Law of Attraction – How Much Action is Needed?


 Law of Attraction – How Much Action is Needed?

Find out how the Law of Attraction can lead to happiness in your life. The law states that like attracts like, so if you think good thoughts, you will have good things happen to you. But what does this actually mean in practice?

This article will cover:
-What is the Law of Attraction?
-How does it work?  
-What are the benefits of being aware of Law of Attraction and manifesting your goals? 
-Pros and cons on using this law in your life.

As we grow older and gain more experiences, there are moments in our lives that we experience our "ascension" and it sends shivers down to your bones. For some of us, such a moment comes in early childhood, when this life is said to have started. Others lack a physical death to start their next life, having ascended as soon as they were born. If you happen to fall into the latter category, you don't even know when you will die.
The true nature of the Universe is that there is infinite possibility. That's the law of attraction.
So, why do people surf the internet searching for answers to their questions? There are many aspects to this question.
One reason is that we are all taught how to think in school, while we spend almost no time thinking about how to apply these principles outside of school. That's why so many people have a hard time applying the Law of Attraction in their lives.
Here's some examples of what you should not do with the Law of Attraction: 
-Do not focus on what you don't want; the bad will just come along with the good and vice versa.  Instead, focus on what you do want and you will attract it into your life.  When you are clear about what it is that you do want, you will know what to focus on.  Do not focus on things that have no chance of happening if you want them to happen.  Focus on the positive things and they will come to you more easily. 
-Do not get into the habit of bargaining with others or yourself to manifest your goals and desires.  If you are clear about your own expectations, then it won't matter what other people say or do. Be aware of your agenda, but don't be stubborn about sticking to this agenda unless it is in alignment with another's agenda as well.  Stubbornness leads to resistance, and resistance is a very powerful force when you are working with the Universal Laws.  Avoid negative people who try to make your life difficult, because they are always in the way of you manifesting your desires.
-Do not look for proof that what you want is going to happen; this kind of thinking limits your ability to manifest things into your life.  If you have no idea how something could come about, then that is fine.  Just focus on what you do want, and trust that it will be coming into your life somehow.
-Don't try too hard to make things happen; instead, let them happen naturally without forcing them in any way. Follow the plan that you want to manifest, and allow it to unfold according to what your inner guidance tells you.  Sometimes you need to go right where the Universe is leading you, but other times it might come into your life unexpectedly. It is important not to try too hard or get frustrated if something doesn't happen when you want it in your life, because this will cause resistance forcing what should be happening anyways in another way.
-Don't become attached to anything that comes into your life; listen and observe as much as possible without any attachment whatsoever.  You can decide on your own whether something is good for you (remembering that this is an inner decision) or bad for you.  Do not give your life to anything else but what you want, because this will cause the Universe to bring it into your life whether you want it or not.  Instead of trying to force things in your life, work with the Universal Laws instead.  Let go of any attachment you have to something that comes into your life so that it can be easily guided towards where you want it to go.
-Do not focus on the problems in your life; instead, find solutions and ways around them.  If you focus on negative things and try to convince yourself that they are bad for you, then this will cause resistance which will redirect that energy towards coming into your life in another way.  It will not go away, but it will come in a way that you don't want.  It is important to be aware of your feelings and maintain control over them so that they don't hinder your ability to manifest what you want.
-Do not try to make everything happen at once; jot down notes as ideas occur to you, because you might forget them otherwise.  You can worry about how many things you have on your list when you have time for this later on.  The most important thing is to keep the ideas flowing and write them down as soon as possible.
-Do not worry about the details of whatever it is that you want, because these will come naturally.  If you are very clear about what it is that you want, then the Universe will fill in the blanks with things that are within your budget, and they will appear at just the right time.  When you focus on a goal and make it obvious to other people as well, this makes it easier for the Universal Laws to bring it into your life.  If you don't know how something will come about, then this gives you more room to play with the possibilities.  It is not up to you to decide the details of your life; it is up to you, however, to be clear about what it is that you want.
-Do not rely on other people or relationships for your happiness.  This is a big one, because most people believe that this will help them manifest their desires.  Of course they are right in a way; every desire that comes into your life needs other people or relationships as much as anything else.  If you find yourself relying on others, then it means that you need to change what you want in your life so that it becomes something more self-reliant and independent.  If you see the other people in your life as a means to help you manifest what you want, then this means that the Universe has already made it clear to you that this is how it wants to come about. Keep this in mind as an inner guidance system, because when you look at others, it is important to think about how they want things in their lives to be and what they want them to achieve.  It is also important not to look at anyone else and think, "If I had that," or "But I don't have what they have."  Instead, take note of the good things that are happening in their lives and know that these ideas are coming through them into yours.

The Law of Attraction is amazingly powerful when used effectively, and it will work for anyone who uses these techniques.  Don't forget that you also need to understand how your thoughts and feelings affect this powerful force called the Universal Laws.  When you focus on what you want to come into your life, you must also pay attention to how you are thinking about them.  The Universe will work with whatever mindset or emotion that you have toward something that wants to come into your life, so always keep this in mind when working with the Law of Attraction.

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