Law Of Attraction: Expect What You Want


 Law Of Attraction:  Expect What You Want

The Law of Attraction says that our thoughts create and attract things into our lives. Think about something you want and it will come to you.

What is the major drawback of that philosophy? It requires active personal action to make it happen. If you want something, then go out and figure out a way to get it! Maybe by writing a blog post like this one, on how to achieve your dreams with the law of attraction.

But what if you don't know what you want? What do you do then?

If you don't know what you want, the best way to decide is by elimination.

1. Do not have children. Ever. 
2. Get a job in an office where it is impossible to be promoted.  (A lawyer's office might be a good choice for this.)   
3. Move someplace where there are no jobs at all and live off the government money.  (Take your pick: Detroit, Lansing, Battle Creek or Flint would all be great choices.)    
4. If none of that works out, give up on your dreams and move to Texas...or some other good place to live.  
5. If you're still in the US, try living anywhere else.  (1) If your dreams don't materialize there, move on to somewhere else.
6. If that doesn't work, try moving to the surface of Mars, if you can find them. (2) Once there, live on algae and hot air balloons. Wait for the right job to come along and a higher salary will follow – when you can afford it (and hope that there are no Martian lawyers in the universe.) 
7. Unless we all succeed at this insane plan before our sun burns out, give up on your dreams...and move to Texas.
But for most of us, we need something to work on this planet. We can't leave it because we need the resources here and because we don't have spaceships yet.  But do you know what we can do right now? Start thinking less selfishly and more about helping others achieve their dreams!
Then our own dreams will be realized as well.  Helping others brings great rewards to you as well.
I have been working on a book The Law of Attraction: How It Works And How To Use It Successfully.  You can find out more about it here.
1.  The best of the worst urban planning disasters in the United States is located in Detroit, Michigan. 2 and 3. These locations are uninhabitable except for the bright souls who don't need jobs and who actively hope for everything to fail into poverty for themselves and everyone else on the planet.
4. Move to Flint, MI   for the same reason.
Nothing in life is free, except for Texas.  
February 14, 2013 | Categories: Charles' Blog | Tags: Charles Capps, Charles Capps on Law of Attraction, law of attraction, law of attraction blog, The Law of Attraction: Expect What You Want | Leave a comment
In this post I continue the thought that there is nothing new under the sun or stars. We are always looking at something that has come before us and done better.  You know what's been done better at some point in time? Everything! So we have to look at what is new and amazing and see if it's as good as everything else...or better.
In our desire to be the best and make everyone else look like they're on crack, we sometimes forget to look at ourselves. Sometimes we forget that it is okay to not be perfect.  If we're going to succeed at being the best, then why do we strive for perfection?
What if you were told that you would never be able to achieve what you want in life? How would your expectations change? If you were told that you would never climb Mt. Everest, how would that impact your passion for climbing it?  I think it might change the very nature of your drive and passion for the climb.  You might be more excited about the climb because you couldn't possibly do it as well as you can.  If you were told that your dream of being a professional sumo wrestler would never come to pass, what would happen to your passion for that?
I think you can see where I'm going with this. If we're going to rise up and be the best at what we do, then let's all be willing and ready to fail at times. Let's all have some fun with the process.
It took me a long time before I completely let go of many personal goals because I just couldn't achieve them. Not because it wasn't possible but because I could not be perfect any more than the next person.  I could strive for the best, but not perfection. I would have to be okay with coming in second or third, as long as I was doing my best....and that's certainly good enough for me!
I know from my own experience, that striving for perfection does not work. Believing that you have to be perfect before you can succeed is a great way to end up...well...never succeeding at anything. 
Instead, let's strive for excellence. Let's try our hardest and do our best with what we're given. Let's find the best we can possibly do and then leave it at that. There is no better time to be completely happy with our efforts than when we have accomplished something great!
Let's let go of our perfectionism. Let's be willing to be average – or less than average – and still push forward.  We will never achieve perfection, but let's strive for excellence!
I have been working on a little book called The Law of Attraction:  How It Works and How To Use It Successfully .  You can find out more about it here.
Where Will You Go? February 6, 2013 | Categories: Personal Development | Tags: Charles Capps, Charles Capps on Law of Attraction, law of attraction, law of attraction blog, The Law of Attraction: Expect What You Want | Leave a comment
Your world awaits you. Your destiny awaits you. The things that have happened to you have prepared you for the most amazing journey that your life has ever seen. 
Everything will be okay as long as you stay open to all possibilities in your life and are willing to take it all in stride.

Conclusion February 2, 2013 | Categories: Charles' Blog | Tags: Charles Capps, Charles Capps on Law of Attraction, law of attraction, law of attraction blog, The Law of Attraction: Expect What You Want | Leave a comment
Everything will work out in the end. We just have to pay attention to the now and not worry about the future. In life...everything is going to work out for us. It's not a question of if something will happen but when. It's up to us to be on top of things and be present and aware enough that we can controlled what is happening and what isn't.  If we are able to do this...

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