Law of Attraction – When it Does Not Work


 Law of Attraction – When it Does Not Work

Law of attraction is a major component of personal development and self-help culture. It works in the sense that "like attracts like" and if you think about something, it can make it happen - that's why it's popular.

It also has some negative effects in the sense that those things we think about, tend to be very trivial or selfish things. If you're just thinking about your diet or how to get the guy you like into bed, then this Law of Attraction might not be doing a lot for you.

Moreover, it's also very limiting in that whatever you think is going to happen, is what you are going to get.

This article will focus on one particular aspect of the Law of Attraction - that the universe always gives us back exactly what we put out.

This is not true and there are many counter-examples. Perhaps the most obvious one lies with negative thinking and bad luck. A negative person can have no positive thoughts and all the bad things in life happen - this is especially true for negative people who complain about their lives or how others treat them badly. People who are extremely optimistic or using the Law of Attraction to attract positive situations will see the opposite - they will have good luck and great success.

The point being that this law does not necessarily hold true and something new has to be said. But, before that we can look at two other laws of attraction, which do work - and positively.

The first one is if you want it bad enough, then it will happen. The universe gives you what you want because you have come to believe in it - it's the same as believing in yourself. It's a matter of belief - if you think about anything enough and feel a strong desire for it, then the universe will give that to you. It's not a bad law to use, but it must be used wisely.

The second law is that you attract what you are. What this means is that whatever you think about, attracts - and if you have strong feelings towards something, then the universe will give it to you. This law can be dangerous when used as a force in your life, because a person with many desires might attract all of them in one swoop. If they do so, they can end up being very unhappy or filled with regret from not working on their desires and problems. The desire might also become unhealthy or worse - and this is why it should be used wisely.

These laws are not bad to use, they're just not the only ones. There are also other Laws of Attraction or universal laws to be considered. It's almost like there's a universal law that everything that happens has a reason, or karma of some sort. If someone else is doing something wrong then they will have to pay the price for it - even if it's not in the form of bad luck or negative consequences.

This is often referred to as "karma" and basically means what you put out comes back. This is a law similar to the first two mentioned above, but it also includes self-responsibility - there's no law that says you're going to be wrong or punished if you want something badly enough. But, the universe will hold back the events and things that are not in your best interests.

The most famous example of karma or karma in action is what happened to the people who worked on and researched nuclear triggers in Hiroshima. They wanted to build a nuclear bomb and didn't care about anything else - they had no empathy, they wanted power and they wanted war. The events of this war killed millions of people and made millions more poor - all because these men wanted what they could get out of it.

Sometimes, you have to be a little bit selfish to get what you want out of life. But, the unfortunate thing is that sometimes these men did not have this sense of selflessness and instead secretly desired money or power.

The point is that bad things will happen whether it's karma or bad luck - but they're going to happen anyway and they don't need a reason. All it takes is one person with bad intentions who wants what they can get and the consequences will come. It's not even necessary for them to work on their intentions as hard as the people who wanted peace, harmony or world-peace did for this same reason.

What can be concluded from all of this is that karma or universal law exists and it is not as simple as what the Law of Attraction would lead us to believe. It's not that there's a set rule where the universe will always give you back what you put out - it's more like this Law of Attraction has been misunderstood and has now become a "reward" for good behavior and positive thinking. This could never be true because the universe doesn't have judgement over your intentions.

All in all, when using the Law of Attraction or any other universal law, you should look at how people use it, rather than just reading about how to use it. If a man or woman is using the Law of Attraction to get up in the morning and think about their goals, then it's a good decision. If they are using it to jump through hoops to get what they want, then you should know better than that.

There is no true Law of Attraction out there - at least not one that guides us all the way. Life may seem unfair and full of difficult situations but that's because we don't understand how things work, nor do we wish to learn. It's better to learn from our mistakes and from our successes rather than being naive about life.

When using the Law of Attraction, you should be looking for a tangible result. But, the universe might be giving you something else instead - that doesn't mean it's not worth trying for or it will come back to bite you later. It just means that the universe has a plan for how everything works and no one can predict it - not even one of your favorite authors.

The best thing to do is give yourself a chance to see what happens. Most of the time, things will turn out well and more often than not the outcome is positive. This can also be called "karma" and maybe it even highlights an example of karma in action.


The Law of Attraction has been misunderstood and has now become a "reward" for good behavior and positive thinking. This could never be true because the universe doesn't have judgement over your intentions.

All in all, when using the Law of Attraction or any other universal law, you should look at how people use it, rather than just reading about how to use it. If a man or woman is using the Law of Attraction to get up in the morning and think about their goals, then it's a good decision. If they are using it to jump through hoops to get what they want, then you should know better than that.

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