Law Of Attraction: The Power Of Love


 Law Of Attraction: The Power Of Love

Love can be a valuable tool to draw happiness and success into your life. It's the one thing that you cannot create, but that you can attract in abundance. The law of attraction is based on the principle that positive emotions, thoughts and behaviors will create more positive experiences while negative feelings, thoughts and behaviors will create more negative experiences.

This creates an energy field around you which is then projected outwards into the universe. So if you want to experience more love in your life, begin attracting it by thinking about people (not just yourself) who are important to you. Use this as a "love road map" to guide you toward the direction of more love in your life.

What About Money?

I have found that I attract money and prosperity very easily! I have had many different people tell me that I should open my own line of business, but this takes plenty of time (which I don't have). However, from the moment that I start thinking about what would happen if I did have my own business, the universe sends me an unmistakable message that I should do it! One day at a time, every day. My first step is to start thinking about my manifesting process and how it's been working for me. It doesn't take long to take the first step. My daily affirmations are helping me build my confidence and that's what I need to get started.

I have also had people tell me that I don't attract enough money and prosperity, but I believe that this is a matter of mood. If I feel bad, no amount of positive thinking is going to help me "get it." You can learn more about this topic here.

However, if you want to attract more money and prosperity in your life, begin by learning about the law of attraction in detail. As you do this, the universe will begin sending you subtle hints about what you need to be doing on a daily basis to manifest more wealth and prosperity for yourself.

What About Everything Else?

There are times in life when you will experience challenges which are designed to test your faith in the universal laws. These events may be blessings in disguise, and they should not be viewed as something negative. When challenges happen, I tend to look for a way to use them as a learning experience. In this way, challenges can help you to grow and evolve spiritually. You can read more about how I use negative challenges as positive forces for growth here.

Realize that everything that happens is a part of your life path and that it is meant to be enjoyed. If you base your life's purpose on experiences, then they will be abundant. The law of attraction is based on the belief that "like attracts like." If you make yourself unhappy with what you have in your life, then what do you think would happen if others start to attract more unpleasant events into their lives?

As I've said before, always look for a reason to smile instead of a reason to frown. We all have bad days or even weeks from time to time, but it's important to stay positive and make the best use of every situation that we encounter. You can learn more about this topic here.

For More Information About Manifesting In Your Life:

Love Is The Law by Dr. Wayne Dyer

The Power Of Love by Dr. Wayne Dyer

The Power Of Intention by Dr. Wayne Dyer

Love Without Conditions by Dr. Wayne Dyer

Believe It Or Not!: Miracles Can Happen by Dr. Wayne Dyer

There's A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem by Louise L. Hay and Cheryl Richardson (Forward By: Dr. Wayne W. Dyer)

We All Have An Angel: Inspirational Quotes From On Angels One Question Answered At A Time by Chérie Carter-Scott and Sharon Klingler (Foreword By: Dr. Wayne W. Dyer)

I've noticed that sometimes I feel like nothing is happening. The only thing that I can do at this point is to remind myself to be patient…the universe doesn't have a "stop" or "pause" button. If you are patient, the answers will come eventually, without fail.

The law of vibration states that we attract everything that happens in our lives (both good and bad). What we think about most decides what we will experience in life. Learn more about the law of attraction here, here and here.

The law of attraction is a powerful spiritual idea that is based on the principle that "like attracts like." For example: If you are in love with a certain person, then you will experience more of the same kind of love around you.

One key belief about the law of attraction is that it doesn't take much effort to attract positive results for yourself. Once you learn about this principle, it becomes easier for you to start attracting positive experiences in your life - even if it's just one small act at first. You can read more about this topic here.

Practice these ideas and suggestions every day until they become part of your subconscious mind. Then begin to use these ideas in conjunction with your daily affirmations and they will take you closer to the reality of your desire every day. As more time passes, you will find that more positive things start to happen in your life.

I once heard a story about a man who was able to work with two different orchestras at the same time. The first orchestra consisted only of young musicians, and the other orchestra consisted only of seasoned musicians. After rehearsing together for four months, both orchestras were able to perform together flawlessly on stage, despite their different strengths.

If you give it time and effort, your affirmations will begin to work for you. In the beginning, you might only see small results, but don't get discouraged. As time passes and you continue having faith in yourself and what you want to manifest, your positive affirmations will begin to work miracles.

Why? Because the universe is like a big reflection of who we are and what we believe about everything around us. You can learn more about how this works here.

The beautiful thing about this law is that it can work for you both ways: positive or negative. It only depends on what kind of mental attitude you bring with it into play. You can read more about this topic here.

Once you learn to focus on and believe with all your heart that you are attracting only positive things into your life, then your vibration will begin to change and you will begin to attract a positive environment for yourself. As time progresses, the laws of the universe will begin to work for you approvingly. You will see miracles everywhere in your life as a result.

The law of attraction is one of the most powerful tools that exist in the universe today, and it works every time. All you have to do is take very small steps toward becoming more prosperous in your life and step by step things will begin to improve for you.


It doesn't matter what type of person you are or what you have done in the past. What matters is where your mind is right now and how you think about your life in this very moment. If you focus on things that are "bad" (such as being stuck in a dead-end job, being sick, having problems with your family members etc.), then those things will intensify and eventually bring even more bad experiences into your life.

This is where I believe that many people go wrong with the law of attraction.

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