Law of Attraction – How to Use Affirmations


 Law of Attraction – How to Use Affirmations

Are you wondering how to use affirmations? Affirmations are a powerful and effective way to use the Law of Attraction. When your subconscious hears these repeated phrases, it begins to believe that they are true. In turn, it will work tirelessly towards making your desires a reality.

You may have heard that affirmations can't be used on their own for positive change. This is true in some circumstances, but not when you're using them according to the Law of Attraction principles...

The Secret to Using Affirmations in the Law of Attraction
First, let me explain the difference between affirmations and positive thinking. Affirmations are known as  affirmations ,  self-talk , or repeating positive statements  to yourself. They work much like a mantra or prayer when you repeat them to yourself over and over again, especially when you feel like things aren't going your way or that you have limited  energy . These statements will bolster your faith, confidence, and determination in being successful.
However, unlike these traditional mantras which are created by a third party, affirmations are more effective if they're created by YOU. Think about it. When you say something to yourself, you're the one who decides whether or not that statement is true or false.
In other words, affirmations are built off positive expectations. The true power of affirmations lies in the fact that you are in complete control of what you say to yourself, and what you look forward to creating with your life. If a mantra or prayer can only work for so long before it wears off, then why not create a mantra that works for years? That is where affirmations can take your thoughts and feelings from  negative  to positive , from despair to hope , and from stagnation to success .
Here are some great affirmations to get you started.
I am worthy of love. I deserve happiness and joy in my life. I am ready to discover the greatest good in all that I do. My desires are the  only  things that will eventually lead me where I want to go, and all it takes is for me to believe in myself. My values and dreams are just as important as my needs and desires, and if I hold true to these truths no matter what, then everything else will come into place perfectly as well.
I can manifest my greatest dreams by being positive about myself at all times, even when it seems impossible...
I believe that any negative thought can be replaced with a positive thought. When I have a negative thought, I can turn it around by choosing to focus on one of the four trends:
The power of affirmations lies in the fact that they help you reframe how you think, and this is especially effective when you're feeling hopeless and in need of a change.
The Most Powerful Affirmations You Can Say to Yourself
So now that you know how to create powerful affirmations, let's look at some of the most powerful affirmations you can use to get what you want out of life.
1. "I am growing stronger each day. My challenges are preparing me for my greatest success."
2. "I love myself at all times."
3. "I am willing to work for what I want."
4. "I am prepared for every challenge that comes my way, and I will face it as if it is an opportunity to learn something valuable."
5. "My true potential is limitless."
6. "I care deeply about other people, and I will do whatever it takes to help them reach their goals and make the world a better place by contributing with my own unique talents and abilities."
7. "I'm ready to start living the life I've always wanted."
8. "I want to be successful, and it starts with my willingness to dream big."
9. "I often forget how powerful I really am. The more I use my talents and abilities, the clearer it becomes that they are limitless."
10. "I am capable of achieving my goals and dreams."
11. "I am capable of achieving everything I've ever wanted."
12. "I need to keep moving forward, no matter what."
13. "People are attracted to me because they see the potential in my character and personality, and they love being a part of that."
14. "My life is filled with beauty, love, hope and joy."
15. "Today is the first day of the rest of my life...the best is yet to come!" (Tweet This!) 16. "I always have the power to change my life for the better." 17 . "I am responsible for my own happiness, and I will always be happy as long as I'm doing what I believe is best." 18. "I seek out the greatest good in all situations and people, and every time I discover this greatness, I am amazed." 19 . "My energy keeps me focused on the positive things around me." 20. "I never let my emotions get in the way of creating my greatest life." 21 . "I accept every challenge as an opportunity to be greater than ever before, and when I overcome these challenges, it gives me all the motivation I need to keep moving forward towards my goals." 22 . "I am loving and compassionate, and when I become my best self, everything I experience will be meaningful and valuable." 23 . "Every thought that enters my mind is already there. When I focus on the same positive thoughts over and over again, they become more powerful." 24 . "I am positive about the future, because it's already here!" (Tweet This!) 25. "I always attract the good, so I should expect only good things in my life." 26 . "Each day that passes, is another day closer to my goals coming true." 27. "Every challenge or obstacle becomes an opportunity to learn something new and discover even greater talent in myself." 28. "I am grateful for all of the good things in my life." 29 . "When I take action, I feel good about myself, and that is all I need to continue being motivated." 30. "My health is the most important thing to me, because it's what keeps me alive and able to achieve anything I desire." 31. "All that is required of me is a strong desire and some commitment. If I have these two things, then there's no limit to what I can do in life." 32. "I am ready to discover my inner greatness right here and now, because it will define my future in the most positive way possible." 33.


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