Law Of Attraction: The Driving Force Behind All Success And Failure


 Law Of Attraction: The Driving Force Behind All Success And Failure

"The Law of Attraction" is the idea that you are in control of your life, and that the thoughts and beliefs you have create your reality. The Law of Attraction states, "like attracts like" - meaning positive or negative thoughts will attract people and situations that reinforce those thoughts. This means that if you think positive things about yourself, you will attract positive people and events into your life. Conversely, if you think negative things about yourself, you will be surrounded by more negativity as well as attracting negative people/events.

The Law of Attraction states that thoughts are things, and that good thoughts are always followed by positive events, while negative thoughts followed by bad things. This means you have the ability to have a healthy mind, as well as an unhealthy one. The more you are able to understand the law of attraction, and apply it in your life, the more positive things will come into your life.

The Law of Attraction states: "Whatever you concentrate on expands; and whatever you are indifferent to diminishes". This is a very simple quote from the book "Think And Grow Rich". The Law of Attraction is the idea that pretty much anything you think about, wants (desires), feels (emotion), or concentrates on can create a change in your life.

Based on the Law of Attraction, if you focus on negative things in your life, a negative "charge" will be created in your mind. This negative charge will attract likeminded people and situations into your life to bring it back to its negative state.

The question is - What do YOU want? The answer is simple: Money! Simple as that! The Law of Attraction states that " and wealth are the most reliable and fastest way to persistence".

The more money you have, the more opportunities you can pursue. Being wealthy has a great impact on how other people perceive you, and the way you communicate with others. The amount of interest in a person's business or personal life is directly proportional to their level of financial security. You are what you own.

Remember - it's all about what YOU want! Laws Of Attraction Youtube - Law Of Attraction Book Free Download Template

Peter Schiff: "Money is like air. It relieves stress; but if there are no outlets for spending it, people become depressed". 

"Money, Money, Money", a very well-known song by ABBA, explains the concept behind the Law of Attraction. A common saying is "money can't buy happiness", but this saying couldn't be farther from the truth. If you are wealthy, or in control of your finances, it is easier to remain positive and attract good people and opportunities into your life. The Law of Attraction states that you can attract anything you want IF you have a positive mindset. If you are broke and unhappy, it will be harder to concentrate on attracting money because it is more difficult to remain positive when surrounded by negative thoughts.

The more money in your life, the happier you will be. Money is a true motivator, and allows you to pursue your goals and ambitions freely. A large sum of money makes it much easier to remain positive in everyday situations. In addition, wealthy people are generally surrounded by other wealthy people, who are usually very positive individuals. Positive people are good company!

Negative thoughts lead to negative actions. Negativity breeds negativity and can become a very vicious circle to escape from - difficult, if not impossible without help. Remember that everything starts with a thought - so think positive thoughts all the time!  This is not always easy but with practice and persistence, it can become second nature.

In conclusion, money and wealth is a very large factor in many people's happiness. Wealth allows you to control your own destiny and pursue your passions. You can buy anything your heart desires and remain positive in any situation!

This positive attitude will attract other positive people, who will eventually bring you more money and happiness!

"Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it". -Charles R. Swindoll

"It is a basic law of human nature that the mind attracts that which it dwells upon." -Aristotle

"All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible". -T. E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia)

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Law Of Attraction Youtube - Law Of Attraction Book Free Download Template

Law Of Attraction Youtube - Law Of Attraction Book Free Download Template

Law Of Attraction Youtube - Law Of Attraction Book Free Download Template

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What does it all mean?

There is no easy way to be rich, wealthy and happy. It is true that you can be the richest person on earth by just borrowing money from a bank and spending millions of dollars on renting apartments, cars, watches, clothes and so on. This will make you feel good (I guess), because we always want to feel happy. But is this way of living healthy? In short… NO! You'll never have any peace of mind or satisfaction with that kind of life. You might as well flip burgers at McDonald or work at some paper-mill for the rest of your life instead. You will probably die a miserable death in hell anyway.

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