Law Of Attraction: What's In Your Wallet?


 Law Of Attraction: What's In Your Wallet?

Have you ever wondered what your wallet says about your life? More specifically, have you ever wondered what is in your wallet and how it reflects a particular goal? The wallets below represent different types of people who either had or are currently having certain goals. They include an entrepreneur, a student, an athlete, a business owner and more. As you can see some of the most prevalent symbols in the wallets are money signs so those may be indicative of someone with ambitions to make money or get rich quick. If you're not going to take inspiration from these wallets I don't know who will!

Important: The below images should not be copied without permission from the owner as they do not pertain to me personally. The intention of this article is simply to have you think about your wallet and what's in it so that you can find ways to improve your life.

Here is a brief breakdown for each category:

1. Student Wallets may be indicative of a student who wants to graduate early or who is highly motivated to get good grades. They also reflect people who save their money on the side so they can save up for a device they want like an iPhone or an iPad. A student may also pay their bills with a credit card but then put it back in their wallet because they know they will eventually pay it off.

2. Athletes would have a wallet with a lot of dollar signs as they are often on mission to get enough money to buy their next pair of running shoes or to purchase the latest sports equipment. They usually also have a lot of coins in their wallet, especially if they are on the road constantly.

3. Business owners may have plenty of business cards in their wallet and for good reason! They may also have extra receipts and invoices that need to be managed or filed away. Many people, who own businesses, will often keep spare change in case they need it while traveling.

4. Entrepreneurs or people who are trying to get rich may have a single dollar bill in their wallet because they are trying to make big money. Some will have multiple dollar bills because they need to save every cent they can get.

5. People running a business on the side or who are trying to launch their own company, may have extra business cards and cash in case they meet with someone who has an idea that is worth pursuing (someone looking for investment). These people also often keep coins in their wallet so that if someone offers them a future job that requires part of their pay up front, then the person won't feel so bad about not having cash on hand.

6. People who want to make big money, often have a lot of coins in their wallet to give them the extra cash they need when they run out of dollars. They also may keep old receipts that go back years as they often save these as mementos. They may also have a memo pad and lots of paper in their wallet so they can write down ideas or plans that they want to pursue down the road.

7. People who want to be rich are usually very productive, especially if they are working on multiple projects at once, but sometimes that doesn't pay off with extra cash and these people will put extra money in their wallet so they never have to worry about having enough money while on vacation or during the holiday season.

8. Business owners who are constantly busy with work and running a business often keep receipts and business cards so they can keep track of their expenses. They may also want to keep spare change in order to be ready for emergencies and should they need business cards or invitations delivered, they will also put them in their wallet.

9. Entrepreneurs or people who want to be rich might have a very small or blank wallet because the person normally doesn't carry much around with them and does not have many needs or wants. They may also have a lot of coins in their wallet because they are trying to stock up on cash that is necessary for day-to-day living.

10. Some people might have just a few business cards in their wallet (or none at all) because they don't want others to know what they do for a living or because they simply don't like networking. This is usually because the person trying to get rich does not feel comfortable sharing their personal information with strangers.

11. Business owners who are constantly busy with work may carry some cash and business cards in case of an emergency, but for the most part, these wallets will deviate from those described above in that they will not carry around extra products or extra things that are not necessary. Their wallets may also look very basic if the person chooses not to carry a lot of cash with them on a regular basis (the simple life!).

12. As for those who do not have ambitions of wealth, the wallets will usually feature a lot of business cards or personal cards from friends and family. They may also carry spare change in case they need it or if they are on vacation overseas are to purchase something with their credit card.

13. These people usually carry a lot of coins because they enjoy saving money and don't feel comfortable keeping cash in their wallet. They may also want to write down ideas that pop up into their head for the future; having lots of paper will definitely help!

14. Entrepreneurs or people who want to be rich will likely keep receipts in order to keep track of spending and edit them later if necessary. They might also have more paper in their wallet, so they can write down ideas that pop up into their head for the future; having lots of paper will definitely help!

15. People who want to be rich may carry receipts and business cards in their wallet as a way of keeping track of their expenses or keeping a record of what they bought or did. They also may keep coins with them, so that if someone offers them a future job then the person won't feel so bad about not having cash on hand. Many entrepreneurs keep extra cash in case they need it while traveling.

16. Entrepreneurs or people who want to be rich may also have a memo pad and lots of paper in their wallet. They may also write down ideas that pop up into their head for the future; having lots of paper will definitely help!

17. Business owners who are constantly busy with work and running a business may carry some cash and business cards in case of an emergency, but for the most part, these wallets will deviate from those described above as they will not carry around extra products or extra things that are not necessary. Their wallets may also look very basic if the person chooses not to carry a lot of cash with them on a regular basis (the simple life!).

18. As for those who do not have ambitions of wealth, the wallets will usually feature a lot of business cards or personal cards from friends and family. They may also carry spare change in case they need it or if they are on vacation overseas are to purchase something with their credit card.

19. These people also like saving money and so don't feel comfortable keeping cash in their wallet. They may also want to write down ideas that pop up into their head for the future; having lots of paper will definitely help!

20. Entrepreneurs or people who want to be rich will likely keep receipts in order to keep track of spending and edit them later if necessary.


Some people carry around a purse or handbag, but most men carry their wallets in their pants pockets. Whether they have ambitions of wealth or not, the wallet they carry is a reflection of them and what they choose to invest in. Are YOU investing in your wallet? If not, perhaps it's time to do so!

Return from The Wallet says I'm Rich! to Personal Development for Men.

"We could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world." ~Helen Keller~ "The most effective way to do it is to do it.

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