Law Of Attraction


 Law Of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is a universal principle that states like things attract like things.
The Law Of Attraction is based on the idea that your thoughts, beliefs and emotions have an effect not just on you but also on those around you. Every person has their own wavelength or frequency, and this has been scientifically proven by Kirlian Photography.

This post will cover what The Law of Attraction is and how it works, as well as provide some tips for using the law to manifest your desires more quickly.
The Law Of Attraction is a theory first proposed in the early 19th century by a German, New York-based American journalist and editor named William Walker Atkinson. Atkinson had a background in Theosophy and Occultist teachings, but he didn't have any scientific evidence to support his theory. In 1905, The New Thought movement was born when Atkinson's colleague, Thomas Troward (a Scottish scientist) published his book, "The Art of Divine Co-Operation." This publication revealed the teachings of the Spiritualist Movement as well as some early thoughts on what would become the Law of Attraction.

In his book Troward also introduces The Law of Attraction as a unified set of laws that acts upon the human mind to either attract into our lives or push out of our lives various amounts of negative energy, depending on one's vibrational state. This concept was further expanded upon by later authors such as Ernest Holmes and W. Clement Stone.

In Troward's theory, since we have three bodies in the Universe (Physical, Emotional and Mental), each one has a unique set of frequencies that can be used to attract or repel certain things into our lives. For example, if you are at a low vibration level, you are more prone to attract negative people, experiences and events into your life. The result of this is called "Sickness" and "Diseases" as these are the main things that lower one's vibration.

On the other hand, if you are at a high vibration level via your thoughts, beliefs, emotions and actions then you will attract positive things into your life. These things include wealth or even just plain blessings such as a smooth commute to work or the inability to get sick.

The Metaphysical World

1. The Metaphysical World operates according to the Law of Attraction, which is a force-field that exists in the unseen metaphysical (spiritual) dimension.
2. According to this force field, all like things and thoughts are attracted to each other, whereas opposites are repelled
3. The Law Of Attraction is a Universal Law that applies everywhere and to every being in the universe – from the smallest microbe to the largest body in the cosmos
4. Our thoughts, feelings and actions create energy patterns that attract or repel positive or negative experiences into our lives thus creating a unique destiny for each individual; we all receive what we are attracted to
5. The Law Of Attraction is not a religion or a cult although some may attempt to portray it as such
6. The Law of Attraction is based on three universal laws: Attraction, Causality and Vibration. These three laws are the basis for all of life, the universe, our physical bodies and everything in existence including thoughts, feelings and experiences
7. You create your own destiny by using these universal laws to attract into your life only those things you want
8. If you want good health, wealth, love and abundance then focus on what you want in your life – if it is positive then it will come to you automatically according to Universal Law 9.
The Law of Attraction is a universal principle that applies to both the natural sciences and the metaphysical sciences.
The Law of Attraction (LOA) states that like energy attracts like energy. This means that whatever you put out into the Universe comes back to you, threefold. If you put out negative, unloving or unkind thoughts or feelings then what you get back is negative, unloving or unkind thoughts or feelings.
The Law Of Attraction And Money:
You can use money as a way to attract more money – but it also works in reverse which is why some people may find more than enough money in their lives through this practice yet still be unhappy with what they have.
If you do not believe in the Law of Attraction, then why are there so many financial and other kind of problems in your life?
Money is a way to exchange energy. Here is my perspective on how this works:
1. If you put out love, happiness, joy and appreciation for others then you will also receive love, happiness, joy and appreciation from them.
2. If you put out negative emotions of anger, hatred and anger against others then what you get back is whatever it was that caused this negative emotion – positive or negative.
3. If your thoughts are focused on things that you want that cause unhappiness then eventually those thoughts will come true as they all have energetic effects upon the Universe.
4. Your thoughts and feelings affect your energy field which then attracts people and experiences into your life that are compatible with this field (Law Of Attraction)
5. Whatever is going on in your life, whatever you are feeling and thinking about will attract more of the same into your life. If you have enough money or even just a little then you know that if you focus hard enough on having lots of money, then you will eventually achieve this aim.
It happens to everyone, rich or poor – they may not know how it works but they certainly know that what they focus their attention upon is what they get.
When you focus on acquiring money, if you think about how much money you want then you will attract it. It is like what the author of The Secret says: "You are a manifestation of your thoughts."
If you want to use something that is called "The Law Of Attraction" to bring more money into your life then follow these steps:
1. If you get good at manifesting material wealth, then start doing this when it comes time to pay bills or do other financial matters. This will help create more of a flow of money (money becomes easy) into your life. You can also use this technique for gaining clients for your business or selling your services or products.
2. Manifest money in your life through giving. In this case, you can make money from something that you do only once and you do it for free. This is especially needed if you want to manifest money in the short term to pay bills or other short-term financial matters.
3. If you are into "The Secret" or Law of Attraction then you know that if you start thinking about how much money it will cost to pay bills or to pay for an expensive product or service, then this will attract more of a struggle financially into your life – even if it is just for buying a few groceries at the local market in your neighborhood.

This article was about how the Law of Attraction is the main universal law that governs life, health and every aspect of being.
When you have a positive attitude, your mind and body are more likely to get what you want rather than what you don't want.
The Law Of Attraction And Money:
You can use money as a way to attract more money – but it also works in reverse which is why some people may find more than enough money in their lives through this practice yet still be unhappy with what they have.
If you do not believe in the Law of Attraction, then why are there so many financial and other kind of problems in your life? Money is a way to exchange energy.

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