Law of Attraction – How to Make it Very Easy


 Law of Attraction – How to Make it Very Easy

The law of attraction is said to come into effect each time you feel happy or notice things going your way. You often don’t even need to believe in it for it to work. The strongest form of the law of attraction is autosuggestion, which is where you reprogramme how your mind responds to certain stimuli.

An example would be if you always see negative things on the news, then that’s how your brain will react when something negative happens.
So what should we do? We can learn a technique called ‘The Pomodoro Technique’ in order to help us concentrate and avoid distractions from any source(including electronic devices).

The Pomodoro Technique is one of the most well known techniques for studying. It's created by Francesco Cirillo, an Italian inventor and journalist, and provides us with a semi-automated way to study effectively.

The strategy has been used in universities throughout the world, at an estimated 400 universities alone! Yet, it’s never been done for meditation. The reason it hasn’t been done before is because doing this technique takes time. In order to do it well takes you a full hour to focus on anything- but as soon as you’re finished, you forget everything you did.

This means you can’t do the technique and then work on your meditation afterwards, because you won’t really remember how to do it like last time.

So let’s begin with the first step.

What we are doing here is trying to focus on one thing for one hour- so we need to find something that will interest us for an hour, because if we don’t find something interesting, we won’t be able to focus for long. So find something that is purely about learning about what you are studying, and nothing else. If it's a course or a book, just go through it mindlessly. If you are doing a course, just focus on the teacher, ignore everyone else in the room. If you are reading a book, just focus on this book. Ignore your phone or other electronic devices too.

The most important step of all: DON’T SKIP THIS STEP!

No matter how difficult it is, don’t skip this step. Many people struggle with this step. It's OK to take breaks if needed- but try and stick to it for as long as you can. No matter how hard it is- do not skip this step.

Now try to bring your attention to the start of the hour. Just focus on one specific thing that is happening right now. If you are studying a course, what is happening right this second? If you are reading a book, what exactly is happening in the book? Close your eyes and see yourself doing it for real!

Now focus again on that one specific thing. Don’t move your mind anywhere else. Don’t think, don’t read, don’t check your phone or anything else, just stay focused on that one thing that’s happening right now.

Just focus on that one thing, don’t move your mind anywhere else. No matter what, just focus on that one specific thing! Don’t move your mind anywhere else. Don’t think, don’t read, don’t check your phone or anything else, just stay focused on that one thing that’s happening right now.

Now we are onto the last 5 minutes of the Pomodoro Technique and we should be finishing off with our meditative session. So now, just focus on that one thing. Don’t move your mind anywhere else. Don’t think, don’t read, don’t check your phone or anything else, just stay focused on that one thing that’s happening right now.


After one hour of intense focus has passed- we should celebrate! We have done our first Pomodoro Technique session and it's time for a break! Give yourself a big pat on the back for doing so well and then get ready for the next session. At this point you should also try to close your eyes and focus inwardly on yourself. Reach into your mind and feel exactly what is happening in you.

This should be a really fun step! Imagine that you are ‘stepping into yourself’ and you are reading some kind of book about you. This book would contain all the things that have happened to you during your lifetime, but before this moment, inside this book! From when you were born to now, everything that has happened in your life would be contained in this book. You would just be able to flip through the pages and see everything that has ever happened. It will be absolutely incredible!

You will feel as if this point is like a memory of every experience that has ever happened to you. You will be able to feel exactly how it felt when it happened. But the important thing here is that you will be able to feel how you felt during those times. Now, this is different to normal memories because most memories are just a description of what happened and how it made you feel- but this time, through doing this part, you will be able to actually feel those emotions again!

You can go into more detail too, if you want. For example the excitement of opening your presents on Christmas day as a child- or the nervous uncertainty of what your parents would say about something when you were a kid. Feel all of this... and then continue on, focusing on memories that are more recent in your lifetime. Feel the fear or anxiety that you felt before the big exam in school, or the nervousness of a first date.

Feel all of these things- and then continue on to your most recent memories. Feel the excitement you felt when you eventually got that job- or even the relief you felt just by simply not failing at something this time! Feel how good it feels to succeed...

And then there is one more thing I want to talk about here- and it's about your mind. Your mind can be your best friend, but sometimes it can also be your worst enemy. See, our minds are always with us, no matter what we do or where we go. So our thoughts follow us around everywhere. This makes us think that our thoughts are us. We forget that we have the power to change our thoughts at any time and try and silence them when they get too much for us. So before we move on with the next step- let's remind ourselves again, that our minds are not us, they are just something we use to survive.

This is how you do it:

Close your eyes, focus on yourself and walk around inside of your mind as if you were exploring a new house.


The Pomodoro Technique is a simple but incredibly effective tool for anyone to use in order to focus and meditate more. It doesn't matter if it's a book study, studying at the university or doing your homework because all you are doing is focusing on one task for an hour. You will meet deadlines on a regular basis because of this technique, and you will learn more than you ever thought possible because of this technique. You can really learn how to face your fears, conquer your demons and just enjoy life more now.

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