening, then that's when the Law of Attraction won't work for you.  You have to let the universe know what's going on by observing yourself and the people in your life. Step 7 is important, too, as it will show you how to find the "missing links." This concept will help you to get rid of the gaps in your life and live a more fulfilling life.
Step 1: Decide What You Want (the Desire)
The first step is very simple - you need to decide what you want.  You can't manifest anything if you don't know what it is that you want. Now, this doesn't mean that your desires are based upon your physical or emotional needs.  This is not the case.  You can't manifest if you don't know what it is that you want.
Let's say that you want a new car, but you don't know how to drive a manual transmission. You can't get a new car without driving it! So, if you don't know how to drive a manual transmission, you won't be able to get the car. Likewise, if you don't know what your desire is, then why would the universe listen to your requests? If you're not clear in your desires, then it's impossible for the Law of Attraction to work for you - and it will never work.
Step 2: Know What You Want
When you know what you want, you may be tempted to start thinking about how to get it. However, that's not a good idea. When you start figuring out the specifics, the universe is going to laugh at you for trying so hard - because it doesn't matter how much effort or energy you put into a specific outcome, if it's not something that aligns with this law. All of your extra effort will go towards keeping your current reality - and not attracting something new. That's why it's important to understand what exactly it is that you want - and then leave it up to the Universe to provide the answers for how to get it.
Step 3: Create a Desire
The key to getting your desire is to think about it. You can't want for something that you don't even know about - but if you can get excited about what it is that you want, then it will manifest itself in your life. This is the reason why many people think that the law is so simple. They focus too much on seeing what they want - and not enough time on the actual process of manifesting.  That's why Genevieve Behrend's process is important - because it shows you how to create a desire. You know what it is and then everything falls into place naturally, without any extra effort being applied by you.
Step 4: Feel Your Desire
You may have the desire and you may know what it is that you want, but do you feel it? Many people think that they can just ask the universe for something and then everything will be okay.  However, this is not the case at all.  First of all, the universe doesn't hear your thoughts (unknowingly). It observes your energy. So, if your energy isn't aligned with what you want - then how can it manifest itself in your life?
The answer is simple: it won't happen.  If you don't feel what you want in your heart, then you won't get it. You can't just think about something and have the universe give it to you. You have to FEEL it in your heart - because that's the way that the universe works. It doesn't understand your thoughts - it only understands your energy. So, if you feel what you want and feel excited about it, then that's when you start making this law work for you.
Step 5: Learn How to Use Your Desires
Now, some people think that they are going to manifest something with their desires immediately. However, this is not the case at all. If you jump the gun, then that's when the Law of Attraction will not work for you. Instead, you have to learn how to use your desires. That's why Step 5 is crucial - because it teaches you how to use your desires properly.  By applying these techniques, your desires will begin working for you instead of against you. You'll see what the right approach is in various situations and how to get more out of your life.
Step 6: Learn Why This Law Won't Work
Then, it's important to understand "why" this law won't work for you.

This is why the law of attraction is so misunderstood - because people don't understand it on a fundamental level. They think that they can just "think about" their desires and a new reality will come into existence. This is not the way that things work at all.  You can't just focus on your desires and expect them to manifest themselves magically in your life.
Instead, you have to understand the journey of using this law correctly. You have to learn how to create a desire, feel your desire, know what you want, create a desire (and then FEEL it) so that you can use this law properly with your own life experience.

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