Learn To Cure Excessive Sweating And Skyrocket Your Confidence Once Again!


 Learn To Cure Excessive Sweating And Skyrocket Your Confidence Once Again!

If you're struggling with some personal problems, like chronic sweating or a lack of confidence, there is hope. There are methods that can help you to cure these conditions and rebuild your confidence at the same time! If you want to know more about how this process works or if it's something that might work for you, then go ahead and start reading this article now.

In order to cure any medical condition,  one must first discover what the underlying cause is. Causes can be anything from stress levels to an overactive thyroid gland which both contribute to excessive sweating in different ways; therefore it's helpful for sufferers (you) to identify when their symptoms first began so they can put together a plan of attack. Once the underlying cause is discovered, it's on to treating that cause!

If you have tried antiperspirants and other medications or if over-the-counter remedies aren't working for you, don't become discouraged. It is not uncommon for people to try several different types of products before finding one that helps them sufficiently. There are a lot of different options out there that treat this problem; therefore you may need to try a few different ones before finding the right one for you.

It's important to keep in mind that this isn't a medical issue per se; therefore medical professionals can only prescribe medications to manage your symptoms but cannot necessarily cure your condition. You can take a medication that will reduce the amount of sweat you produce temporarily, but if you don't also learn how to cure your condition and treat the underlying cause, then your symptoms will often return when you stop using the medication. This is why it's important to first discover what the underlying cause is so you can treat it completely and permanently.

Persons who suffer from hyperhidrosis of the hands, feet or face can find help by using antiperspirants. Antiperspirants work by plugging up sweat glands and reducing their output; thereby causing less sweat to flow from them. This can be accomplished by using a deodorant or an antiperspirant that has been applied to the affected area.

Antiperspirants work great for many people; however, they do not work well for everyone. Persons who suffer from hyperhidrosis may want to use an antiperspirant along with a medication that will block the receptors that control sweating. Receptor blockers are often used by people who suffer from excessive facial sweating and this type of medication has been known to work well for those persons as well.

Excessive sweating of the palms and soles of the feet can also be treated with products that are available over-the-counter. These products are known as Drysol, Odaban and Xerac. These products work by killing the bacteria that is responsible for creating the odor caused by hyperhidrosis.

Although these products are effective for some persons, they do not work well for everyone and can cause dryness of the skin, mild irritation and infection at times. These side effects usually subside after a few days or weeks; but, it's important to be aware that serious side effects may occur.

Persons who suffer from this condition may also find relief by mixing coconut oil with one of the following essential oils: lavender, tea tree or peppermint oil. These oils are known as antiseptics and work to kill the bacteria responsible for causing the odor associated with sweating.

These oils are not to be used directly on the skin but rather mixed with an unscented lotion or coconut oil which is then applied to the affected area. This product can be easily made at home and will not cause you any harm; but, it is important that persons who suffer from hyperhidrosis of the palms and soles of the feet be aware that applying this mixture to these areas can result in dryness, mild irritation and infection.

Here are some guidelines for using these products:

1. Mix equal parts of the essential oils and coconut oil together. Make sure that you use the absolute purest form of these oils, i.e., they should not contain any chemicals or additives. Using the coconut oil will help to seal in the essential oils which will make them last longer than if you put them on directly.

2. Apply this mixture to the affected area several times each day and cover it with a bandage or cloth when you remove it as instructed by your doctor/physician. For best results, do not apply this mixture until 48 hours after trying different methods of controlling your excessive sweating, i.e. use a deodorant or antiperspirant for a few days and then see what the results are.

3. When you've tried everything that's available over-the-counter to help you stop sweating, make sure to update your doctor/physician as to your condition. Tell him/her all of the methods that you've used and ask them if they would at least consider prescribing some medication for you as part of your treatment plan. Your physician may also want to try different preventative treatments, i.e., anti-microbial creams or lotions, which can also help in controlling your excessive sweating so long as they don't contain any known side effects (i.e., zinc oxide).

4. Once you've been properly diagnosed and treated by your doctor, you can make the call on which product works best for you. If antiperspirants work but only temporarily, then you may want to continue using them. But it's important for your doctor to know this so that he/she can prescribe medications that will work well for you and not just stop the sweating altogether like other products do. Hopefully, this will help make life a little easier for you!

The information provided in this article is not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice and is not intended as an alternative treatment or diagnostic method. Consult your personal physician if you have any questions related to obtaining proper care or diagnosing any medical condition.

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Click here for the original article on hyperhidrosis of the palms and soles of the feet. Read it... because it will help you understand what is going on with your sweat glands and how to treat your condition naturally. Updated 12/08/2008. Available in .pdf format from our World Wide Web site at http://www.hyperhidrosis-help.com/hyper_palms_feet___default__918__1_.htm

The information provided in this article is not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice and is not intended as an alternative treatment or diagnostic method. Consult your personal physician if you have any questions related to obtaining proper care or diagnosing any medical condition.


Article #3: How to Make Hyperhidrosis Treatment Regimen at Home (Palms/Feet) Previous Article #2: What Causes Hyperhidrosis? Next Article #4: How to Treat Hyperhidrosis Through Medical Treatment Back to Homepage-Hyperhidrosis.


Hyperhidrosis of the palms and soles of the feet is a condition that should not be ignored. It can cause great embarrassment and it's important that people learn as much as they can about hyperhidrosis so that they can seek help from their doctor if necessary. Hyperhidrosis is a condition that affects many people, some more than others and there are many causes of this disorder. Some persons are born with this disease while others discover they have it later in life due to underlying causes such as: genetics, hormonal imbalances, stress, anxiety or medication side effects.

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